commit 8edd7803d98c6ecbf286275aa38cd48125e1521a
Author: Nick Mathewson <>
Date:   Fri Mar 1 11:58:25 2019 -0500

    New version of Proposal 295 from Tomer Ashur, Orr Dunkelman, and Atul Luykx
 proposals/000-index.txt                 |   4 +-
 proposals/295-relay-crypto-with-adl.txt | 402 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 proposals/295-relay-crypto-with-atl.txt | 263 ---------------------
 3 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proposals/000-index.txt b/proposals/000-index.txt
index 8b01392..7cc5806 100644
--- a/proposals/000-index.txt
+++ b/proposals/000-index.txt
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Proposals by number:
 292  Mesh-based vanguards [ACCEPTED]
 293  Other ways for relays to know when to publish [CLOSED]
 294  TLS 1.3 Migration [DRAFT]
-295  Using ADL-GCM for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging attack) 
+295  Using ADL for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging attack) 
 296  Have Directory Authorities expose raw bandwidth list files [OPEN]
 297  Relaxing the protover-based shutdown rules [CLOSED]
 298  Putting family lines in canonical form [CLOSED]
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Proposals by status:
    285  Directory documents should be standardized as UTF-8
    287  Reduce circuit lifetime without overloading the network
    289  Authenticating sendme cells to mitigate bandwidth attacks
-   295  Using ADL-GCM for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging 
+   295  Using ADL for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging attack)
    296  Have Directory Authorities expose raw bandwidth list files
    299  Preferring IPv4 or IPv6 based on IP Version Failure Count
diff --git a/proposals/295-relay-crypto-with-adl.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88f3cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proposals/295-relay-crypto-with-adl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+Filename: 295-relay-crypto-with-adl.txt
+Title: Using ADL for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging attack)
+Author: Tomer Ashur, Orr Dunkelman, Atul Luykx
+Created: 22 Feb 2018
+Last-Modified: 1 March 2019
+Status: Open
+0. Context
+   Although Crypto Tagging Attacks were identified already in the
+   original Tor design, it was not before the rise of the
+   Procyonidae in 2012 that their severity was fully realized. In
+   Proposal 202 (Two improved relay encryption protocols for Tor
+   cells) Nick Mathewson discussed two approaches to stymie tagging
+   attacks and generally improve Tor's cryptography. In Proposal 261
+   (AEZ for relay cryptography) Mathewson puts forward a concrete
+   approach which uses the tweakable wide-block cipher AEZ.
+   This proposal suggests an alternative approach to Proposal 261
+   using the notion of Release (of) Unverified Plaintext (RUP)
+   security. It describes an improved algorithm for circuit
+   encryption based on CTR-mode which is already used in Tor, and an
+   additional component for hashing.
+   Incidentally, and similar to Proposal 261, this proposal employs
+   the ENCODE-then-ENCIPHER approach thus it improves Tor's E2E
+   integrity by using (sufficient) redundancy.
+   For more information about the scheme and a security proof for
+   its RUP-security see
+       Tomer Ashur, Orr Dunkelman, Atul Luykx: Boosting
+       Authenticated Encryption Robustness with Minimal
+       Modifications. CRYPTO (3) 2017: 3-33
+   available online at .
+   For authentication between the OP and the edge node we use
+   the PIV scheme:
+2. Preliminaries
+2.1 Motivation
+   For motivation, see proposal 202.
+2.2. Notation
+   Symbol               Meaning
+   ------               -------
+   M                    Plaintext
+   C_I                  Ciphertext
+   CTR                  Counter Mode
+   N_I                  A de/encryption nonce (to be used in CTR-mode)
+   T_I                  A tweak (to be used to de/encrypt the nonce)
+   T'_I                 A running digest
+   ^                    XOR
+   ||                   Concatenation
+          (This is more readable than a single | but must be adapted
+          before integrating the proposal into tor-spec.txt)
+2.3. Security parameters
+   HASH_LEN -- The length of the hash function's output, in bytes.
+   PAYLOAD_LEN -- The longest allowable cell payload, in bytes. (509)
+   DIG_KEY_LEN -- The key length used to digest messages (e.g.,
+   using GHASH). Since GHASH is only defined for 128-bit keys, we
+   recommend DIG_KEY_LEN = 128.
