Hi, community;

I have a SPARQL query that I utilize on a SWON application to retrieve the 
first children/node of all taxonomies; like this:

                WHERE {
<http://topbraid.org/teamwork#graphsUnderTeamControl> ( ?projectGraph 
?teamGraph ) .
                    GRAPH ?projectGraph {
                        ?projectGraph a taxonomies:Taxonomy .
<http://topbraid.org/metadata#identifier> ?i .
<http://www.ibm.com/standards/vocabulary/common#code> ?c .
                    } .

... and this works for *normal* taxonomies that do not have other 
included/imported taxonomies.

Graphically, within the EDG web interface, an imported taxonomy looks like 
a common node however... when attempting to do a SPARQL query on a t*axonomy 
that is including/importing another one, the root node for the included 
taxonomy is not being taken *thus I get no results for it.

*Can someone please help me to understand how I can get the nodes for both 
kind of taxonomies?*


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