#29734: Broker should receive country stats information from Proxy and Client
 Reporter:  cohosh                   |          Owner:  cohosh
     Type:  enhancement              |         Status:  merge_ready
 Priority:  Medium                   |      Milestone:
Component:  Obfuscation/Snowflake    |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                   |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  snowflake, geoip, stats  |  Actual Points:  2
Parent ID:  #29207                   |         Points:  1
 Reviewer:  ahf                      |        Sponsor:  Sponsor19

Comment (by dcf):

 I have many comments, but overall my impression is good and I think you
 can move ahead with this.

 My big-picture question is: what do we plan to do with this data? If it's
 to detect blocking events by comparing the broker's statistics against the
 bridge's, I think we should at least sketch out those analysis scripts, in
 order to see whether the client geoip data we will be collecting is suited
 to the requirements. My main point is that we shouldn't collect data just
 because it may be useful; instead we should design safe data collection
 around some question we want to answer. As it stands, the branch will
 collect more precise client data than Tor Metrics does (Tor Metrics
 doesn't publish raw numbers but applies some fuzzing and binning). Having
 /debug display precise counts is a danger in the following scenario: an
 observer wants to determine whether a particular client is accessing the
 Snowflake broker. Whenever the observer sees a suspected connection, it
 checks the /debug output to see whether the count has incremented.

 Perhaps we could do a test deployment for a few days, to get an idea of
 what the data looks like. In fact, I think it's a good idea to try that,
 before merging. If there's a research question that we think this data
 could help us answer, we could ask the
 [https://research.torproject.org/safetyboard.html Safety Board] to
 evaluate it.


 * This branch only tracks client accesses, not proxy accesses. What will
 happen with proxy accesses, are they planned to go in the same metrics.log
 broker.go]: The SIGHUP handler introduces a race condition because other
 goroutines may be using the tables while they are being replaced. Even
 though the table is replaced
 all at once with an assignment], I don't think that even that assignment
 is guaranteed to be atomic. The table really needs a lock—not only while
 being reloaded from a file but on every access (because SIGHUP means the
 data structure can change at any time). Alternately, consider removing the
 SIGHUP feature and only loading the database once at startup.
 flag.StringVar(&geoipDatabase, "geoipdb", "/usr/share/tor/geoip", "path to
 correctly formatted geoip database mapping IPv4 address ranges to country
 flag.StringVar(&geoip6Database, "geoip6db", "/usr/share/tor/geoip6", "path
 to correctly formatted geoip database mapping IPv6 address ranges to
 country codes")
   Is there any way to disable the geoip feature, if I don't have the
 necessary files, other than by providing an invalid path? Maybe we don't
 care to provide a way to disable the feature and it's the operator's
 responsibility to provide some kind of geoip files; but in that case, it
 may be better to exit with an error if the files cannot be read, rather
 than logging the error and continuing on. It is perhaps surprising that
 you can explicitly ask for a certain file on the command line with
 `-geoipdb path`, and the broker will run even if the path cannot be read.
 UpdateCountryStats]: It looks to me like if a geoip lookup fails, it is
 silently ignored—this could be misleading. It would be good to distinguish
 three cases: geoip file present and lookup found a country code; geoip
 file present but lookup found nothing; geoip file absent so no lookup is
 * Adding to that, tor records the hashes of its geoip files:
 spec.txt?id=6e58fa857a95e18c5fda0ecf17955da7919b260b#n855 geoip-db-digest]
 and [https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-
 spec.txt?id=6e58fa857a95e18c5fda0ecf17955da7919b260b#n861 geoip6-db-
 digest]. It would be good to record that information so we can
 retroactively determine if geoip files were out of date, or diagnose geoip
 * I think that some of the logging is happening at too low a level. The
 most basic functions should return errors and not log. For example
 geoipStringToIP] should just return the `err` from `strconv.ParseUint`.
 NewMetrics], too, should return any error resulting from filesystem
 GeoIPRangeClosure]: I don't understand why this is called "closure"; it's
 just a function.
 geoip.go] "4-byte unsigned integers": Please document whether it's big-
 endian or little-endian. "INTIPLOW,INTIPHIGH,CC": Similarly, document
 whether the ranges are inclusive of the high element or exclusive (I guess
 it would have to be inclusive, in order to represent
 * The `parseEntry` functions need error checking on `geoipStringToIP` and
 `net.ParseIP`, or else they will store a `nil` that will result in a panic
 later on.
 This error] will be more useful if it includes a line number. Let me
 suggest a different factoring of the geoip parsing code. Have `parseEntry`
 be a plain function, not a method on `GeoIPv4Table`, and have it return
 `(GeoIPEntry, error)` rather than inserting into the table itself.
 GeoIPLoadFile can do the entry insertion, count lines and annotate the
 error result from `parseEntry`.
 geoip.go]: Check [https://golang.org/pkg/bufio/#Scanner.Err scanner.Err()]
 after the loop.
 GeoipError]: Unless you need to do type matching on errors, you can just
 use `errors.New` or `fmt.Errorf` instead of making a new type.
 GetCountryByAddr]: I think a more natural API for this function would be
 to have it take a `net.IP` instead of a `string` (seeing as all it does
 with the string is immediately parse it, and
 UpdateCountryStats] is already parsing it).
 * Can
 GeoIPRangeClosure] be written as `bytes.Compare(key.To16(),
 entry.ipHigh.To16()) <= 0`, and
 GeoIPCheckRange] as `bytes.Compare(key.To16(), entry.ipLow.To16()) >= 0 &&
 bytes.Compare(key.To16(), entry.ipHigh.To16()) <= 0`?
 m.countryStats.counts[country] = m.countryStats.counts[country] + 1
   You can do this as `m.countryStats.counts[country]++` or
 `m.countryStats.counts[country] += 1`.
 metrics.go]: I don't think the initial `nil` assigment does anything.
 m.tablev4 = nil // garbage collect previous table, if applicable
 m.tablev4 = tablev4
 for {
   Consider doing this as `for range heartbeat {`. That way, the loop will
 terminate if the `heartbeat` channel gets closed.
 * If `NewMetrics` is called more than once, there will be multiple open
 file handles to metrics.log (and only the first one will actually work, I
 think). Is it possible that `NewMetrics` could be called more than once?
 /snowflake-broker_test.go#L274-L279 snowflake-broker_test.go]: I'm not
 crazy about having the tests depend on external files, especially ones
 that may change. Ideally the test code would include its own small geoip
 files, either as separate files or as literals in the source code. But at
 least, the test should [https://golang.org/pkg/testing/#hdr-Skipping
 t.Skip] if a file is missing, rather than report spurious failure. I
 suggest adding a layer of abstraction: a `GeoIPLoad(io.Reader)` that
 parses any `io.Reader` (for examples a `bytes.Reader`), and write
 `GeoIPLoadFile` in terms of it.
 * It would be nice to also have tests that exercise the error paths in
 geoip parsing.
 * I would like to see unit tests for basic functions like
 `GeoIPRangeClosure` and `GeoIPCheckRange`. They don't have to be long,
 just test the edge conditions of an instance.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/29734#comment:18>
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