All aspects of object orientation (encapsulation, inheritance, and 
polymorphism) apply equally to class members and methods. In OWL/RDF we 
have class inheritance but we don't have the structure of a class such as 
we do in programming languages. The triple of S-P-O is a very simple 
structure, so there isn't any structure to encapsulate nor is there 
structure to use differently in different contexts (polymorphism). I 
mention this not to negate anything you have said but because some of the 
things you said about OO and OWL/RDF aren't completely clear. So to be 
clear, when we define restrictions on a class (e.g., that some class B has 
a restriction of predicate p), that restriction is not inherited on a 
subclass B1 of B. True?

On the other hand, when we define a predicate p with a domain of A, any 
subclass A1 of A will apply equally as a domain of p. True?

These two contexts are different.


On Friday, June 20, 2014 2:23:57 AM UTC-7, Bohms, H.M. (Michel) wrote:
>  Hi Holger, Scot
> We are very eager to get some info on our earlier posted issue:
> “ 
> When I define a class A and a subclass A1
> And a property P with domain A
> In tbc when instantiating A1 the property is shown. Why is that?
> My assumption is that this property is not ‘inherited’ to its subclass.
> Is that right?
> “ 
> Thx very much for your consideration. In NL were working on a national 
> modeling guide in which linking classes <> properties is an important issue 
> (typically difficult/different for many involved since it differs from 
> tradiotional modeling approaches).
> Thx Michel
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