Yes, the trick is the line sh:values sh:this, which basically means that the values of ex:self are inferred/computed to be the values of the focus node (?this) itself. So it's just a dummy property with a yet unused URI (ex:self), that only exists for the purpose of creating this artificial column.


On 2022-01-20 6:50 am, Tim Smith wrote:
I found the document - Inferring Data with SHACL Property Value Rules ( <> and that explained it.  It is now working for me.

On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 2:41 PM Tim Smith <> wrote:

    I am trying to do something similar to the example shown here
    <>.  I have
    structured my ontology following the example. However, I cannot
    get the "self" link to render properly.  I would like the
    values of my property shape (same as ex:Concept-broader-inverse in
    below) to appear as links in the table instead of a text string.

    When you are at the value node, I want to render the value node as
    an IRI, such as this:

         a sh:PropertyShape ;
        *sh:path ex:self ;*
         sh:description "This column is used to render the (narrower) concept 
itself." ;
         sh:name "narrower concept" ;
         sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
         sh:order "0"^^xsd:decimal ;
         sh:values sh:this .

    What property do I use to point to the value node from the value
    node?  ex:self is used in the example. Is there an ex:self
    property on the value node (narrower concept) that points to
    itself?  Maybe I'm thinking about this incorrectly.

    Thanks in advance for your help,


    "In this example we have used a |sh:values| rule to infer the
    values of the first column. In this case, the values are simply
    pointing back to the focus node of each row, using |sh:this|. Note
    that |dash:applicableToClass| or |sh:targetClass| are needed to
    get this inference correctly."

         sh:property ex:Concept-broader-inverse .

         a sh:PropertyShape ;
         sh:path [ sh:inversePath skos:broader ] ;
         sh:group skos:HierarchicalRelationships ;
         sh:name "narrower (table)" ;
         *dash:viewer dash:ValueTableViewer*  ;
         *sh:node ex:ConceptTableShape*  .

         a sh:NodeShape ;
         dash:applicableToClass skos:Concept ;
         rdfs:comment "A node shape defining the columns for a 
dash:ValueTableViewer." ;
         rdfs:label "Concept table shape" ;
         sh:property ex:ConceptTableShape-self ;
         sh:property ex:ConceptTableShape-type ;
         sh:property ex:ConceptTableShape-altLabel .

         a sh:PropertyShape ;
        *sh:path ex:self ;*
         sh:description "This column is used to render the (narrower) concept 
itself." ;
         sh:name "narrower concept" ;
         sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
         sh:order "0"^^xsd:decimal ;
         sh:values sh:this .

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