Michel;  Yes, the type should be float (for both, actually) and the sum aggregate will default to float if any of the values are floating point (see SPARQL 1.1 specs for more).

In terms of the fully qualified URI, chances are that depc:e-Production does not have a type triple.  If you add a new property, depc:e-Production, to the model(datatype, range of xsd:float), it will appear with the qname.

-- Scott

On 5/27/2014, 10:17 AM, Bohms, H.M. (Michel) wrote:

Asserted it looks like:




When infered with spin I get:



With query:




?eNeighbourhood depc:hasComplexProperty ?ppuri .

?ppuri    a depc:ProfileProperty;

              depc:valueKind "Nominal"^^xsd:string;

              depc:valueOrigin "Derived"^^xsd:string;

              depc:valueType "Expected"^^xsd:string;

              depc:hasTimePointProperty ?tpuri .

             ?tpuri a depc:TimePointProperty;

                       depc:timeStamp ?timeStamp;

                                             depc::e-Production ?eProduction1.




SELECT  ?eNeighbourhood  ?ppuri ?tpuri ?timeStamp ((SUM(?eProduction2)) AS ?eProduction1)

        WHERE {

                                            ?eNeighbourhood a depc:E-Neighbourhood .

            ?eNeighbourhood dcterms:hasPart ?part .

            ?part depc:hasComplexProperty ?ProfileProperty2 .

            ?ProfileProperty2 depc:hasTimePointProperty ?TimePointProperty2 .

            ?TimePointProperty2 depc:e-Production ?eProduction2 .

            ?TimePointProperty2 depc:timeStamp ?timeStamp .

            BIND (IRI (concat("http://www.modelservers.org/public/ontologies/neighbourhood-example.ttl#ProfileProperty_N", strafter(str(?eNeighbourhood),"_"), "-P")) AS ?ppuri) .

            BIND (IRI (concat("http://www.modelservers.org/public/ontologies/neighbourhood-example.ttl#TimePointProperty_N", strafter(str(?eNeighbourhood),"_"), "-P",str(hours(?timeStamp)))) AS ?tpuri) .


        GROUP BY ?timeStamp ?eNeighbourhood  ?ppuri ?tpuri




Guess its caused by the float returning SUM function?

(even then: why this full uri here and nopt the name only)


Thx Michel



Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Bohms
Sr. Research Scientist
Structural Reliability

T +31 (0)88 866 31 07
M +31 (0)63 038 12 20



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