First encounter with the K4UEE callsign was in a DX Bulletin in 1990:

3A/K4UEE would be active, CW only, from Monaco.

The first ever '3A' I worked, was a pirate. along came another opportunity
for bagging a new DXCC entity.

Bob handed out my very first confirmed 3A-contacts, quite a thrill.


Second encounter was when my brother in crime Peter ON6TT set sail for
Howland in 1993 - AH1A.

Ah, that K4UEE callsign again. interesting, that was the guy from Monaco,


Third encounter, in 2000, the callsign became a face - we found ourselves
together aboard the Shogun en route for Clipperton Island.

Little did I know, but soon found out.

Around day 4 en route, it was Bob who started organizing things prior to the
beach landing.

Antennae assembly, camp site layout this, camp site layout that.

In hindsight, it was no coincidence FO0AAA was announced 'DXPedition of the

I contribute this to the organizational skills of Bob.

Bob, and smoking a cigar with the team after a successful DXPedition.

Talking about smoke, here's a testimony to Bob's humorous character - also
related to topband - at timestamp 18'36":


It was Bob organizing the raising of the Battle Creek Special, and opening
up the debates on topband from Clipperton.

Never seen anyone that eager to grab the CW key to make the first topband
Q's while enduring the constant static crashes, with total devotion to the
cause. providing a 'new one' on topband.


Two months later, he was doing the same in Bhutan (A52A), getting us all to
erect the humongous Titanex vertical on the very windy hills of Thimpu.

Here's Bob instructing the team at timestamp 43'03": and here at 31'30": (raw video8 footage and
yes, that's James 9V1YC making professional footage for the A52A video)


Many topbanders bagged a 'rare' new one on topband tnx to Bob.

Bob participated in 11 "DXPeditions of the Year".

Those are always a team effort, but I cannot but feel that without Bob, the
outcome of some of those DXpeditions could have been somewhat different.

He really knew how to inspire and organize a group of individuals.


Glad to have known Bob, a great character and friend. 

Fondly remembered by my xyl as well, when Bob tried to put her at ease
during a restaurant get-together in Dayton, when she found herself
surrounded by crazy DXers :-)


RIP, old friend.


Mark - on4ww.

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