+   ENC_KEY_LEN -- The key length used for encryption (e.g., AES). We
+   recommend ENC_KEY_LEN = 128.
+2.4. Key derivation (replaces Section 5.2.2)
+   For newer KDF needs, Tor uses the key derivation function HKDF
+   from RFC5869, instantiated with SHA256. The generated key
+   material is:
+                 K = K_1 | K_2 | K_3 | ...
+   where, if H(x,t) denotes HMAC_SHA256 with value x and key t,
+         and m_expand denotes an arbitrarily chosen value,
+         and INT8(i) is an octet with the value "i", then
+             K_1     = H(m_expand | INT8(1) , KEY_SEED )
+         and K_(i+1) = H(K_i | m_expand | INT8(i+1) , KEY_SEED ),
+   in RFC5869's vocabulary, this is HKDF-SHA256 with info ==
+   m_expand, salt == t_key, and IKM == secret_input.
+   When used in the ntor handshake a string of key material is
+   generated and is used in the following way:
+   Length       Purpose                         Notation
+   ------        -------                        --------
+   HASH_LEN     forward digest IV               DF      *
+   HASH_LEN     backward digest IV              DB      *
+   ENC_KEY_LEN  encryption key                  Kf
+   ENC_KEY_LEN  decryption key                  Kb
+   DIG_KEY_LEN  forward digest key              Khf
+   DIG_KEY_LEN  backward digest key             Khb
+   ENC_KEY_LEN  forward tweak key               Ktf
+   ENC_KEY_LEN  backward tweak key              Ktb
+   DIGEST_LEN   nonce to use in the                      *
+                  hidden service protocol
+      * I am not sure that we need these any longer.
+   Excess bytes from K are discarded.
+2.6. Ciphers
+   For hashing(*) we use GHASH with a DIG_KEY_LEN-bit key. We write
+   this as Digest(K,M) where K is the key and M the message to be
+   hashed.
+   We use AES with an ENC_KEY_LEN-bit key. For AES encryption
+   (resp., decryption) we write E(K,X) (resp., D(K,X)) where K is an
+   ENC_KEY_LEN-bit key and X the block to be encrypted (resp.,
+   decrypted).
+   For a stream cipher, unless otherwise specified, we use
+   ENC_KEY_LEN-bit AES in counter mode, with a nonce that is
+   generated as explained below. We write this as Encrypt(K,N,X)
+   (resp., Decrypt(K,N,X)) where K is the key, N the nonce, and X
+   the message to be encrypted (resp., decrypted).
+   (*) The terms hash and digest are used interchangeably.
+3. Routing relay cells
+3.1. Forward Direction
+   The forward direction is the direction that CREATE/CREATE2 cells
+   are sent.
+3.1.1. Routing from the Origin
+   Let n denote the integer representing the destination node. For
+   I = 1...n+1, T'_{I} is initialized to the 128-bit string consisting
+   entirely of '0's. When an OP sends a relay cell, they prepare the
+   cell as follows:
+        The OP prepares the authentication part of the message:
+                C_{n+1} = M
+                T_{n+1} = Digest(Khf_n,T'_{n+1}||C_{n+1})
+                N_{n+1} = T_{n+1} ^ E(Ktf_n,T_{n+1} ^ 0)
+                T'_{n+1} = T_{n+1}
+        Then, the OP prepares the multi-layered encryption:
+                For I=n...1:
+                        C_I = Encrypt(Kf_I,N_{I+1},C_{I+1})
+                        T_I = Digest(Khf_I,T'_I||C_I)
+                        N_I = T_I ^ E(Ktf_I,T_I ^ N_{I+1})
+                        T'_I = T_I
+          The OP sends C_1 and N_1 to node 1.
+3.1.2. Relaying Forward at Onion Routers
+   When a forward relay cell is received by OR I, it decrypts the
+   payload with the stream cipher, as follows:
+        'Forward' relay cell:
+                T_I = Digest(Khf_I,T'_I||C_I)
+                N_{I+1} = T_I ^ D(Ktf_I,T_I ^ N_I)
+                C_{I+1} = Decrypt(Kf_I,N_{I+1},C_I)
+                T'_I = T_I
+   The OR then decides whether it recognizes the relay cell as
+   described below. If the OR recognizes the cell, it processes the
+   contents of the relay cell. Otherwise, it passes C_{I+1}||N_{I+1}
+   along the circuit if the circuit continues.
