On 4/26/2023 2:17 PM, Richard Karlquist wrote:
> Does anyone know how the NCDXF beacons on 20 thru 10 meters in a dozen
> plus countries are legal?

FCC rules do no apply outside the US (including 4U1UN).  I believe the
one or two NCDXF beacons in the US operate under a Special Temporary


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 4/26/2023 2:17 PM, Richard Karlquist wrote:
Does anyone know how the NCDXF beacons on 20 thru 10 meters in a dozen
plus countries are legal?

Also, how did you arrive at 1836.6 kHz?  Why not say 1.990 MHz to avoid

Rick Karlquist

On 2023-04-26 09:22, TreeN6TR wrote:

So - it has been brought to my attention that unattended beacons below 10
meter are not allowed (although I guess that would not apply to VLF?).

More specifically:

A beacon
be automatically controlled while it is transmitting on the 28.20-28.30
MHz, 50.06-50.08 MHz, 144.275-144.300 MHz, 222.05-222.06 MHz or
432.300-432.400 MHz segments, or on the 33 cm and shorter wavelength bands.

Therefore - this beacon will only be operated when it is "attended".

Perhaps someone can define exactly what that means in the case of a WSPR
signal (or even FT8).


On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 8:30 AM TreeN6TR <treen...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All -

I have recently purchased a WSPR transmitter that I will be putting on 160
meters soon.  It will be running 200 mw (at least for now) and be connected
to my TX antenna most of the time.

I know many of you are more experienced at using this "mode" than I am -
but wanted to help raise awareness of the benefits of having WSPR beacons
out there (hope that isn't a non-PC word to associate with them).

There is a database of reception reports that can be accessed to see what
openings are created.

I know a lot of people rely on FT8 for this purpose, but this unattended
method of monitoring conditions has value as well.

Look for K7RAT coming soon to 1836.6 kHz on the even minutes.

73 Tree N6TR

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