Hans (PA5MW) … you nailed it with your comment:

“No We all have to do it our own way and let the other do it their way,BUT
dxcc is gone for ever as an important award.”

I don’t even update my DXCC totals anymore as it no longer represents an
accomplishment that I can share and enjoy with fellow operators. I used to
compete on Topband with fellow hams and anxiously await the DXCC annual
listings to see where we stood. No longer.

I can’t control the behaviors of the W1 that remote through a W7 station
for a 9M2 Topband Q.

I can’t control an awards program that gives the FT8 op the same credit for
DX Q where the computer does the heavy lifting, as I get working them on CW
using what little remains between my ears.

I can’t control the ethical practices of a Ukrainian station I heard
working multiple Portland Oregon stations on 6M with a signal 20/S9.

But, as you so correctly point out, we must do it our way ..

I moved from Washington State (where my current DXCC, 9BDXCC and 200 5BWAZ
was achieved) to Las Vegas. I am sharing a private remote station …my
equipment … my antennas, in southern Utah. I could begin adding to my DXCC
Topband totals but would that meet my personal ‘accomplishment’ needs? The
propagation difference between the two QTHs is profound! I elected to not
add anymore to my existing DXCC record. I didn’t need to. Actually, I
decided to drop DXCC altogether because it means nothing without a plethora
of footnotes, and just enjoy those great Topband contacts when they occur.

It’s a pity …I think there could have been leadership by the awards folks
to provide a space for everyone to enjoy their angle of the hobby.
Unfortunately, that leadership was lacking. As someone in an earlier thread
noted, ‘the train has left the station’.

Dennis, K7FL
Currently in Lacoste France listening on his remote in Utah 😎😎😎
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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