The Madison DX Club's March 12th, 2024 program:

"DXpeditions from the Arctic to the Dead Sea"

By Hal Turley - W8HC
Team Member of CB0ZA Robinson Crusoe, E51D N Cook, VP6A Ducie, JW0A
Svalbard, K5P Palmyra, VK9WA Willis, K9W Wake, NH8S Swains and many more

Time: Informal chat starts at 6:00 PM CDT,  Business Meeting at 6:30 PM CDT,
 Program at 7:00 PM CDT.(*UTC Tim**e: Informal chat starts at 2300z Mar 12,
Business Meeting at 2330z Mar 12, Program at 0000z Mar 13.)*Visitors and
guests are always welcome at MDXC meetings!

*Business Meeting Agenda:*

·         Treasurer’s Report

·         Minutes

·         Club's systems

·         How’s DX?

   -  N9LB's DX report including MDXC member results

·         Member Activities

·         Club's YouTube Channel & Web page

·         watch programs you may have missed

·         subscribe

·         *like* (thumbs up) programs

·         check out the updated and up to date info on our page.

·         minutes

·         program info

·         link to YouTube channel

·         how to join

·         *how to renew your membership (mail address for treasurer and

·         New Business

            *Adjournment and Intro for this month's Program*

Hope to see you all on Zoom, Tuesday evening.

*Kevin Shea, N9JKP*

*President, Madison DX Club*

* <>*

Web site: Madison DX Club <>

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