#18938: Authorities should reject non-ASCII content in ExtraInfo descriptors
 Reporter:  teor                  |          Owner:
     Type:  defect                |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium                |      Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.9.x-final
Component:  Core Tor/Tor          |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-proposal-maybe  |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #18656                |         Points:  1
 Reviewer:                        |        Sponsor:

Comment (by atagar):

 Bah, apologies for the bug (where non-ascii platforms were added to the
 non_ascii_contact). With that correction there actually is one...

 We have 24 descriptors with non-ascii contact info
 We have 1 descriptors with non-ascii platform info


 1wiki <tor(��t)1wiki.de>
 Random Person <treacheroussunset ��������� openmailbox ��������� org>
 Random Person <trash ��t psy-coding com>
 0x6FBAB4BD076683498B71AB812C8A7BBF7B85E1AB Oddbj��rn Norstrand <oddbjorn
 AT norstrand dot priv dot no>
 fogmountain[��t]gMx-D0t-nEt [tor-relay.co]
 0x775BFC87 Hloup�� Honza <dumbjack AT seznam dot cz>
 Mynameis Nobody <bleckbox ��t ouvaton dodt org>
 0xdf0c3d316b7312d5 Alexander Kj��ll <alexander.kj...@gmail.com>
 gpg-fingerprint: 294F 4893 913F 208E 98B6  925E 538D 9C7C 219C 76AD ���:
 0xDAC4CCB6722FF7E5 Alexander B��hm <alexander.bo...@malbolge.net>
 0x0D3130F5 Cl��ment F��vrier <clement AT forumanalogue dot fr>
 2048R/421F554B renke <renke ��T mobtm PUNKT com>
 0x01086FDA Cristian Rasch <cristianrasch AT fastmail dot fm>��
 <5p4m ��T gmx d0t de>
 Random Nobody Person <kimskrams��hotmail.com>
 Adri��n Lavi��s <adrian.lavios AT tutanota dot com>
 Node Handler <node �� handler]at[marvid ��� france>
 0xDADCA1EE Torexit Wall <torexitwall ��t hitler.rocks>
 Elmo M��ntynen <elmo dot mantynen AT iki dot fi>
 Random Person <simtim6 �� elitemail point org>
 Lightning Rider <syroeska-ru ��T `mail` [ dot] ru>
 Miko��aj Florkiewicz <t...@florkiewicz.me>
 ++����������++ c.m.i(at)mail.ru    ++ hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 ++
 Bitcoin? 153gfzos233LcSnJpDF5u3q76iVAACwTAd
 0xDADCA1EE Torexit Wall <torexitwall ��t hitler.rocks>



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