commit abf43ce3b1bf4c0145567f685fe3d8b7d1dee933
Author: Translation commit bot <>
Date:   Fri May 25 09:15:15 2012 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 ar/short-user-manual_ar_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 cs/short-user-manual_cs_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 de/short-user-manual_de_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 en/short-user-manual_en_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 es/short-user-manual_es_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 fa/short-user-manual_fa_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 fr/short-user-manual_fr_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 hu/short-user-manual_hu_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 it/short-user-manual_it_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 ms/short-user-manual_ms_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 nl/short-user-manual_nl_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 pt/short-user-manual_pt_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 ru/short-user-manual_ru_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 tr/short-user-manual_tr_noimg.xhtml       |    4 ++--
 zh_CN/short-user-manual_zh_CN_noimg.xhtml |    4 ++--
 15 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ar/short-user-manual_ar_noimg.xhtml 
index 4f57a96..53988fe 100644
--- a/ar/short-user-manual_ar_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/ar/short-user-manual_ar_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>قبل أن تبدأ حزمة متصفح تور, تأكد من وجود 
النسخة السليمة عندك.</p>
     <p>البرنامج الذي ستقوم باستخدامه يأتي 
مرفقاً مع ملف توقيع الكتروني بلاحقة مختلفة 
<strong>.asc</strong> يعتبر هذا الملف التوقيع 
الالكتروني من نوع GPG والذي سيسمح لك بالتحقق 
من الملف الذي قمت بتحميله.</p>
     <p>قبل ان تقوم بالتّأكد من التوقيع، عليك 
أن تقوم بتنزيل وتثبيت GnuPG</p>
-    <p><strong>ويندوز</strong>: <a 
 اغلب نسخ لينوكس تأتي مع برنامج GnuPGجاهز.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>الرجاء الانتباه الى أنك قد تحتاج الى 
تعديل المسارات والاوامر ادناه من أجل أن 
يعمل على نظامك</p>
     <p>ايرن كلارك يوقع حزمة متصفح تور 
بالمفتاح 0x63FEE659. من أجل استيراد مفتاح ايرن 
نفذ الأمر التالي</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>يجب ان تكون النتيجة الظاهرة تحميل 
<em>&amp;quot;توقيع جيد&amp;quot;</em>. التوقيع السيؤ 
يعني أن الملف قد تم العبث به . اذا عثرت على 
توقيع سيء قم بإرسال التفاصيل عن مصدر تحميلك 
للبرنامج , و كيفية قيامك بالتحقق من التوقيع 
و المعلومات الصادرة من GnuPG الى البريد 
الالكتروني التالي</p>
     <p>بعد التحقق من الملف سوف تجد رسالة 
(توقيع جيد) قم باتمام العمل و بتصدير الملفات 
, عندها ستجد مجلد يحمل الاسم tor-browser بداخله 
يوجد العديد من المجلدات الاخرى كـ (Docs) 
(changelog) عندها يجب ان تتحقق من ان رقم الاصدار 
الموجود في الاعلى هو مطابق لما بداخل على 
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">كيف تستخدم حزمة 
المتصفح الخاصة ببرنامج تور</h3>
-    <p>بعدما تقوم بتنزيل حزمة متصفح تور وتفك 
الضغط عن الأرشيف, سيكون عندك مجلد بداخله 
عدد من الملفات, واحد من الملفات هو ملف 
تشغيلي إسمه &amp;quot;Start Tor Browser&amp;quot; (أو 
&amp;quot;start-tor-browser&amp;quot;, حسب نظام التشغيل 
الخاص بك).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>عند الرغبة ببدء تشغيل برنامج متصفح 
التور , سوف تجد بالبداية تطبيق Vidalia و الذي 
سيبدأ بالاتصال بشبكة التور , بعد ذلك ستجد 
بان متصفح التور اعطاك رسالة تأكيد بانك 
تستطيع الان تصفح الانترنت باستخدام متصفح 
التور بشكل آمن عن طريق فحص الرابط التالي<a 
       <em>الرجاء الانتباه الى أنّه من المهم أن 
تستخدم المتصفح الذي يأتي مع الحزمة، وليس 
متصفحك أنت</em>
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--- a/cs/short-user-manual_cs_noimg.xhtml
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@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Před spuštením Tor Browser Bundle byste se měli ujistit, že máte 
správnou verzi.</p>
     <p>Software který obdržíte je doprovázen souborem se stejným jménem 
jako balíček a příponou <strong>.asc</strong>. Tento .asc soubor je GPG 
podpis a umožní vám ověřit že stáhlý soubor je přesně ten co jsme 
vám chtěli dát.</p>
     <p>Ještě než můžete ověřit podpis, budete potřebovat stáhnout a 
nainstalovat GnuPG:</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Většina linuxových distribucí je dodávána s předinstalovaným GnuPG.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že může být nutné upravit cesty a 
příkazy používané níže, aby na vašem systému fungovaly.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark podepisuje Tor Browser Bundle klíčem 0x63FEE659. Pro 
naimportování Erinnino klíče, proveďte:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>Výstup by měl psát <em>&amp;quot;Good signature&amp;quot;</em>. 
