
I live about 3/4 mile from the multiplexed stations KKMS/WWTC (980 & 1280) here 
in MN and they are all over the ham bands in my receivers.

Luckily it isn't such a problem on 160m, just the 2nd harmonic of 980 at 1960 
is the only real issue and I seldom operate high in the band. I do have a 
Morgan systems AM bcb filter in place.

The real issue I have is at 3540 where the 2nd harmonic of 1280 mixed with 980 
to give me a healthy S9+20 signal with intelligible modulation. Pity this is in 
the heart of 80m allocation.

I have had contact with Mark Persons and the station engineer. They even 
measured interference levels in my driveway and alas they are within specs. 
Shame that I am just too close. I feel bad for one other ham that is about 150 
feet from the ends of that stations radial field!!

Kind of hoping for the demise of AM broadcasting...


Phil, KB0NES

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 10:03:26 PM CDT, Eric Scace K3NA 
<> wrote: 

I found the 4-station site: Tri-County in Sauk Rapids MN: 7 towers, 4 stations, 
all with different day/night patterns. A report is here 
with photos.
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