+   For more information, see section 4 below.
+3.2. Backward Direction
+   The backward direction is the opposite direction from
+   CREATE/CREATE2 cells.
+3.2.1. Relaying Backward at Onion Routers
+   When a backward relay cell is received by OR I, it encrypts the
+   payload with the stream cipher, as follows:
+        'Backward' relay cell:
+                T_I = Digest(Khb_I,T'_I||C_{I+1})
+                N_I = T_I ^ E(Ktb_I,T_I ^ N_{I+1})
+                C_I = Encrypt(Kb_I,N_I,C_{I+1})
+                T'_I = T_I
+   with C_{n+1} = M and N_{n+1}=0. Once encrypted, the node passes
+   C_I and N_I along the circuit towards the OP.
+3.2.2. Routing to the Origin
+   When a relay cell arrives at an OP, the OP decrypts the payload
+   with the stream cipher as follows:
+        OP receives relay cell from node 1:
+                For I=1...n, where n is the end node on the circuit:
+                        C_{I+1} = Decrypt(Kb_I,N_I,C_I)
+                        T_I = Digest(Khb_I,T'_I||C_{I+1})
+                        N_{I+1} = T_I ^ D(Ktb_I,T_I ^ N_I)
+                        T'_I = T_I
+                If the payload is recognized (see Section 4.1),
+                then:
+                       The sending node is I. Stop, process the
+                       payload and authenticate.
+4. Application connections and stream management
+4.1. Relay cells
+  Within a circuit, the OP and the end node use the contents of
+  RELAY packets to tunnel end-to-end commands and TCP connections
+  ("Streams") across circuits. End-to-end commands can be initiated
+  by either edge; streams are initiated by the OP.
+        The payload of each unencrypted RELAY cell consists of:
+                Relay command           [1 byte]
+                'Recognized'            [2 bytes]
+                StreamID                [2 bytes]
+                Length                  [2 bytes]
+                Data                    [PAYLOAD_LEN-23 bytes]
+   The 'recognized' field is used as a simple indication that the
+   cell is still encrypted. It is an optimization to avoid
+   calculating expensive digests for every cell. When sending cells,
+   the unencrypted 'recognized' MUST be set to zero.
+   When receiving and decrypting cells the 'recognized' will always
+   be zero if we're the endpoint that the cell is destined for. For
+   cells that we should relay, the 'recognized' field will usually
+   be nonzero, but will accidentally be zero with P=2^-16.
+   If the cell is recognized, the node moves to verifying the
+   authenticity of the message as follows(*):
+          forward direction (executed by the end node):
+                T_{n+1} = Digest(Khf_n,T'_{n+1}||C_{n+1})
+                Tag = T_{n+1} ^ D(Ktf_n,T_{n+1} ^ N_{n+1})
+                T'_{n+1} = T_{n+1}
+                The message is authenticated (i.e., M = C_{n+1}) if
+                and only if Tag = 0
+          backward direction (executed by the OP):
+                The message is authenticated (i.e., C_{n+1} = M) if
+                and only if N_{n+1} = 0
+   The old Digest field is removed since sufficient information for
+   authentication is now included in the nonce part of the payload.
+       (*) we should consider dropping the 'recognized' field
+       altogether and always try to authenticate. Note that this is
+       an optimization question and the crypto works just as well
+       either way.
+   The 'Length' field of a relay cell contains the number of bytes
+   in the relay payload which contain real payload data. The
+   remainder of the payload is padding bytes.
+4.2. Appending the encrypted nonce and dealing with version-homogenic
+     and version-heterogenic circuits
+   When a cell is prepared to be routed from the origin (see Section
+   3.1.1) the encrypted nonce N is appended to the encrypted cell
+   (occupying the last 16 bytes of the cell). If the cell is
+   prepared to be sent to a node supporting the new protocol, S is
+   combined with other sources to generate the layer's
+   nonce. Otherwise, if the node only supports the old protocol, n
+   is still appended to the encrypted cell (so that following nodes
+   can still recover their nonce), but a synchronized nonce (as per
+   the old protocol) is used in CTR-mode.
