Since mid September I have been dealing with a powerline noise issue here at 
The good news is that together with the power company we have identified the 
problem pole, and they even made a video of visible arcing.
The bad news is that it has still not been repaired even though there is a work 
order for the job.

The noise source is about 2 km south of me, and makes South, SW and SE rx very 
Therefore, I decided not to participate in the SP contest since I would have 
been an alligator to most of USA.

However, last night before starting a movie with the xyl, I scanned the band 
and decided to give out a few QSOs using low power.
Ron N4XD had no trouble hearing my 60w check-in.

I was just going to QSY to the TV but decided to check my RBN skimmer.  I was 
surprised to see I was decoding YL3FT.
I was sure it was a false spot, but sure enough Yuris was CQ test with a solid 
signal.  I turned on the Acom and waited (what seemed like forever) for the amp 
to warm up, and YL3FT was in the log with just one call.
Then I noticed Andy DL8LAS at DR5X was hitting my skimmer, so I QSY'd and he 
came back after 2 calls.  We exchanged reports, and personal HNY greetings.

I heard no other EU with a quick band scan, so I left the radio to watch a 
I checked the radio before bed around 500z but heard no other EU.  I do wonder 
how many EU I might have been able to work if I was CQ for a while?

This morning I got to the radio about 40min before 1500z and logged JA3YBK and 
JA5DQH.  No VK or ZL heard for the short time I was QRV.

In total only 7 QSOs during my short 1 hour or so of search and ponce while 
checking condx.

73, de steve ve6wz

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