Hi ,

I would like to add a simple comment to all graphs their object of a type 
class and instaces and then remove so it appears in the change history.

graph.select(`PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    PREFIX teamwork: <http://topbraid.org/teamwork#>
    PREFIX edg: <http://edg.topbraid.solutions/model/>
    PREFIX bosch-metadata-ontology: 
    PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
    PREFIX ontologyprojects: 
PREFIX spif: <http://spinrdf.org/spif#>

    SELECT DISTINCT ?masterGs ?class ?instance 
        rdf:nil teamwork:readableGraphsUnderTeamControl ?masterGs.
        GRAPH ?masterGs {
            ?s a ontologyprojects:Ontology;
               edg:subjectArea ?subArea.
      OPTIONAL{?class a owl:Class.}
      OPTIONAL{?instance a ?class}
            OPTIONAL { ?masterGs bosch-metadata-ontology:securityClass 
?SecClass }
            FILTER (
                ?SecClass = bosch-metadata-ontology:CSC0 || 
                ?SecClass = bosch-metadata-ontology:CSC1
            FILTER (
                str(?subArea) != 'test' &&
                str(?subArea) != 'test2' &&
                str(?subArea) != 'test3' &&
                str(?subArea) != 'test4'

`).bindings.forEach(b => {
    let masterGraph =b.masterGs;
    let masterClass = b.class;
    let instance = b.instance;
// console.log (b.masterGs);
// console.log (b.class);
// console.log (b.instance);

 graph.transaction(b.masterGs, 'Adding something', () => {
        // Create node references
        let graphNode = graph.namedNode(b.masterGs);
        let classNode = graph.namedNode(b.class);
        let instanceNode = b.instance ? graph.namedNode(b.instance) : null;

        // Add comments or other properties
         graphNode.add('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment', "Added 
to graph");
    classNode.add('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment', "Added to 
    if (instanceNode) {
        instanceNode.add('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment', "Added 
to instance");
I created sth like this but unfortunately this doesn't work. Could you help 
me with that ?



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