+   When a cell is sent along the circuit in the 'backward'
+   direction, nodes supporting the new protocol always assume that
+   the last 16 bytes of the input are the nonce used by the previous
+   node, which they process as per Section 3.2.1. If the previous
+   node also supports the new protocol, these cells are indeed the
+   nonce. If the previous node only supports the old protocol, these
+   bytes are either encrypted padding bytes or encrypted data.
+5. Security
+5.1. Resistance to crypto-tagging attacks
+   A crypto-tagging attack involves a circuit with two colluding
+   nodes and at least one honest node between them. The attack works
+   when one node makes a change to the cell (tagging) in a way that
+   can be undone by the other colluding party. In between, the
+   tagged cell is processed by honest nodes which do not detect the
+   change. The attack is possible due to the malleability property
+   of CTR-mode: a change to a ciphertext bit effects only the
+   respective plaintext bit in a predicatble way. This proposal
+   frustrates the crypto-tagging attack by linking the nonce to the
+   encrypted message such that any change to the ciphertext results
+   in a random nonce and hence, random plaintext.
+   Let us consider the following 3-hop scenario: the entry and end
+   nodes are malicious and colluding and the middle node is honest.
+5.1.1. forward direction
+   Suppose that node I tags the ciphertext part of the message
+   (C'_{I+1} != C_{I+1}) then forwards it to the next node (I+1). As
+   per Section 3.1.2. Node I+1 digests C'_{I+1} to generate T_{I+1}
+   and N_{I+2}. Since C'_{I+2} is different than it should be, so
+   are the resulting T_{I+1} and N_{I+2}. Hence, decrypting C'_{I+2}
+   using these values results in a random string for C_{I+2}. Since
+   C_{I+2} is now just a random string, it is decrypted into a
+   random string and cannot be 'recognized' nor
+   authenticated. Furthermore, since C'_{I+1} is different than what
+   it should be, T'_{I+1} (i.e., the running digest of the middle
+   node) is now out of sync with that of the OP, which means that
+   all future cells sent through this node will decrypt into garbage
+   (random strings).
+   Likewise, suppose that instead of tagging the ciphertext, Node I
+   node tags the encrypted nonce N'_{I+1} != N_{I+1}. Now, when Node
+   I+1 digests the payload the tweak T_{I+1} is find, but using it
+   to decrypt N'_{I+1} again results in a random nonce for
+   N_{I+2}. This random nonce is used to decrypt C_{I+1} into a
+   random C'_{I+2} which is not recognized by the end node. Since
+   C_{I+2} is now a random string, the running digest of the end
+   node is now out of sync, which prevents the end node from
+   decrypting further cells.
+5.1.2. Backward direction
+   In the backward direction the tagging is done by Node I+2
+   untagging by the Node I. Suppose first that Node I+2 tags the
+   ciphertext C_{I+2} and sends it to Node I+1. As per Section
+   3.2.1, Node I+1 first digests C_{I+2} and uses the resulting
+   T_{I+1} to generate a nonce N_{I+1}. From this it is clear that
+   any change introduced by Node I+2 influences the entire payload
+   and cannot be removed by Node I.
+   Unlike in Section 5.1.1., the cell is blindly delivered by Node I
+   to the OP which decrypts it. However, since the payload leaving
+   the end node was modified, the message cannot be authenticated by
+   the OP which can be trusted to tear down the circuit.
+   Suppose now that tagging is done by Node I+2 to the nonce part of
+   the payload, i.e., N_{I+2}. Since this value is encrypted by Node
+   I+1 to generate its own nonce N_{I+1}, again, a random nonce is
+   used which affects the entire keystream of CTR-mode. The cell
+   again cannot be authenticated by the OP and the circuit is torn
+   down.
+   We note that the end node can modify the plain message before
+   ever encrypting it and this cannot be discovered by the Tor
+   protocol. This vulnerability is outside the scope of this
+   proposal and users should always use TLS to make sure that their
+   application data is encrypted before it enters the Tor network.
