Lots of good info on some of these posts already.

Although I like a pair of inline flag antennas terminated with VACTROLs separated by 100 feet inline better than the center feed/terminated design I saw earlier. Great F/B and tweakable remotely to make sure that F.B is maxedd at the frequency of interest or what is best across a band for unattended use. There are other variations like the KAZ or the DKAZ or the Superloop. But whatever works is the right antenna for the job.

Will you be needing at the loop preamplification?

Were you wanting this receive antenna for 160-meters or a higher band?

And will you be receiving live or will you be recording either audio or more likely I/Q unattended?

Rick Kunath, K9AO

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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