
Lastest newscan be monitored here: https://www.dx-world.net/3y0j-bouvet-island/

Info fraom 7 feb.

We all know that lasetest ant to go up will be for 160m ant the first to taken down !

73 Boye OZ7C

On 08-02-2023 01:46, Jim Brown wrote:
On 2/7/2023 4:12 PM, Henry Pfizenmayer via Topband wrote:
You know  -- In these days with the technology available -I see no real reason why ARRL DXCC should not allow valid DXCC contacts from a boat or whatever that is absolutely located within XX feet of an entity  - hell you can know where  something is within a foot or less anymore . Its not like someone claiming to be somewhere they really are not as in the past.

I hope  nobody is lost in this mess.

(Last night I listened to 30M for hours and at 0751 they were really strong but guess what "3Y0J JA up " three times and they never worked a JA and quit -I was thinking they would say 3Y0J up and take off the JA like most but they apparently quit.  Oh well.(Of course it could have been a pirate - the ND7K RBN out in Wickenburg had them same time . )

Bouvet would be a great candidate for AA7JV's Radio In A Box. And as remote as they are, and as lightweight as they are (100W, very limited antenna), they ought to be doing only CW and FT8. Thiery did a great job lighting up Crozet with similar limitations with FT8 -- in addition to its signal-to-noise advantages, there were no cops!

73, Jim K9YC
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