I am trying to recreate a recursive magic property, using a SHACL property
shape. However, I suspect that the reason the recursion is not working is
because the property identified in the sh:path statement isn't really a
function in the same sense as a magic property is a function.

My shape code is as follows:


  rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;

  sh:property [

      rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ;

      sh:path qudt:dappropriateUnit ;

      sh:values [

          sh:prefixes <http://qudt.org/2.1/schema/shacl/overlay/qudt> ;

          sh:select """SELECT DISTINCT ?unit



        ?unit qudt:hasQuantityKind $this .




        NOT EXISTS {

            ?unit qudt:hasQuantityKind $this .

        } .

        $this skos:broader ?parent1 .

        ?parent1 qudt:dappropriateUnit ?unit .

    } .

}  """ ;

        ] ;

    ] ;

  sh:targetClass qudt:QuantityKind ;


The non-recursive part works (the first clause of the union). But the
second union clause does not work. Is there a way to make the
qudt:dappropriateUnit property know that there's this associated sh:values


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