Well I've said it before . . . and no doubt I will say it again . . .

But it's a real shame that there is so little CW activity on Top Band at the

Sure, conditions aren't always that good at the moment on 160m . . . but
often the band IS open (as shown by RBN reports) . . . but there is nobody
on the band to work !

I know some of you only come on Top Band when there is a Contest, or when
there is some DX-pedition to work . . . but given the resources many have
put into a decent 160m Antenna System, it amazes me that's the only time
many people come on the band.

Some of us complain about FT8 reducing the amount of CW activity these days
. . . but if you don't make the effort to come on the band, then all CW
activity will completely disappear . . .
Inactivity breeds Inactivity !

There are several of us Europeans on Top Band most nights, calling CQ DX and
getting no replies. . . I really hope more people will make the effort to
come on Top Band, or else this side of the hobby (that I remain passionate
about) will gradually die.

73 Roger G3YRO

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