Špatný podpis může znamenat že do souboru někdo zasahoval. Uvidíte-li 
špatný podpis, pošlete detaily o místě ze kterého jste balíček stáhli, 
jak jste ověřovali podpis a výpis GnuPG v emailu na</p>
     <p>Po ověření že podpis je v pořádku můžete archiv extrahovat. 
Měli byste poté vidět adresář na způsob 
<strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Uvnitř tohoto adresáře je další 
adresář se jménem <strong>Docs</strong>, který obsahuje soubor 
<strong>changelog</strong>. Ujistěte se, že verze na prvním řádku tohoto 
souboru je stejná jako verze ve jméně.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Jak použít Tor Browser 
-    <p>Po stažení Tor Browser Bundle a rozbalení balíčku byste měli mít 
adresář s několika soubory. Jeden z nich bude spustitelný soubor nazvaný 
&amp;quot;Start Tor Browser&amp;quot; (nebo 
&amp;quot;start-tor-browser&amp;quot;, podle vašeho operačního systému).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>Po spuštění Tor Browser Bundle uvidíte nejprve startovat program 
Vidalia a připojit se k síti Tor. Po té uvidéte prohlížeč potvrzující 
že nyní používáte Tor. K tomuto ověření se využívá <a 
href="";></a>. Nyní 
můžete brouzdat Internet skrz Tor.</p>
       <em>Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že je důležité abyste použili 
prohlížeč který je součástí balíčků, a ne váš vlastní.</em>
diff --git a/de/short-user-manual_de_noimg.xhtml 
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--- a/de/short-user-manual_de_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/de/short-user-manual_de_noimg.xhtml
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     <p>Bevor Säie das Tor Browser Bundle verwenden stellen Sie bitte sicher 
das Sie die richtige Version benutzen.</p>
     <p>Die Software, die du erhältst kommt mit einer Datei, die den selben 
Namen hat, wie das das Bundle und einer <strong>.asc</strong> Dateiendung. 
Diese .asc-Datei ist eine GPG-Signatur und erlaubt es dir sicherzustellen, dass 
die Datei die du geladen hast genau die ist die wir dir auch zukommen lassen 
     <p>Bevor du die Signatur überprüfen können, musst du GnuPG 
herunterladen und installieren:</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Die meisten Linux-Distributionen haben GnuPG vorinstalliert.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Bitte beachte, dass die folgenden Pfade und Befehle geändert werden 
müssen, damit es auf deinem System funktioniert.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark signiert das Tor Browser Bundle mit dem Schlüssel 
0x63FEE659. Um diesen Schlüssel zu importieren, führe folendes aus:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>Sie sollten die Meldung <em>&amp;quot;Korrekte 
Signature&amp;quot;</em>. Eine falsche Signatur kann bedeuten das die Software 
manipuliert wurde. Sollten Sie die feststellen dann senden Sie uns bitte eine 
e-Mail in der Sie uns mitteilen wo Sie die Software heruntergeladen haben, wie 
Sie diese verifiziert haben und die Ausgabe von GnuPG an</p>
     <p>Wenn Sie die Signatur verifiziert haben und die Meldung 
&amp;quot;Korrekte Signatur&amp;quot; erhalten haben dann können Sie mit dem 
Entpacken des Archivs fortfahren. Danach sollten Sie ein Verzeichnis mit dem 
Namen <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong> sehen können. Darin befindet sich ein 
weiteres Verzeichnis mit der Bezeichnung <strong>Docs</strong> das eine Datei 
mit dem Namen <strong>changelog</strong> enthalten sollte. Die Versionsnummer 
die am Anfang dieser Datei steht sollte der Version die im Namen der Datei 
steht entsprechen.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Wie benutze ich das Tor Browser 
-    <p>Nachdem Sie das Tor-Browser Paket heruntergeladen und entpackt haben, 
sollten sie einen Ordner, der einige Dateien enthält, sehen. Eine dieser 
Dateien ist eine Anwendung, die den Namen "Start Tor Browser" (oder 
start-tor-browser, abhängig von ihrem Betriebssystem) trägt.</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>Wenn Sie das Tor Browser Bundle starten öffnet sich als erstes die 
Software Vidalia und verbindet Sie automatisch mit dem Tor Netzwerk. Danach 
erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung im Browser das Sie nun das Tor Netzwerk 
verwenden.Dieses wird Ihnen dann angezeigt durch <a 
href="";></a>. Ab 
diesem Moment verwenden Sie das Tor Netzwerk für das browsen im Internet.</p>
     <p>Bitte berücksichtige, dass es wichtig ist den Browser aus dem Bundle 
zu verwenden und nicht den eigenen.</p>
     <h3 id="what-to-do-when-tor-does-not-connect">Was kann ich tun wenn Tor 
das Netzwerk nicht kontaktieren kann?</h3>
diff --git a/en/short-user-manual_en_noimg.xhtml 
index be6017d..d316000 100644
--- a/en/short-user-manual_en_noimg.xhtml
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     <p>Before running the Tor Browser Bundle, you should make sure that you 
have the right version.</p>
     <p>The software you receive is accompanied by a file with the same name as 
the bundle and the extension <strong>.asc</strong>. This .asc file is a GPG 
signature, and will allow you to verify the file you've downloaded is exactly 
the one that we intended you to get.</p>
     <p>Before you can verify the signature, you will have to download and 
install GnuPG:</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Please note that you may need to edit the paths and the commands used 
below to get it to work on your system.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark signs the Tor Browser Bundles with key 0x63FEE659. To 
import Erinn's key, run:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>The output should say <em>"Good signature"</em>. A bad signature means 
that the file may have been tampered with. If you see a bad signature, send 
details about where you downloaded the package from, how you verified the 
signature, and the output from GnuPG in an email to</p>
     <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good 
signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should 
then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that 
directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a 
file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version 
number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the 
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">How to use the Tor Browser 
-    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, 
you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an 
executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on 
your operating system).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start 
up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser 
confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a 
href="";></a>. You can 
now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
       <em>Please note that it is important that you use the browser that comes 
with the bundle, and not your own browser.</em>
diff --git a/es/short-user-manual_es_noimg.xhtml 
index 55ca1a6..15e9907 100644
--- a/es/short-user-manual_es_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/es/short-user-manual_es_noimg.xhtml
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     <p>Antes de ejecutar el Paquete de Navegador Tor, debe asegurarse que 
cuenta con la versión correcta.</p>
     <p>El software que usted recibe está acompañado de un archivo con el 
mismo nombre del paquete y la extensión <strong>.asc</strong>. Este archivo 
.asc es una firma GPG y le permitirá verificar que el archivo que ha 
descargado es exactamente el que usted pretendía obtener.</p>
     <p>Antes de que pueda verificar la firma, tendrá que descargar e instalar 
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 La mayoría de las distribuciones viene con GnuPG preinstalado.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Por favor observe que puede ser necesario que edite las rutas y los 
comandos usados abajo para lograr que funcione en su sistema.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark forma los Paquetes del navegador Tor con la llave 
0x63FEE659. Para importar la llave de Erinn, ejecute:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>La salida debe decir <em>&amp;quot;Good signature&amp;quot;</em>, firma 
válida. Una firma inválida significa que el archivo pudo haber sido alterado. 
