#33253: Prop 312: 5.1. Ask Relay Operators to Test IPv6 Addresses Discovery
     Reporter:  teor            |      Owner:  teor
         Type:  task            |     Status:  assigned
     Priority:  Medium          |  Milestone:  Tor: 0.4.4.x-final
    Component:  Core Tor/Tor    |    Version:
     Severity:  Normal          |   Keywords:  prop312, ipv6
Actual Points:                  |  Parent ID:  #33049
       Points:  0.5             |   Reviewer:
      Sponsor:  Sponsor55-must  |
 Write an email to the tor-relays list, asking relay operators to help test
 the proposal 312 IPv4 and IPv6 Address Discovery changes.

 Once these changes are merged, volunteer relay and bridge operators will
 be able to test them by:
   * compiling from source,
   * running nightly builds, or
   * running alpha releases.

 See proposal 312, section 5.1, relay operator test part:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33253>
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