#19332: Add a BridgeDB module
 Reporter:  mrphs                                |          Owner:  karsten
     Type:  enhancement                          |         Status:
                                                 |  assigned
 Priority:  Medium                               |      Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/CollecTor                    |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  metrics-roadmap-2019-q2, anti-       |  Actual Points:
  censorship-roadmap-september                   |
Parent ID:                                       |         Points:  8
 Reviewer:  cohosh                               |        Sponsor:
                                                 |  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by phw):

 Replying to [comment:27 karsten]:
 > I probably asked this before and forgot the answer: where would I find
 the spec for parsing the format? Thanks in advance!
 The spec is still on my todo list. Here's a quick-and-dirty summary, so
 you don't need to block on me:
 * A metrics file starts with `bridgedb-stats-end YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (SECS
 * The second line determines the version of the format. It currently is
 `bridgedb-stats-version 1.0`
 * From here on, we have multiple `bridgedb-metric-count` lines. They are
 structured as follows:
   * `bridgedb-metric-count DIST.PROTO.CC.[success|fail].none NUM`
   * `DIST` is BridgeDB's distribution mechanism, which currently is
 `http`, `email`, or `moat`.
   * `PROTO` is the obfuscation protocol, which currently is `obfs2`,
 `obfs3`, `obfs4`, `scramblesuit`, or `fte`.
   * `CC` is our two-letter country code.
   * The second-to-last field is either `success` or `fail` depending on if
 the BridgeDB request succeeded or not.
   * The last field is currently `none` but will eventually be a anomaly
 score, perhaps normalised to [0, 1]. I would suggest to ignore it for now.
   * `NUM` is the approximate number of requests, rounded to the next
 multiple of 10.

 I'll follow up with the spec once it's done. I hope this is good enough to
 make progress in the meanwhile.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/19332#comment:28>
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