Thx Irene
All clear.
In our guide we combine shacl with rdfs/owl for the props so I will reuse the 
subclassof/subpropertyof of rdfs... (i.s.o. the shacl and-expression for the 


Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Böhms
Senior Data Scientist

T +31888663107
M +31630381220



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From: <> On 
Behalf Of Irene Polikoff
Sent: dinsdag 23 april 2019 17:40
Subject: Re: [topbraid-users] owl <> shacl

It depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

Sub-properties is not a concept in SHACL. If you use sub-properties, you will 
need to perform inferencing before you submit your data to the SHACL engine. 
That is, if you expect any validation to happen as a result of such 

People also often declare sub-properties only for the ease of query and not for 
inferencing. This way they could query, for example, for:

?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:parentProperty.
?s ?p ?o.

As opposed to listing each individual property.

Question about subclasses is, I believe, about inheritance or ways to re-use 
shapes. SHACL supports rdfs:subClassOf. In other words, if a target of shape X 
is class A, all direct members of A as well as indirect members (through A’s 
subclasses, transitively) are targeted.

Purely SHACL option for re-use is to use logical expressions. For example:

ex:Shape1 a sh:NodeShape;
sh:property [sh:path ex:property1;
                                                sh:minCount 1].

ex:Shape2 a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:and (
                                                sh:path ex:property2 ;
                                                sh:minCount 1 ;
                ) .

Of course, to make these shapes do anything, you would also need target 
declarations. With this, any target of Shape2 would also be validated against 

On Apr 23, 2019, at 10:26 AM, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite Users 
<<>> wrote:

Is there a shacl-(specific) way for defining subclasses/subproperties (ie 
subshapes) or do we always need rdfs/owl for this?

Thx Michel

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Böhms
Senior Data Scientist

T +31888663107
M +31630381220



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