Si usted ve una firma inválida, envíe los detalles acerca del origen de la 
descarga, cómo verificó la firma y la salida de GnuPG en un correo 
electrónico a</p>
     <p>na vez que ha verificado la firma y ha visto la salida 
<em>&amp;quot;Good signature&amp;quot;</em>, proceda y descomprima el paquete 
de archivos. Entonces debería ver un directorio similar a 
<strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. En ese lugar encontrará otro directorio 
llamado <strong>Docs</strong>, el cual contiene un archivo llamado 
<strong>changelog</strong>. Debe de asegurarse que el número de versión en la 
primera línea del archivo changelog corresponde con el número de versión en 
el archivo.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Cómo usar el Paquete de 
Navegador Tor</h3>
-    <p>Después de descargar y extraer el Paquete de Navegador Tor, podrá ver 
un directorio con unos cuantos ficheros dentro. Uno de los ficheros es un 
ejecutable llamado "Start Tor Browser" (o "start-tor-browser" dependiendo de su 
sistema operativo).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>Cuando inicie el Paquete del navegador Tor, usted verá primeramente el 
programa Vidalia iniciarse y conectarse a la red Tor. Después, usted verá un 
navegador confirmando que usted se encuentre utilizando Tor. Esto se hace 
desplegando <a 
href="";></a>. Ahora 
ya puede navegar por Internet a través de Tor.</p>
       <em>Por favor observe que es importante que utilice el navegador que 
viene con el paquete y no su propio navegador.</em>
diff --git a/fa/short-user-manual_fa_noimg.xhtml 
index c0b1f13..a207c9d 100644
--- a/fa/short-user-manual_fa_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/fa/short-user-manual_fa_noimg.xhtml
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     <p>پیش از استفاده از بسته مرورگر تور، باید 
از صحت نسخه ای که دریافت کرده اید اطمینان 
حاصل کنید.</p>
     <p>نرم‌افزاری که شما دریافت می‌کنید، به 
وسیله‌ی یک فایل همنام با بسته و با پسوند 
<strong>.asc</strong> همراهی می‌شود. این فایل .asc یک 
امضای GPG است و یه شما اجازه می‌دهد که بررسی 
کنید که آیا این فایلی که شما دانلود 
کرده‌اید، دقیقا همان فایلی هست که ما 
انتظار داشتیم شما بگیرید یا نه.</p>
     <p>قبل از این که شما بتوانید امضا را بررسی 
کنید، باید GnuPG را دانلود و نصب کنید:</p>
-    <p><strong>ویندوز</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 بیشتر دیستروهای گنو/لینوکس همراه GnuPG از پیش 
نصب‌شده ارائه می‌شوند.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>لطفا به این نکته توجه کنید که شما ممکن 
است نیاز داشته باشید که مسیرها و 
فرمان‌هایی را که در زیر استفاده شده است، 
برای این که در سیستم شما کار کند، ویرایش 
     <p>ارین کلارک (Erinn Clark) بسته مرورگر تور را 
با کلید 0x63FEE659 امضا می‌کند. برای دریافت کلید 
ارین، این دستور را اجرا کنید:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>خروجی باید بگوید <em>&amp;quot;Good 
signature&amp;quot;</em>. یک امضای بد یعنی فایل ممکن 
است دستکاری شده باشد. اگر شما یک امضای بد 
دیدید، جزییات این که فایل را از کجا دانلود 
کردید، چگونه امضا را بررسی کردید، و خروجی 
GnuPG را به نشانی ایمیل بزنید.</p>
     <p>پس از این که شما امضا را تایید کردید و 
خروجی &amp;quot;Good Signature&amp;quot; را دیدید، ادامه 
داده و فایل را از حالت فشرده خارج کنید. شما 
باید یک دایرکتوری مشابه tor-browser_en-US ببینید. 
در داخل این دایرکتوری یک دایرکتوری دیگر به 
نام Docs ( اسناد) قرار دارد که شامل یک فایل به 
نام changelog ( گزارش تغییرات ) است. اطمینان حاصل 
کنید که شماره نسخه ذکر شده در این خط بالای 
این فایل مشابه شماره نسخه ذکر شده در فایل 
برنامه است.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">چگونگی استفاده 
از بسته مرورگر تور</h3>
-    <p>پس از دریافت مرورگر تور و بازگشایی بسته 
شما باید یک دایرکتوری با تعدادی فایل درونش 
داشته باشید. یکی از این فایل ها یک فایل 
اجرایی به نام &amp;quot;Start Tor Browser&amp;quot; یا 
&amp;quot;start-tor-browser&amp;quot; بسته به سیستم عامل 
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>وقتی که شما بسته مرورگر تور را اجرا 
می‌کنید، در ابتدا می‌بینید که ویدالیا 
اجرا شده و شما را به شبکه‌ی تور وصل می‌کند. 
