I am doing the same thing and want to convert a SPIN Map mapping that I am 
using with XML and have been asked to use JSON instead.

TBCME has a ConvertXMLToRDF SPARQL Motion module that takes plain (but 
valid) XML and produces a default RDF graph. I then use a SPIN Map to map 
from that generic RDF to my target schema. This works great.

I expected the ConvertJSONToRDF module to work the same way; that TBCME 
would read the JSON, convert it to a generic RDF that would look the same 
as the previous one (since I converted the XML to JSON to test everything). 
All I expected to have to do was to swap the ConvertXMLToRDF module with 
the ConvertJSONToRDF module. If I stop the execution after this module 
there are a number of instances of the http://topbraid.org/json namespace 
(which doesn't appear to exist) but the next conversion doesn't work.

I do not want to use GraphQL or SHACL or SWP to do this, just SPARQL 
Motion, SPIN Map, and the published modules. Please advise.


On Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 1:23:43 PM UTC-7 Irene Polikoff wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> The key piece is to have SHACL Shapes that correspond to the structure of 
> your JSON. They are used to guide the conversion.
> If you already have a GraphQL schema for your JSON, TopBraid EDG can 
> create SHACL Shapes from it. 
> For example, in TBC, you could use Import:
> Technical details behind how this works are here: 
> https://www.topquadrant.com/graphql/graphql-shacl.html
> sml:ConvertJSONToRDF described below by Holger, has the following 
> arguments:
>    - sml:keepRootObject (xsd:boolean): [Optional] In GraphQL mode 
>    (sml:service is provided) then the root object is typically just a 
>    container derived from the Query. By default, the triples of this root 
>    object will not be kept. Set to true to keep these triples in the result 
>    graph.
>    - sm:outputVariable (xsd:string): [Optional] The name of the result 
>    variable (defaults to "root") that will contain the root object of the 
>    converted JSON code.
>    - sml:service (graphql:Schema): [Optional] A GraphQL service object 
>    providing information on how to map the JSON to RDF using SHACL shapes.
>    - sml:text (xsd:string): The JSON input text, either a JSON object or 
>    array.
> If you do not have a GraphQL Schema for your JSON, then you could start by 
> creating a SHACL model that correspond to your JSON. Internally, TopBraid 
> will automatically generate a GraphQL Schema from SHACL that will be used 
> to guide the import and transformation of JSON.
> Technical details of how GraphQL Schemas are generated from SHACL are here 
> https://www.topquadrant.com/graphql/shacl-graphql.html. Yes, this is used 
> to query RDF with GraphQL and get JSON out. But it is also used in the 
> other direction, to convert JSON to RDF.
> Also see answers below
> On Aug 20, 2019, at 1:46 PM, Daniel Lavoie <daniel.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And:
>    - Can we use TBC Maestro for the development?
> Yes. You can develop the import process using the suggested module/API. 
> You can test the script in TBC. However, TBC is a single user, not 
> networked tool. For doing the scheduled processing (assuming this is not a 
> one-of and your JSON comes in on a regular basis), you will need a server.
>    - Can we implement the result in a triple store? 
> Yes, sure
>    - Does it have to be EDG triple store or can we use another one like 
>    Stardog?
> The transformation will create RDF from JSON, you can decide what to do 
> with it e.g., write it into EDG’s triple store, export it as file into one 
> of the serialized formats, etc. 
> Thanks again!
> Daniel
> On Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 10:49:15 AM UTC-4, Daniel Lavoie wrote:
>> Thank you very much Holger for your answer. I have listened to the 
>> webminar you have suggested, but most of it is about producing JSON from 
>> RDF. However, I want to do the opposite.  I am very interested of learning 
>> more about the JSON to RDF conversion using SHACL.  In fact, I would want 
>> to:
>>    - Generate the IRIs as we want (its seems that is possible using 
>>    GRAPH QL templates)
>>    - Map the JSON field names to Property IRIs.