+5.2. End-to-end authentication
+   Similar to the old protocol, this proposal only offers end-to-end
+   authentication rather than per-hop authentication. However,
+   unlike the old protocol, the ADL-construction is non-malleable
+   and hence, once a non-authentic message was processed by an
+   honest node supporting the new protocol, it is effectively
+   destroyed for all nodes further down the circuit. This is because
+   the nonce used to de/encrypt all messages is linked to (a digest
+   of) the payload data.
+   As a result, while honest nodes cannot detect non-authentic
+   messages, such nodes still destroy the message thus invalidating
+   its authentication tag when it is checked by edge nodes. As a
+   result, security against crypto-tagging attacks is ensured as
+   long as an honest node supporting the new protocol processes the
+   message between two dishonest ones.
+5.3 The Running Digest
+   Unlike the old protocol, the running digest is now computed as
+   the output of a GHASH call instead of a hash function call
+   (SHA256). Since GHASH does not provide the same type of security
+   guarantees as SHA256, it is worth discussing why security is not
+   lost from computing the running digest differently.
+   The running digets is used to ensure that if the same payload is
+   encrypted twice, then the resulting ciphertext does not remain
+   the same. Therefore, all that is needed is that the digest should
+   repeat with low probability. GHASH is a universal hash function,
+   hence it gives such a guarantee assuming its key is chosen
+   uniformly at random.
diff --git a/proposals/295-relay-crypto-with-atl.txt 
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-Filename: 295-relay-crypto-with-atl.txt
-Title: Using ADL-GCM for relay cryptography (solving the crypto-tagging attack)
-Author: Tomer Ashur, Orr Dunkelman, Atul Lyukx
-Created: 09 Apr 2018
-Status: Open
-0. Context
-   Although Crypto Tagging Attacks were identified already in the
-   original Tor design, it was not before the rise of the Procyonidae in
-   2012 that their severity was fully realized. In Proposal 202 (Two
-   improved relay encryption protocols for Tor cells) Nick Mathewson
-   discussed two approaches to stymie tagging attacks and generally
-   improve Tor's cryptography. In Proposal 261 (AEZ for relay
-   cryptography) Mathewson puts forward a concrete approach which uses
-   the tweakable wide-block cipher AEZ.
-1. Motivation
-   For motivations, see proposal 202.
-2. Summary and preliminaries
-   This proposal suggests an alternative approach to Proposal 261 using
-   the notion of Release (of) Unverified Plaintexts (RUP-security). It
-   describes an improved algorithm for circuit encryption based on
-   CTR-mode which is already used in Tor, and an additional component
-   for hashing. When this additional component is GHash, a GCM-based
-   solution can be used from the OpenSSL library.
-   Incidentally, and similar to Proposal 261, this proposal employs the
-   ENCODE-then-ENCIPHER approach thus it improves Tor's E2E integrity by
-   using (sufficiently enough) redundancy.
-   For more information about the scheme and a security proof for its
-   RUP-security see
-       Tomer Ashur, Orr Dunkelman, Atul Luykx: Boosting Authenticated
-       Encryption Robustness with Minimal Modifications. CRYPTO (3)
-       2017: 3-33 available online at .
-2.1. Cryptographic algorithms
-   As an encryption primitive we use AES. We denote one call to the
-   primitive by E(·), e.g.,
-       Z = E_k(X)
-   where k is a K-bit key, X is the input to AES and Z is the output. We
-   omit k where it is irrelevant or is clear from context. While we
-   propose to set K=256 to ensure long-term post-quantum resistance, we
-   stress that the solution also works for other key lengths.
-   To encrypt, we use AES is counter mode and a nonce N to produce a
-   random bit stream, e.g.,
-       CTR(N) = E(N)||E(N+1)||...||E(N+l) = z_1||z_2||...||Z_{n+1} = Z
-   and XOR Z with the message M to produce the ciphertext C, e.g.,
-       C = Z ^ M
-   For authentication, we use the universal hash function GHASH and a
-   key k, e.g.,
-       T = H(K||X) = H_k(X)
-   where K is a 256-bit key, X an arbitrary length string, and T a
-   unique authentication tag for X. While we propose to set K=256 to
-   ensure long-term post-quantum resistance, we stress that the solution
-   works for any universal hash function as well as for keys of length
-   K!=256.
