I am doing something similar to Oleksandr and I know that this is a very 
old thread but such is life. I 'am' doing round tripping but here is my SM 

XML source --> XML-2-RDF module --> RDF-2-RDF using SPIN Map --> Insert to 
KG --> DO Stuff with resuting KG --> RDF-2-RDF Reversal using SPIN Map --> 
RDF-2-XML module --> Export to remote.

Because (I think) the sxml tags are in the first conversion but not to my 
ontology, they are not there when I want to export the XML and the result 
is empty. I tried to watch Holger's really old movie but it no longer seems 
to exist. My next stop is the SM help page but any help would be 


On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 7:08:03 AM UTC-8 icod...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Holger,
> thank you very much for help!
> Best regards,
> Oleksandr Mandryk
> On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 1:11:38 AM UTC+1, Holger Knublauch wrote:
>> Hi Oleksandr,
>> we have discovered that the sml:RDFXML mode of sml:ReturnRDF indeed 
>> produces the same output as sml:RDFXMLAbbrev. Something must have changed 
>> in the underlying Jena writer's contract and this may have gone undetected 
>> for quite a while because most users have switched to Turtle or JSON-LD. I 
>> have just updated our code to use a different RDF/XML writer, and this fix 
>> will go into 5.3. The beta of 5.3 is planned for the end of this month, so 
>> if you urgently require a fix then I am afraid there is not much I can do 
>> right now.
>> The alternative would be to produce the RDF triples using SWP - that 
>> would give you fine tuned control over the exact output but is of course 
>> also quite a bit of work to get right. I have attached an example that 
>> produces
>> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"; 
>> xmlns:rdfs="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#";>
>> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://aldi.de";>
>> <rdfs:label>Test</rdfs:label>
>> </rdf:Description>
>> </rdf:RDF>
>> using SWP. Call it using 
>> http://localhost:8083/tbl/swp?_viewClass=rdfXMLInSWP:Example
>> Another option would be to create the exact RDF/XML with some 3rd party 
>> tool such as a Jena command line tool.
>> Apologies for the inconvenience!
>> Holger
>> On 7/03/2017 20:48, Oleksandr Mandryk wrote:
>> Hi Holger, 
>> thank you very much for your advice!
>> I've created new SPARQLMotion script with such modules: spl:Argument 
>> -> sml:ApplyConstruct -> sml:ReturnRDF, where in  sml:ApplyConstruct I put 
>> this constructQuery:
>>     ?a ?b ?c .
>> }
>> WHERE {
>>     BIND (smf:buildURI("{?1}", ?projectGraph) AS ?graphName) .
>>     GRAPH ?graphName {
>>         ?a ?b ?c .
>>     } .
>> }
>> and sml:RDFXMLAbbrev in sml:ReturnRDF 
>> but it produces the same output with sml:RDFXML.
>> Also I tried to change arg:serialization 
>> in teamwork:ExportEntireProjectPlugin for ExportToRDF, but it also produces 
>> the same output as with sml:RDFXML.
>> I'm working on EVN Version 5.2.0.v20160909-1520B.
>> Thank you.
>> Best regards,
>> Oleksandr Mandryk
>> On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 4:49:27 AM UTC+1, Holger Knublauch wrote: 
>>> Try to use sml:serialization=sml:RDFXMLAbbrev at sml:ReturnRDF.
>>> In general, the main alternatives for producing arbitrary XML are 
>>> Semantic XML (via sml:ConvertRDFToXML) or SWP. SWP can produce any XML, 
>>> assuming you turn each XML element into a subclass of ui:Element and each 
>>> XML attribute into corresponding argument properties at these elements.
>>> Holger
>>> On 7/03/2017 13:26, Oleksandr Mandryk wrote:
>>> Hi Hogler,
>>> as far as I remember the nested resources was the main issue. I haven't 
>>> tried approach that you suggested but as I can see
>>> here http://www.topquadrant.com/sparqlmotion/lib.html#sml:ReturnRDF 
>>> there is no such property in sml:ReturnRDF.
>>> Could you please explain where I can specify sml:RDFXML / 
>>> sml:RDFXMLAbbrev?
>>> BTW: Do we have any alternatives (just in case) to this approach? I mean 
>>> if I would like to build totally different XML from taxonomy RDF what would 
>>> be the most appropriate way to do it?
