After some fiddling I can return data from a content tag set 

with a query like this

  clauseSections(where: {rdfs_label: {pattern: "def"} 
  } ) {
    topic {

This successfully returns details from the linked topic.

But I cant get a query to work the restricts the subjects by properties of 
the topics. I cant find examples of syntax for:

1) filtering main object on properties of nested objects
2) filtering if a value is present ( _is_null) 
3) combining (AND and OR) filters 

Also, I created property shapes for the subject root class and tagging 
property in order to make this work to retrieve details of , but perhaps 
there is some way of making this happen (I created and ran SHACL rules to 
enforce this.. so its repeatable - but have I duplicated something?)

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