Hi Marius,

yes this is one place to ask such questions.

On 2022-01-11 12:31 am, Marius wrote:

I would like to understand and use the dash:SubClassEditor better (https://datashapes.org/forms.html#SubClassEditor). I assume that most of the items listed below are rather feature requests. Nevertheless, I'm asking in case I'm overlooking how to implement/configure them using the already available TopBraid EDG features (version 7.0.3).

This is my first post in this Open Forum and I hope it’s the right channel.
Thanks in advance for any feedback and help.


*Context: *I have set up knowledge, shape, and data graphs so that data graph editors can link instances to classes, which are defined in separate classifications (included ontology assets), using the SubClassTree editor within the Form panel. The items below are mainly motivated by improving the user experience for the data graph editors through GUI customizations.
*Are the following items currently feasible and, if so, how?*

*1. Custom display labels for classes:*

  * As I understand it, the classes in the hierarchy tree of the
    SubClassEditor are labeled using the rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel
    properties in the applicable interface language such as @en.
  * Is there a way, to set a different property as display label?

The system will look for any rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label here, so if you have stored the labels in another property then you'd need to declare that property rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label. Note however that the UI for class creation will assume rdfs:label.

  * The users of my data graph, for example, would like to see both
    notation and label of the classes (instead of just the label). For
    instance, /<skos:notation> <separator> <skos:prefLabel>/ such as
    "/I21 | Acute myocardial infarction/".

In this case you probably ask whether the label can be inferred. This is not possible with the auto-complete widget because that widget relies on a look-up index of labels, so if the labels are dynamically assembled from somewhere then this would be too hard to maintain correctly. I am afraid this would require a custom editor, e.g. based on a normal HTML <select> if you really want to support that. Or assert the combined labels as real triples, of a subproperty of rdfs:label as above.

  * In my case, overwriting the original rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel
    with my custom display label is not an option.
  * Ideally, the custom display label is generated ad-hoc when
    generating the GUI without having to store it persistently. In my
    case, it would also be ok if I created a new property for the
    custom display label, created the custom display labels using
    SHACL/SPARQL, and stored them in a graph.

Yes that's the only option that I see right now, see above.

  * This requirement does not only refer to the hierarchy tree of the
    SubClassEditor, but to the display labels of classes in EDG in
    general. The editors of my data graph would like to see the custom
    display label in the Form panel as well.
      o I tried to implement this by creating a new custom display
        property and defining it as dash:LabelRole
        (https://datashapes.org/propertyroles.html#LabelRole), but
        failed. The GUI still displayed rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel
        instead of my custom label.

Try rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label.

*2. Show classes in hierarchy tree in specified order:*

  * As I understand it, the subclasses of the specified dash:rootClass
    are displayed in alphabetically ascending order of labels
    (rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel).
  * I would like to display the classes in alphabetically ascending
    order of notations (skos:notation) instead.
  * Motivation is that users of my data graphs expect classifications
    (such as the /Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification
    System/ or the /International Classification of Diseases/) to be
    displayed in their notation-based structure, not in alphabetical
    order of concept labels.
  * This problem might be solved if I could implement item 1, but only
    if I put the notation first in the custom label.  Since I might
    put the notation at the end of the custom label, this workaround
    would not be a proper solution for item 2.

Yes, if you can construct labels that happen to also be sorted alphabetically then this should be solved. Otherwise, again a custom widget appears the only solution.

(Like with most feature requests, TopQuadrant staff can help through professional services or premium support.)

*3. Show hierarchy by specific hierarchy property:*

  * As I understand it, the hierarchy tree of the SubClassEditor is
    displayed based on rdfs:subClassOf.
  * While this is adequate in most cases, there are vocabularies which
    use other properties such as ex:isA or ex:isPartOf to represent
    hierarchies. Is there a way to set a specific property by which
    the hierarchy tree of the SubClassEditor is displayed? (perhaps
    along the lines of "ex:myPropertyShape dash:hierarchyProperty
    ex:isA" similar to "ex:myPropertyShape dash:rootClass

No, SubClassEditor is only designed for class hierarchies. A custom widget can be developed.
*4. Jump to already selected class when clicking on class tree icon:*

  * When editing in the Form panel, if one clicks on the class tree
    icon to revise an already established link, the pop-up window of
    the SubClassEditor displays the hierarchy tree collapsed (the root
    class and its subclasses).
  * Users of my data graphs would prefer to see the concept already
    selected in the hierarchy tree instead, i.e. the hierarchy tree
    expanded from the root class to the selected class. (For
    comparison, this is how the Class Hierarchy panel behaves when
    clicking on a class in the Form panel in the Ontology Editor).
  * For polyhierarchical classifications, it would be nice to have all
    paths expanded from root class to selected class.

I see what you mean. This currently always starts at the root. I have recorded an internal ticket (tracking number TBS-4444) to improve that.
*5. Enable multi-selection:*

  * Users of my data graphs would like to select multiple classes via
    the class tree editor (without having to add a row each time via
    the plus icon).
  * As far as I know, multi-select is currently not possible, but
    already as a requirement in TopQuadrant’s backlog.
  * I would like to emphasize that I would appreciate multi-selection
    not only for the "Find a Resource" dialog (magnifying glass icon)
    but also for the "Select a Class" dialog (class tree icon) of the

Right, we have this on the backlog somewhere. It's hard because the way that our widgets are wired is that they represent one value each. Also, our trees don't support multi-selection elsewhere.
*6. Enable quick search in hierarchy tree*:

  * As I understand it, the class tree in the SubClassEditor can only
    be navigated by clicking to expand branches.
  * Users of my data graphs would appreciate an additional quick
    search (for comparison: as enabled by the Quick Search in the
    Class Hierarchy panel of the Ontology Editor).

Ok another feature request that makes sense in principle. You will understand that we are receiving many feature requests and have limited staff. So we need to prioritize. As I indicated above, one way forward would be to open a TSM support desk ticket (instead of an email here to the public list) where we can see which customer organization you are from and discuss possible ways forward. It seems like these UI improvements would make quite a difference to your users, but we need to balance this with other requirements.


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