#33336: Trial deployment of Snowflake with Turbo Tunnel
 Reporter:  dcf                      |          Owner:  dcf
     Type:  task                     |         Status:  accepted
 Priority:  Medium                   |      Milestone:
Component:  Circumvention/Snowflake  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                   |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  turbotunnel              |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                           |         Points:
 Reviewer:                           |        Sponsor:

Comment (by dcf):

 Replying to [comment:18 cohosh]:
 > Replying to [comment:15 dcf]:
 > > Overall, it's making me feel more and more meh about deploying quic-
 go; it and QUIC are still changing fast and I foresee maintenance and
 compatibility difficulties.
 > >
 > Ugh, is KCP likely to be more stable?

 It's slower-moving at least. kcp-go and smux together have had 30 commits
 since January 1, while quic-go has had 181.
 kcp-go$ git log --oneline --since 2020-01-01 96f67cd | wc -l
 smux$ git log --oneline --since 2020-01-01 c6969d8 | wc -l
 quic-go$ git log --oneline --since 2020-01-01 ca469eb0 | wc -l
 We still haven't had a tone of experience with either library, but there
 were 3 API breaks in quic-go that
 affected our code] when I did the upgrade: `IdleTimeout`→`MaxIdleTimeout`,
 removal of `Session.Close`, and `Accept` functions taking a `Context`. On
 the other hand, smux also
 broke its import path] during that time.

 > The dependency problem applies to KCP too, right? Your
 team/2020-February/000069.html earlier mail] suggested that KCP would add
 ~16 new dependencies. Though this seems much less of an issue compared to
 what quic-go now requires.

 9 of those (the [https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/dcf/tor-browser-
 turbotunnel&id=a0c7ffa70f09ca4d86e18a93483c1a378c3067b4 /x/crypto] and
 turbotunnel&id=a0c7ffa70f09ca4d86e18a93483c1a378c3067b4 /x/net] ones) are
 not completely new dependencies, just new sub-packages in existing
 projects. Almost all the new dependencies are for features we don't
 actually use, so it leaves open the possibility of making a fork (ugh) or
 a tor-browser-build patch that removes the need for them. gogmsm,
 goxcrypto, go-templexxx-xorsimd, and go-templexxx-cpu are for the optional
 crypto feature that is
 [https://github.com/net4people/bbs/issues/14#issue-501300899 symmetric-key
 only] and therefore useless in a shared-bridge environment with untrusted
 clients. goreedsolomon and gocpuid are only for the
 [https://github.com/xtaci/kcp-go#faq forward error-correction] feature,
 which may be useful in certain contexts but which we aren't using now.
 That would leave only the /x/net ones, which aren't really full new

 > I wonder whether pion-webrtc will eventually force us to upgrade to this
 dependency-heavy version of quic-go anyway.

 Yeah, possibly. I'm not actually sure what pion-webrtc uses pion-quic for

 The massive dependency increase in quic-go is entirely due to the
 go/commit/572ef44cf2d1197428f493e90cdfdd161e584f2c addition of the GoJay
 package] for faster JSON encoding. It's
 [https://github.com/francoispqt/gojay/blob/v1.2.13/go.mod GoJay's go.mod]
 that brings in all the gunk, including stuff like cloud.google.com/go
 which brings in its
 [https://code.googlesource.com/gocloud/+/refs/tags/v0.37.0/go.mod own
 dependencies]. Now it's probable that not all of those new dependencies
 actually need to be packaged—they may be used only in tests or could be
 easily hacked out as in the kcp-go case. It was just more than I wanted to
 deal with, when all I really wanted was a newer quic-go with some bugs

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33336#comment:19>
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