Hello Joe; I'm not aware of any efforts to create URIs for MIME
types.  I'm not clear on the rationale or need for this, so maybe a
bit more description on the problem you are trying to solve will
help.  In my experience a literal for the MIME type suffices and is
usually preferred because the entity needing the MIME type will
recognize the literal.

-- Scott

On Feb 1, 8:40 pm, Joe <cheerfulwoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Not a Top Braid question so much as one on proper nomenclature.
> I'm trying to determine whether or not there is any standard out there
> on how to reference MIME Types using fully qualified URI's?  In
> particular "text/xml".
> I know there are several "ad-hoc" ways of doing this, but I'm looking
> for something published by a reputable working group or consortium.
> Any and all advice welcome!
> Thanks,
> Joe

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