I missed you guys on KH8/S (multiple tries 😊). Would love to take a crack at 
KH8 at sunrise here (1100Z - 1200Z). 

Safe travels and 73,
Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:53:27 -0400
> From: "GEORGE WALLNER" <aa...@atlanticbb.net>
> To: "Topband Reflector" <topband@contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: Topband: KH8 Demand on TB
> Message-ID: <ximss-31463...@be7.cluster1.echolabs.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="flowed"
> Hello TobBanders,
> I am in American Samoa (KH8) and will be in the Manua Islands, AH54 (OC-77),
> later this week. I may have a chance to set up a 160 m station and operate
> for a few days. How much wanted is KH8 on TB? ClubLog indicates that it is
> quite rare at #30 on 160 m, but I find that hard to believe for a place
> recently activated by a number of groups.
> TKS,
> George,

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