بعد از آن، شما یک مرورگر می‌بینید که تایید 
می‌کند که شما هم‌اکنون از تور استفاده 
می‌کنید. این کار به وسیله‌ی نمایش <a 
انجام می‌گیرد. اکنون شما می‌توانید از راه 
تور، به مرور اینترنت بپردازید.</p>
       <em>لطفا توجه کنید که این نکته مهم است که 
شما از مرورگری که همراه بسته است استفاده 
کنید، نه مرورگر خودتان.</em>
diff --git a/fr/short-user-manual_fr_noimg.xhtml 
index cd3d764..1e9b82f 100644
--- a/fr/short-user-manual_fr_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/fr/short-user-manual_fr_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Avant de lancer le Navigateur Tor, vous devriez vous assurer que vous 
avez la bonne version.</p>
     <p>Le logiciel que vous allez recevoir est accompagné d'un fichier qui 
porte le même nom que le package avec l'extension <strong>.asc</strong>. Ce 
fichier .asc est un signature GPG et va vous permettre de vérifier que le 
fichier que vous avez téléchargé est exactement celui que vous souhaitez 
     <p>Avant de pouvoir vérifier la signature, vous devez télécharger et 
installer GnuPG:</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 la plupart des distributions Linux sont livrés avec GnuPG préinstallé.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Veuillez noter qu'il est peut-être nécessaire de modifier les chemins 
et les commandes utilisés ci-dessous pour fonctionner sur votre PC.</p>
     <p>Le package Navigateur Tor est signé avec la clé 0x63FEE659 par Erinn 
Clark. Pour importer la clé de Erinn, lancer:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>Si tout est bon <em>&amp;quot;Signature correcte&amp;quot;</em> devrait 
s'afficher. Une mauvaise signature signifie que le fichier peut avoir été 
altéré ou corrompu. Si vous voyez une signature incorrecte, envoyer les 
informations concernant le site où vous avez téléchargé le paquet, comment 
vous avez vous vérifié la signature, et le résultat de GnuPG par email à</p>
     <p>Dès lors que vous avez vérifié la signature et vu le message 
&amp;quot;signature correcte&amp;quot;, poursuivez en décompactant le package. 
Vous devez obtenir un dossier identique à <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. 
A l'intérieur de ce dossier vous trouverez un sous-dossier nommé 
<strong>Docs</strong> contenant un fichier nommé <strong>changelog</strong>. 
Vous devez vous assurer que le numéro de version apparaissant en haut du 
fichier changelog correspond au numéro de version du nom du fichier.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Comment utiliser le Navigateur 
-    <p>Après avoir téléchargé et décompacté le Navigateur Tor, vous 
devriez obtenir un répertoire avec quelques fichiers. Parmi eux se trouve un 
fichier exécutable appelé &amp;quot;Start Tor Browser&amp;quot; (ou 
&amp;quot;start-tor-navigateur&amp;quot;, selon votre système 
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>Lorsque que vous démarrerez le package navigateur, vous verrez Vidalia 
démarrer et se connecter au réseau. Après cela, vous verrez le navigateur 
vous confirmez que vous utilisez à présent Tor. Cela s'obtient en visualisant 
<a href="";></a>. Vous 
naviguez dès lors sur Internet à travers Tor.</p>
       <em>Veuillez noter qu'il est important que vous utilisiez le navigateur 
fourni avec le paquet, et non pas votre navigateur.</em>
diff --git a/hu/short-user-manual_hu_noimg.xhtml 
index bd36019..8835649 100644
--- a/hu/short-user-manual_hu_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/hu/short-user-manual_hu_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Before running the Tor Browser Bundle, you should make sure that you 
have the right version.</p>
     <p>The software you receive is accompanied by a file with the same name as 
the bundle and the extension <strong>.asc</strong>. This .asc file is a GPG 
signature, and will allow you to verify the file you've downloaded is exactly 
the one that we intended you to get.</p>
     <p>Mielőtt ellenőrizni tudná az aláírást, szüksége lehet a GnuPG 
csomag letöltésére és telepítésére:   </p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 A legtöbb disztribúción alapértelmezetten telepítésre kerül a GnuPG.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Ne felejtse el, hogy lehet, szüksége lesz az alábbi parancsok 
esetén az útvonalat módosítására.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark írja alá a Tor Böngésző csomagot a 0x63FEE659 
kulccsal. Erinn kulcsának importáláshoz futtassa a következőt:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>The output should say <em>"Good signature"</em>. A bad signature means 
that the file may have been tampered with. If you see a bad signature, send 
details about where you downloaded the package from, how you verified the 
signature, and the output from GnuPG in an email to</p>
     <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good 
signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should 
then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that 
directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a 
file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version 
number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the 
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">How to use the Tor Browser 
-    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, 
you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an 
executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on 
your operating system).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start 
up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser 
confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a 
href="";></a>. You can 
now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
       <em>Fontos megjegyeznie, hogy a csomagban érkező böngészőt érdemes 
használnia, nem a saját böngészőjét.</em>
diff --git a/it/short-user-manual_it_noimg.xhtml 
index d8dd771..fc811b3 100644
--- a/it/short-user-manual_it_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/it/short-user-manual_it_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Prima di eseguire il Pacchetto Browser Tor, si dovrebbe controllare di 
avere la versione giusta.</p>
     <p>Il software che si riceve è accompagnato da un file con lo stesso nome 
del pacchetto e con l'estensione <strong>.asc.</strong>. Tale .asc file è una 
