On 11/22/2023 1:43 PM, Dietmar Kasper wrote:
As soon as I was away the station was hijacked by the FT-lovers to play their 
computer games.

It is long past time for us to grow past prejudices and learn to use new techniques. This all reminds me of the fighting against the adoption of that crazy new mode called SSB! I have been primarily a CW op all of my life, 67 years so far in ham radio.

FT-modes are weak signal modes -- the digital encoding provides about 10 dB advantage over CW with great operators on both ends. They fight against the major enemy of our QSOs, noise of all sorts. Just as CW offers an advantage of about 10 dB over SSB. This is a VERY big deal, because man-made electrical noise has increased by 20 dB in the last two decades.

All of these modes use radios, antennas, and propagation through the ionosphere. The operators still most build all of that stuff, do it well, understand all of it, and study propagation so that they know when to operate. George Wallner, AA7JV, one of the smartest guys doing DXpeditions in the last 20 years, studied the logs from many of his activations, and found that nearly all of the most difficult QSOs occurred during one or two nights of a 2-3 week expedition. George realized the advantage of FT8, and developed a system to diplex both CW and FT8 transmitters into the same TX antenna, and narrow bandpass filters for RX antennas.

73, Jim K9YC

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