Rick wrote:
> I'm working though another interesting example from Dean's book. This
> time typing data by usage from rdfs:domain. I just need a little help
> on setting this up in TB. So from page 98, we'd expect that if x has
> property P and P has domain D then x is an instance of D, correct? To
> set this up in TB let's say I create a resource P of type Property.
> Then I create D as an rdfs:SubClass of rdfs:Class and use P's form to
> assert this SubClass as the domain of P. Next I create x as an
> instance of rdfs:Class. My goal is to assert the relation x P y such
> that swiftowlim infers x rdf:type D.  As close as I've come is to add
> the rdf:predicate to x's form, then run the inferencer. But that only
> infers that x rdf:type rdf:Statement. How can I use TB to demonstrate
> the expected inference that x rdf:type D?

You are working too hard.

You don't need to create D as a subclass of rdfs:Class (by so doing, you 
are defining a new kind of class - something you don't need to do, and 
OWL will scold you for doing).

You just need to create D as a subclass of rdfs:Resource (or owl:Thing).

It sounds as if you correctly created a property P and set its domain as D.

Now if you create an instance of D, P should automatically show up on 
its form.  (actually, this will also happen if you created D as a 
subClass of rdfs:Class, but a bunch of other weird things will happen if 
you do that).

In order to invoke the rdfs:domain rule, there has to be a triple with 
the subject x and the predicate P.  You need to specify an object for 
that triple.

So - either
1) Create another instance, say y, and assert x P y .  (by putting y 
into the blank on x's form under property P)
2) Re-use you instance x and assert x P x (in the same way as you would 
for y, but this is more confusing becasue you use x twice)
3) Since your property isn't an owl:ObjectProperty, use data instead, 
and assert a string as the object (in TBC, by selecting "add empty row" 
next to the P widget on the form for x)

Now you have a triple of the form

x P y .
x P x  .
x P "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party" .

The desired inference should happen now.

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