firma GPG, e permette di verificare se il file che si è scaricato è 
esattamente quello che si desiderava.</p>
     <p>Prima di poter verificare la firma, è necessario scaricare ed 
installare GnuPG.</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 La maggior parte delle distribuzioni di GNU/Linux sono fornite con GnuPG 
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Si noti che potrebbe essere necessario modificare il percorso dei files 
o i comandi mostrati in seguito per permetterne il funzionamento sul vostro 
     <p>Erinn Clark firma il Tor Browser Bundles con la chiave 0x63FEE659. Per 
importare la chiave di Erinn si esegua:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>L'output dovrebbe presentare il messaggio <em>Good signature</em>. Una 
firma non accettata significa che il file scaricato potrebbe essere stato 
modificato. Se si verifica una firma non accettata, si inviino i dettagli sulla 
locazione dalla quale si è scaricato il file, sul metodo di verifica della 
firma, e sull'output di GnuPG in una email a</p>
     <p>Una volta verificata la firma e visto il messaggio <em>&amp;quot;Good 
signature&amp;quot;</em>, si proceda all'estrazione del pacchetto. Si dovrebbe 
riscontrare una directory con un nome simile a 
<strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. All'interno, si dovrebbe trovare un'altra 
directory chiamata <strong>Docs</strong>, contenente un file chiamato 
<strong>changelog</strong>. Ci si potrebbe voler assicurare che il numero di 
versione nella prima linea del file changelog corrisponda al numero di versione 
nel nome del file del pacchetto.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Come usare il Tor Browser 
-    <p>Dopo aver scaricato il Tor Browser Bundle ed averne estratto il 
contenuto, si dovrebbe avere una directory con alcuni files all'interno. Uno 
dei files dovrebbe essere un eseguibile chiamato &amp;quot;Start Tor 
Browser&amp;quot; (o &amp;quot;start-tor-browser&amp;quot;, a seconda del 
sistema operativo utilizzato).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>All'avvio del Tor Browser Bundle, verrà inizialmente visualizzata la 
schermata di avvio di Vidalia che si connette alla rete Tor. A seguire, si 
potrà osservare un browser che conferma l'utilizzo di Tor, visualizzando il 
sito <a href="";></a>. 
E' ora possibile navigare in Internet attraverso Tor.</p>
       <em>ATTENZIONE! E' molto importante che si utilizzi il browser fornito 
nel pacchetto e non il proprio!!</em>
diff --git a/ms/short-user-manual_ms_noimg.xhtml 
index f5a2439..f39109a 100644
--- a/ms/short-user-manual_ms_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/ms/short-user-manual_ms_noimg.xhtml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     <p>Perisian yang anda terima adalah bersama dengan fail yang namanya sama 
dengan nama bundle dan akhiran <strong>.asc</strong>. Fail .asc ialah fail 
tandatangan GPG, dan membolehkan anda mengesahkan fail yang dimuat turun adalah 
sama seperti yang sepatutnya anda dapat.</p>
     <p>Sebelum anda mengesahkan tandatangan, anda perlu muat turun dan
 install GnuPG:   </p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Kebanyakan versi linux sudah ada GnuPG di dalamnya.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Ambil perhatian anda perlu mengubah maklumat path dan command used di 
bawah untuk membolehkan ia berjalan dalam sistem anda.</p>
     <p>Tanda Erinn Clark untuk Browser Tor Bundles dengan kunci 0x63FEE659. 
Untuk import kunci Erinn, jalankan:</p>
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16⏎
     <p>The output should say <em>"Good signature"</em>. A bad signature means 
that the file may have been tampered with. If you see a bad signature, send 
details about where you downloaded the package from, how you verified the 
signature, and the output from GnuPG in an email to</p>
     <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good 
signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should 
then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that 
directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a 
file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version 
number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the 
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">How to use the Tor Browser 
-    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, 
you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an 
executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on 
your operating system).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start 
up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser 
confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a 
href="";></a>. You can 
now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
       <em>Ambil perhatian adalah penting untuk anda menggunakan browser yang 
datang bersama bundle, elakkan menggunakan browser anda.</em>
diff --git a/nl/short-user-manual_nl_noimg.xhtml 
index d48b344..52c00e1 100644
--- a/nl/short-user-manual_nl_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/nl/short-user-manual_nl_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Voordat je de Tor Browser Bundle uitvoert moet je er zeker van zijn dat 
je de juiste versie hebt.</p>
     <p>De software die je ontvangt, wordt vergezeld door een bestand met 
dezelfde naam als de bundel en de extensie <strong>.asc</strong>. Dit .asc 
bestand is een GPG handtekening en stelt je in staat om te verifiëren dat het 
bestand dat je hebt gedownload precies diegene is die we bedoelden voor jou om 
te ontvangen.</p>
     <p>Voordat je de handtekening kunt verifiëren moet je GnuPG downloaden en 
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 De meeste Linux distributies komen met GnuPG al geïnstalleerd.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Please note that you may need to edit the paths and the commands used 
below to get it to work on your system.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark signs the Tor Browser Bundles with key 0x63FEE659. To 
import Erinn's key, run:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ uid         Erinn Clark &amp;lt;;gt;
     <p>De uitvoer zou <em>&amp;quot;Good signature&amp;quot;</em> moeten zijn. 
