#21058: Manual Modifications: Correction and Improvement
     Reporter:  agd                   |      Owner:
         Type:  defect                |     Status:  new
     Priority:  Medium                |  Milestone:
    Component:  - Select a component  |    Version:
     Severity:  Normal                |   Keywords:
Actual Points:                        |  Parent ID:
       Points:                        |   Reviewer:
      Sponsor:                        |
 Please modify the Manual as follows: 1) At StrictNodes: A) Please change
 "will treat" to "treats '''solely'''"; B) At the end of the first
 sentence, please add "(StrictNodes applies to neither ExcludeExitNodes nor
 to ExitNodes)"; 2) At ExcludeExitNodes, please bold "'''outside'''"  3) At
 ExitNodes: A) please bold both usages of "'''outside'''"; B) In the third
 paragraph, to the end of the second sentence, please add: "(i.e. Onion
 Circuits shows third nodes which DO NOT ''EXIT'' the Tor network, but are
 used exclusively internally by Tor)".

 For further discussion of this,
 https://tor.stackexchange.com/questions/13134 has some relevance.

 It is imperative, in order to maintain user trust in Tor, that the manual
 accurately and precisely describe Tor's behavior.

 '''PLEASE NOTE:''' I am uncertain if, in fact, StrictNodes applies
 '''''solely''''' to ExcludeNodes; so please verify that as necessary. I am
 quite certain regarding the other requested modification [1B] to
 StrictNodes. All other requested modifications merely improve

 In-line, the above modifications would modify the relevant portions of the
 Manual to read as follows [modifications offset by ">>" and "<<"]:

 StrictNodes 0|1

     If StrictNodes is set to 1, Tor >>treats '''solely'''<< the
 ExcludeNodes option as a requirement to follow for all the circuits you
 generate, even if doing so will break functionality for you >>(StrictNodes
 applies to neither ExcludeExitNodes nor to ExitNodes)<<. If StrictNodes is
 set to 0, Tor will still try to avoid nodes in the ExcludeNodes list, but
 it will err on the side of avoiding unexpected errors. Specifically,
 StrictNodes 0 tells Tor that it is okay to use an excluded node when it is
 '''necessary''' to perform relay reachability self-tests, connect to a
 hidden service, provide a hidden service to a client, fulfill a .exit
 request, upload directory information, or download directory information.
 (Default: 0)

 ExcludeExitNodes node,node,…

     A list of identity fingerprints, country codes, and address patterns
 of nodes to never use when picking an exit node---that is, a node that
 delivers traffic for you >>'''outside'''<< the Tor network. Note that any
 node listed in ExcludeNodes is automatically considered to be part of this
 list too. See the '''ExcludeNodes''' option for more information on how to
 specify nodes. See also the caveats on the "ExitNodes" option below.

 ExitNodes node,node,…

     A list of identity fingerprints, country codes, and address patterns
 of nodes to use as exit node---that is, a node that delivers traffic for
 you >>'''outside'''<< the Tor network. See the '''ExcludeNodes''' option
 for more information on how to specify nodes.

     Note that if you list too few nodes here, or if you exclude too many
 exit nodes with ExcludeExitNodes, you can degrade functionality. For
 example, if none of the exits you list allows traffic on port 80 or 443,
 you won’t be able to browse the web.

     Note also that not every circuit is used to deliver traffic
 >>'''outside'''<< of the Tor network. It is normal to see non-exit
 circuits (such as those used to connect to hidden services, those that do
 directory fetches, those used for relay reachability self-tests, and so
 on) that end at a non-exit node >>(i.e. Onion Circuits shows third nodes
 which DO NOT ''EXIT'' the Tor network, but are used exclusively internally
 by Tor)<<. To keep a node from being used entirely, see ExcludeNodes and

     The ExcludeNodes option overrides this option: any node listed in both
 ExitNodes and ExcludeNodes is treated as excluded.

     The .exit address notation, if enabled via AllowDotExit, overrides
 this option.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/21058>
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