#28334: Text fields wider than the screeen cropped
 Reporter:  wagon         |          Owner:  atagar
     Type:  defect        |         Status:  reopened
 Priority:  Medium        |      Milestone:
Component:  Core Tor/Nyx  |        Version:  Tor:
 Severity:  Normal        |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  curses        |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                |         Points:
 Reviewer:                |        Sponsor:

Comment (by wagon):

 Replying to [comment:7 atagar]:
 > Sorry wagon, I'm unsure what you mean by 'external editor'
 Something like `vi`. E.g., if you want to open a editor of 10 symbols
 height, you can do `stty rows 10 ; vi`.
 > unless I'm missing something, readline is mutually exclusive with
 OK, you know it better than me.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28334#comment:8>
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