I am in EDG trying to find instances where another Concept has the exact 
same values for the property (no more or less). The values can be inherited 
through skos:broader or directly stated on the concept itself. The property 
connects to a blank node which contains 2 additional properties and values. 
ConceptA ex:category [ex:map ex:default ;
                                          ex:attribute ex:S03.01] ;
                                         [ex:map ex:alternate ;
                                           ex:attribute ex:S03.02] .
ConceptB ex:category [ex:map ex:default ;
                                          ex:attribute ex:S03.01] ;
                                         [ex:map ex:alternate ;
                                           ex:attribute ex:S03.02] .
ConceptC ex:category [ex:map ex:default ;
                                          ex:attribute ex:S03.01] .
ConceptD ex:category [ex:map ex:default ;
                                          ex:attribute ex:S03.01] ;
                                         [ex:map ex:alternate ;
                                           ex:attribute ex:S03.02] ;
                                         [ex:map ex:alternate ;
                                           ex:attribute ex:S03.03] .

I want to return both ConceptA and ConceptB but not ConceptC or ConceptD 
since it doesn't match ConceptA exactly. 

I have tried different variations of a sparql query shown below (removed 
FILTER clause) but haven't been able to return the results I am expecting.

SELECT DISTINCT $this ?concept ?map ?attr
WHERE { $this skos:broader*/ex:category ?blank .
?blank ex:map ?map ;
          ex:attribute ?attr .
?concept skos:broader*/ex:category ?blank1 .
?blank1 ex:map ?map ;
                      ex:attribute ?attr .
  FILTER(?concept != $this)

#find concept with the same modeling
SELECT DISTINCT $this ?map ?attr
WHERE { $this skos:broader*/ex:category ?blank .
?blank ex:map ?map ;
           ex:attribute ?attr .
 FILTER EXISTS{?concept skos:broader*/ex:category ?blank1 .
?blank1 ex:map ?map ;
             ex:attribute ?attr .
      FILTER(?concept != $this)}

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