Een verkeerde handtekening betekent dat er mogelijk met het bestand geknoeid 
is. Als je een verkeerde handtekening tegenkomt, stuur dan details, waar je het 
pakket gedownload hebt, hoe je de handtekening geverifieerd hebt en de uitvoer 
van GnuPG in een e-mail naar</p>
     <p>Wanneer je de handtekening geverifieerd hebt en de <em>&amp;quot;Good 
signature&amp;quot;</em> uitvoer gezien hebt, ga dan verder en pak het archief 
uit. Je zou dan een folder vergelijkbaar met <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong> 
moeten zien. In deze folder is een andere folder genaamd <strong>Docs</strong>, 
welke een bestand genaamd <strong>changelog</strong> bevat. Je controleert dan 
of het versienummer in de bovenste regel gelijk is aan de versienummer van de 
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Hoe de Tor Browser Bundle te 
-    <p>Na de Tor Browser Bundle gedownload en uitgepakt te hebben, zou je een 
folder met een paar bestanden moeten hebben. Eén van deze bestanden is een 
uitvoerbaar bestand genaamd &amp;quot;Start Tor Browser&amp;quot; (of 
&amp;quot;start-tor-browser&amp;quot;, afhankelijk van je 
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>Wanneer je de Tor Browser Bundle start zul je eerst zien dat Vidalia 
opstart en je verbindt met het Tor netwerk. Daarna zul je een browser zien met 
een pagina die bevestigt dat je nu Tor gebruikt. Dit wordt gedaan door <a 
href="";></a> weer te 
geven. Je kunt nu het internet gebruiken via Tor.</p>
       <em>Let op dat je de browser gebruikt die bij de bundel zit en niet je 
eigen browser.</em>
diff --git a/pt/short-user-manual_pt_noimg.xhtml 
index 363015f..614f4c5 100644
--- a/pt/short-user-manual_pt_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/pt/short-user-manual_pt_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Before running the Tor Browser Bundle, you should make sure that you 
have the right version.</p>
     <p>The software you receive is accompanied by a file with the same name as 
the bundle and the extension <strong>.asc</strong>. This .asc file is a GPG 
signature, and will allow you to verify the file you've downloaded is exactly 
the one that we intended you to get.</p>
     <p>Before you can verify the signature, you will have to download and 
install GnuPG:</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Please note that you may need to edit the paths and the commands used 
below to get it to work on your system.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark signs the Tor Browser Bundles with key 0x63FEE659. To 
import Erinn's key, run:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>The output should say <em>"Good signature"</em>. A bad signature means 
that the file may have been tampered with. If you see a bad signature, send 
details about where you downloaded the package from, how you verified the 
signature, and the output from GnuPG in an email to</p>
     <p>Uma vez que você tenha verificado a assinatura e viu a saída 
<strong>"Good signature"</strong>, vá em frente e extraia o arquivo package. 
Você deve ver um diretório similiar a <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. 
