#5488: Write Internet drafts for one or two TLS features to improve its traffic-
analysis resistance
 Reporter:  karsten   |          Owner:  nickm                      
     Type:  project   |         Status:  new                        
 Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:  Sponsor F: November 1, 2012
Component:  Analysis  |        Version:                             
 Keywords:            |         Parent:                             
   Points:            |   Actualpoints:                             

Comment(by asn):

 Marsh Ray appeared in #tor-dev today to tell us that the IETF TLS working
 group is worrying that Google's TLS NextProto proposal will increase the
 blocking surface of TLS, since it advertises the transport layer protocol
 in plaintext (in the TLS extensions in the Hello records).

 He told us that it's a good chance to influence the future of TLS to be
 more traffic-resistant. Here is the relevant mailing list thread:


Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5488#comment:5>
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