>>> Thank you very much!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Oleksandr Mandryk
>>> On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 4:07:44 AM UTC+1, Holger Knublauch wrote: 
>>>> Whether resources are nested or remain top-level is a configuration 
>>>> option in the RDF/XML writer. In sml:ReturnRDF, try using sml:RDFXML 
>>>> versus 
>>>> sml:RDFXMLAbbrev (the abbrev option will produce nested objects). Have you 
>>>> tried this or would there be other differences from your planned output?
>>>> Holger 
>>>> On 7/03/2017 12:56, Oleksandr Mandryk wrote:
>>>> Hi Hogler, 
>>>> thank you for reply!
>>>> Actually RDF/XML is pretty different from what I need. The biggest 
>>>> issue with RDF/XML for me is hierarchical structure of relations between 
>>>> nodes, 
>>>> for example if PARENT_NODE is parent of CHILD_NODE in RDF/XML it will 
>>>> look like this:
>>>>  ... properties
>>>>  <broader>
>>>>  ...
>>>>  </broader>
>>>> </CHILD_NODE>
>>>> but I need something like this:
>>>>  ... properties
>>>>  <broader id="PARENT_NODE">
>>>> </CHILD_NODE>
>>>>  ... properties
>>>>  <narrower id="CHILD_NODE">
>>>> so each node should be separate XML element.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Oleksandr Mandryk
>>>> On Monday, March 6, 2017 at 11:13:00 PM UTC+1, Holger Knublauch wrote: 
>>>>> On 7/03/2017 0:40, Oleksandr Mandryk wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm trying to create a SPARQLMotion script that will export specified 
>>>>> taxonomy to the custom XML output.
>>>>> Currently my script is based no these modules:
>>>>> *spl:Argument* -> *sml:ImportRDFFromWorkspace* -> 
>>>>> *sml:ConvertRDFToXML* -> *sml:ReturnXML*
>>>>> But when I run this script I get only the first (root) node of the 
>>>>> specified projectGraph:
>>>>> <skos:Concept xmlns:composite=
>>>>> "http://www.topbraid.org/2007/05/composite.owl"; 
>>>>> <http://www.topbraid.org/2007/05/composite.owl> xmlns:skos=
>>>>> "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core"; 
>>>>> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core> skos:prefLabel=Root Test Node"/>
>>>>> So I have a few questions:
>>>>> 1) Is my approach correct? I mean spl:Argument -> 
>>>>> sml:ImportRDFFromWorkspace -> sml:ConvertRDFToXML -> sml:ReturnXML
>>>>> 2) Why I'm receiving only first node as result but not all?
>>>>> 3) How to specify a custom template for the XML, for example I need 
>>>>> something like this:
>>>>> <rdf:RDF
>>>>>     xmlns:ui="http://uispin.org/ui#"; <http://uispin.org/ui#>
>>>>>     xmlns:let="http://uispin.org/let#"; <http://uispin.org/let#>
>>>>>  ... >
>>>>> <rdf:Description rdf:about=
>>>>> "http://test.com/Concept_7c932ea3-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>>>> <http://test.com/Concept_7c932ea3-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>>
>>>>>   <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"; 
>>>>> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>>NodeLabel</rdfs:label>
>>>>>   <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept"; 
>>>>> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept>/>
>>>>>   <skos:broader rdf:resource=
>>>>> "http://test.com/#Concept_7c932e90-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>>>> <http://test.com/#Concept_7c932e90-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>/>
>>>>>   <skos:narrower rdf:resource=
>>>>> "http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea8-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>>>> <http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea8-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>/>
>>>>>   <skos:narrower rdf:resource=
>>>>> "http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea5-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>>>> <http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea5-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>/>
>>>>>   ... other properties
>>>>> </rdf:Description>
>>>>> ...
>>>>> </rdf:RDF>
>>>>> This output looks very much like RDF/XML. How does it differ, and 
>>>>> could you simply use sml:ReturnRDF?
>>>>> Holger
>>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Oleksandr Mandryk
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