TBC-ME 3.2.2; configured for SPIN Inference; incremental inference: on;
single pass only (no iteration): off; file based OWL models

I need to aggregate area quantity up a part-of hierarchy and I am having
issues getting the 3rd layer of aggregations to work.
I am using SPIN rules to compute the aggregate quantities at
each interior node layer of the hierarchy up to the root of the hierarchy.

My concern is I am trying to chain SPIN rules together in a way that is
inappropriate for SPIN inference or the SPIN inference configuration needs
to be altered.
A follow-up question is would it be better to templatize the spin rules for
computing all of the multitude of aggregate statistics I need to compute?


The hierarchy in English: A Well has Stages; Stages have Perforation
Clusters and Perforation Clusters have Perforations which have area
Well :wellStages Stage :stageClusters PerforationCluster

SPIN Rules

0) SPIN Rule to compute cluster length
1) SPIN rules to compute the number of perforations in a cluster based on
cluster length and perforations/ft parameter - OK
2) SPIN rule to compute aggregate perforated area of a perforation cluster
based on the number of Perforations computed by (1) and the perforation
diameter - OK.
3) SPIN rule to aggregate the PerforationCluster perforatedArea onto the
Stage and it has no effect.
4) SPIN rule to aggregate Stage Perforated Area to Well to be written based
on (3) if I get (3) to work

I assume I can forward chain SPIN rules together like this as long as I
don't introduce cycles and SPIN inference iterates.  The chaining from 0) to
1) to 2) works but not from 2) to 3).

I have a SPARQL query that is identical to a SPIN rule (3) with ?stage
substituted for the ?this and it works but the SPIN rule does not assert the
triples for the aggregates.

//This SPARQL query of SPIN Rule (3) returns the correct aggregated triples
in the SPARQL Tab

    ?stage OR:stagePerforatedArea ?stagePerforatedArea .
        SELECT ?stage (SUM(?area) AS ?stagePerforatedArea)
        WHERE {
            ?stage OR:stageClusters ?cluster .
            ?cluster OR:clusterPerforatedArea ?area .
        }         GROUP BY ?stage
    } .

//This SPIN rule (3) defined on Stage does nothing

    ?this OR:stagePerforatedArea ?stagePerforatedArea .
        SELECT ?this (SUM(?area) AS ?stagePerforatedArea)
        WHERE {
            ?this OR:stageClusters ?cluster .
            ?cluster OR:clusterPerforatedArea ?area .
        }         GROUP BY ?this
    } .

For completeness, here are my other SPIN rules defined on PerforationCluster
for computing Area based on number of holes
0) Compute clusterLength

    ?this OR:clusterLength ?clusterLength .
    ?this OR:clusterDeepPerforation ?clusterToe .
    ?this OR:clusterShallowPerforation ?clusterHeel .
    LET (?clusterLength := (?clusterToe - ?clusterHeel)) .

1) Compute numberHoles

    ?this OR:clusterNumberHoles ?numberHoles .
    ?this OR:clusterLength ?clusterLength .
    ?stage OR:stageClusters ?cluster .
    ?stage OR:stagePerfShotsPerFoot ?shotsPerFoot .
    LET (?numberHoles := (?clusterLength * ?shotsPerFoot)) .

2) Compute cluster perforated Area

    ?this OR:clusterPerforatedArea ?perforationArea .
    ?this OR:clusterNumberHoles ?numberHoles .
    ?stage OR:stageClusters ?this .
    ?stage OR:stagePerfHoleSize ?perforationDiameter .
    LET (?perforationArea := ((?numberHoles * afn:pi()) *
math:square((?perforationDiameter / 2)))) .
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