Dentro do diretório está outro diretório chamado <strong>Docs</strong>, que 
contém um arquivo chamado <strong>changelog</strong>. Você quer ter certeza 
de que a versão no topo do arquivo changelog corresponde ao número da versão 
no arquivo.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">How to use the Tor Browser 
-    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, 
you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an 
executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on 
your operating system).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start 
up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser 
confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a 
href="";></a>. You can 
now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
       <em>Please note that it is important that you use the browser that comes 
with the bundle, and not your own browser.</em>
diff --git a/ru/short-user-manual_ru_noimg.xhtml 
index be6017d..d316000 100644
--- a/ru/short-user-manual_ru_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/ru/short-user-manual_ru_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Before running the Tor Browser Bundle, you should make sure that you 
have the right version.</p>
     <p>The software you receive is accompanied by a file with the same name as 
the bundle and the extension <strong>.asc</strong>. This .asc file is a GPG 
signature, and will allow you to verify the file you've downloaded is exactly 
the one that we intended you to get.</p>
     <p>Before you can verify the signature, you will have to download and 
install GnuPG:</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Please note that you may need to edit the paths and the commands used 
below to get it to work on your system.</p>
     <p>Erinn Clark signs the Tor Browser Bundles with key 0x63FEE659. To 
import Erinn's key, run:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>The output should say <em>"Good signature"</em>. A bad signature means 
that the file may have been tampered with. If you see a bad signature, send 
details about where you downloaded the package from, how you verified the 
signature, and the output from GnuPG in an email to</p>
     <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good 
signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should 
then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that 
directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a 
file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version 
number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the 
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">How to use the Tor Browser 
-    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, 
you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an 
executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on 
your operating system).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start 
up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser 
confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a 
href="";></a>. You can 
now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
       <em>Please note that it is important that you use the browser that comes 
with the bundle, and not your own browser.</em>
diff --git a/tr/short-user-manual_tr_noimg.xhtml 
index bf46900..26c74b1 100644
--- a/tr/short-user-manual_tr_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/tr/short-user-manual_tr_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>Before running the Tor Browser Bundle, you should make sure that you 
have the right version.</p>
     <p>The software you receive is accompanied by a file with the same name as 
the bundle and the extension <strong>.asc</strong>. This .asc file is a GPG 
signature, and will allow you to verify the file you've downloaded is exactly 
the one that we intended you to get.</p>
     <p>İmzayı kontrol etmek için GnuPG programını indirip kurmanız 
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Pek çok Linux dağıtımı GnuPG kurulu olarak gelmektedir.</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Aşağıdaki komutları ve dizin yollarını kendi sisteminizde 
çalışacak şekilde değiştirmeniz gerekebilir.</p>
     <p>Tor Tarayıcı Paketini Erinn Clark 0x63FEE659 etiketli anahtarı ile 
imzalamaktadır. Erinn'in anahtarını aşağıdaki komut ile 
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>The output should say <em>"Good signature"</em>. A bad signature means 
that the file may have been tampered with. If you see a bad signature, send 
details about where you downloaded the package from, how you verified the 
signature, and the output from GnuPG in an email to</p>
     <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good 
signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should 
then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that 
directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a 
file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version 
number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the 
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">How to use the Tor Browser 
-    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, 
you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an 
executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on 
your operating system).</p>
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start 
up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser 
confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a 
href="";></a>. You can 
now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
       <em>Lütfen dikkat: Bilgisayarınızdaki mevcut tarayıcıyı değil, 
paket içerisinde gelen tarayıcıyı kullanmanız önem taşımaktadır.</em>
diff --git a/zh_CN/short-user-manual_zh_CN_noimg.xhtml 
index 0e0be6a..47136af 100644
--- a/zh_CN/short-user-manual_zh_CN_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/zh_CN/short-user-manual_zh_CN_noimg.xhtml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <p>在运行 Tor 
 <strong>.asc</strong> 的文件。这个 .asc 文件是一个 GPG 
     <p>在校验签名之前,你将需要下载并安装 GnuPG:</p>
-    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 大多数 Linux 发行版已预装 GnuPG</p>
+    <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a 
 OS X</strong>: <a 
 Most Linux distributions come with GnuPG preinstalled.</p>
     <p>Tor 浏览器软件由 Erinn Clark 使用密钥 0x63FEE659 
签署。要导入 Erinn 的密钥,请执行:</p>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>输出的结果应为 <em>&amp;quot;Good 
signature&amp;quot;</em>。若是 Bad signature 
 GunPG 的输出结果一并以电子邮件发送到。</p>
     <p>当你已完成校验并看到 <em>&amp;quot;Good 
这样的文件夹。此文件夹里有另一个名为 <strong>Docs</strong> 
的文件夹,内含一个 <strong>changelog</strong> 文件。请确保 
changelog 里第一行的版本号与文件名中的版本号相符。</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">如何使用 Tor 
-    <p>在下载并解压了 Tor 
 &amp;quot;Start Tor Browser&amp;quot; 的可执行文件(或者 
+    <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle, extract the package onto your 
desktop or a USB stick. You should have a directory containing a few files. One 
of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or 
"start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
     <p>当你运行 Tor 浏览器软件包,你会首先看到 Vidalia 
启动并把你接入到 Tor 
网络。之后你会看到一个浏览器打开了 <a 
 Tor。现在你可以开始通过 Tor 来浏览互联网了。</p>

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