VP6A will be on TB for the for some of the time of the SP contest. Local SS is around 0230 Z and SR is around 1500 Z. Common darkness with EU will be very short, just after my SS. I will be listening for EU callers from . There will be plenty of common darkness with EU and JA.
CU in the contest,


On Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:09:30 -0400 Charles Morrison  wrote:
CU tonight Roger
The map shows Lightning in N.J.
-Charlie N1RR

On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 8:53 AM Roger Kennedy <ro...@wessexproductions.co.uk>

I shall be on for the Contest . . .
But how are conditions in North America at the moment . . . are you gettinga 
lot of QRN?  (we have hardly any over here)
Roger G3YRO
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-Charlie N1RR

401-742-7240 <(401)%20742-7240>  8AM - 9PM

*E-mail*: n...@n1rr.com

*Website*: www.n1rr.com <http://www.n1rr.com>
*Youtube channel*: NovemberOne RomeoRomeo

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband
- Topband Reflector

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