>>    - Validate the JSON fields and values.
>> Where can I find more information about the JSON to RDF conversion using 
>> GraphQL and SHACL?
>> Regards
>> Daniel
>> On Monday, August 19, 2019 at 8:15:16 PM UTC-4, Holger Knublauch wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> there is a variety of options here.
>>> Obviously, if the file is JSON-LD then it can be opened like any other 
>>> RDF graph, assuming it ends with .jsonld. JSON-LD has been designed with a 
>>> notion of Contexts that provide some flexibility as an on-the-fly transform 
>>> from many JSON tree structures into JSON-based graph structure.
>>> If the file is not JSON-LD and you cannot define a suitable JSON-LD 
>>> context then you could use our generic JSON importer that can transform any 
>>> JSON into either a "default" RDF graph or into a graph that is described 
>>> using SHACL shapes. The SPARQLMotion module to invoke that feature is 
>>> sml:ConvertJSONToRDF. Here is the documentation comment of that:
>>> ---
>>> Takes a JSON object or array (represented as text) and converts it to 
>>> RDF triples with the same structure. The result graph will only contain the 
>>> generated triples - the input graph will be ignored and may need to be 
>>> passed on with a separate sm:next relationship. The graph uses the 
>>> namespace prefix.
>>> This module operates in two modes. By default it will use the "json" 
>>> namespace (http://topbraid.org/json#) for properties and create blank 
>>> nodes of type json:Object. However, if sml:service is set it will look for 
>>> GraphQL shapes and walk them in parallel to the JSON object tree.
>>> The conversion will start at the JSON root and does a recursive walk 
>>> through of the JSON objects and arrays. Each JSON object becomes a 
>>> resource. Each attribute of the JSON object is mapped into a property. In 
>>> the simple case, it will pick a property from the json namespace, e.g. 
>>> attribute "firstName" becomes a property json:firstName. In simple mode, 
>>> the values of those properties depend on the JSON attribute value and 
>>> arrays are converted to rdf:Lists, JSON objects recursively become new 
>>> blank nodes. Numbers, booleans and strings become corresponding RDF 
>>> literals. In GraphQL mode, the shapes define how the mapping is performed 
>>> and the root node must be a JSON object.
>>> Optionally, the module can bind a new variable pointing at the root 
>>> object of the new JSON data structure in RDF. This does not work if the 
>>> provided JSON string is an Array with multiple entries.
>>> ---
>>> With the SHACL-based approach, you start by declaring the shape of the 
>>> target data, e.g. if the RDF data should use xsd:double for a property 
>>> ex:value and your JSON only contains { value: 4.2 } then the shape would 
>>> define a sh:property constraint of sh:datatype xsd:double on sh:path 
>>> ex:value. A side benefit of this design is that you can validate the 
>>> conformance of your JSON with the shapes. This topic is briefly mentioned 
>>> in this presentation (around minute 47), but you may want to watch most of 
>>> the presentation to understand the general design philosophy of the mapping 
>>> from JSON/GraphQL to RDF/SHACL:
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Muj0m8Qrdig
>>> The SHACL-less alternative would be to use the default "json" namespace 
>>> and then use modules such as sml:ApplyConstruct to produce the target 
>>> triples in their respective namespaces.
>>> Note that sml:ConvertJSONToRDF can also be called from within SWP 
>>> scripts, which is sometimes less busy than SPARQLMotion.
>>> Speaking about SWP, there is a number of built-in features to process 
>>> arbitrary JSON on a more "native" level, and then produce whatever you want 
>>> with it, see https://uispin.org/ui.html#json
>>> A completely different alternative is to use a 3rd party component or 
>>> program to produce the RDF/Turtle.
>>> HTH
>>> Holger
>>> On 20/08/2019 03:40, Daniel Lavoie wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> Does TopQuadrant has any tool allowing us to read JSON files and to map 
>>> them to produce RDF turtle files?  Can SPARQLMotion do that?
>>> Thanks
>>> Daniel
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