Regardless of my location and presumed super array of which it is not the point I emphasize is that there are stations to be worked from W6 and W7 land during the solar maximum. My comments were directed towards the new members of the top-band community wishing to increase their country totals.

Western US stations have a sweet spot for propagation to the Pacific and beyond that can be taken advantage of during solar maximum and off season. I'll give example, I can work JA and UA with fair reliability all throughout summer months with the exception of a two to three week blackout during summer solstice. We will have to wait another 2 years for European path to improve beyond one or two nights a season.

Normal multi-hop propagation is limited to about 10,000 miles. In the case of Phil's VK6GX super signal there was ducting involved as he was more than 30dBm above average for that path. I have also worked Kev VK6LW with about 5W ERP on 160. JA  and CE1 have been worked with 5W ERP. At one point a few years ago I worked NP2J with about 200mw.

Out west we don't have the instant 100 country advantage. We have to focus on what we can get.

Maybe someday there will be capable stations on from the Maldives or India during the the +-equinox period! The catch 22 as always is activity needs to be for an extended period for the magic to take place. If I live long enough to get my last few Zones on 160CW i will retire to 160 SSB! LOL

Mix it up, operate and have fun


Bob W7RH

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