-3. The proposed solution
-3.1 An overview of the proposed solution
-   Noting that in CTR-mode the nonce is essential for the
-   encryption/decryption operations, the proposed solution is based on
-   linking the nonce and the transmitted data in such a way that any
-   change to the data (e.g., through a tagging attack) randomizes the
-   nonce and results in a random value Z' != Z for CTR(N' != N).
-3.1.1. 'Forward' direction (same direction as CREATE):
-   When preparing a message to be sent in the forward direction, the
-   client is responsible for encrypting all layers. The client starts by
-   digesting the message to create a synthetic tweak T_0 = H_{k_fM}(M)
-   and uses this tweak to encrypt an all-zero string to create a
-   synthetic IV: S_0 = T_0 ^ E_{k_fE}(0 ^ T_0).
-   The message and the synthetic IV (i.e., M||S_0) are passed as input
-   to the first encryption layer which uses S_0 to produce the random
-   stream Z = CTR_k1(S_0) and the ciphertext C = Z ^ M. Then, a tweak T
-   = H_k2(C) is generated by digesting the ciphertext of this
-   layer. Finally, S_0 is encrypted using AES and the tweak T to produce
-   an encrypted nonce S = T ^ E_k3(N ^ T) which is appended to the the
-   ciphertext and is used as the nonce for the next encryption layer.
-   After encrypting 3 times, the client sends C||S to the guard. Whereas
-   the protocol previously required that the nonce be kept in sync
-   between each node and the client, this is no longer required as it
-   can now be recovered from C||S. To decrypt, the node first computes T
-   = H_k2(C) then uses it to obtain S = D_k3(S ^ T) ^ T. Finally, CTR(S)
-   is used to decrypt C into M. The once-decrypted nonce is appended to
-   the data and M||S is sent to the next node which repeats this
-   process.
-   The exit verifies the integrity of the message by digesting it and
-   using the resulting T to decrypt S_0 into N. If N=0, the message is
-   authenticated. Otherwise, if the message has been changed by an
-   adversary, N!=0 and the circuit is destroyed.
-3.1.2 'Back' direction (opposite direction from CREATE):
-   When sending back a message from the exit to the client, each node
-   adds an additional layer of encryption. The exit starts by digesting
-   the message to create a synthetic tweak T_0 = H_{k_bM}(M) and uses
-   this tweak to encrypt an all-zero string to create a synthetic IV:
-   S_0 = T_0 ^ E_{k_bE}(0 ^ T_0). The synthetic IV is then used to
-   produce the random stream Z = CTR_k1(S_0) and uses that to encrypt
-   the plaintext through C = Z ^ M. The nonce is appended to the
-   ciphertext and C||S_0 is sent to the next node.
-   Receiving a message from the exit, the middle starts by producing a
-   tweak T = H_k2(C). The tweak is then used to encrypt the nonce
-   through S = T ^ E_k3(N ^ T) which is then used to produce the random
-   stream Z' = CTR_k1(S). Finally, the message is encrypted via C' = Z'
-   ^ C and the encrypted nonce is appended to C'. The message C'||S is
-   sent to the next node which repeats this procedure.
-   When the message arrives at the client, the client peels each layer
-   using the nonce that is appended at the end of the message. The
-   decrypted layer is used to compute the tweak T = H_k2(P), which is
-   used to decrypt this layer's nonce into the next layer's nonce.
-   The client verifies the integrity of the message by digesting it and using
-   the resulting T to decrypt S_0 into N. If N=0, the message is
-   authenticated. Otherwise, if the message has been changed by an adversary,
-   N!=0 and the circuit is destroyed.
-3.2 Circuit management
-3.2.1 Creating circuits
-   The general process of creating a circuit remains the same (see
-   tor-spec.txt), except for step 5 where instead of creating a pair of
-   keys (kf_1,kb_1) for forward and backward communication,
-   respectively, 2 triplets of keys (kf_1,kf_2,kf_3) and
-   (kb_1,kb_2,kb_3) are created for communication in the forward and
-   backward directions, respectively. Two additional pairs of
-   "authentication keys" (k_fM,k_fE) and (k_bM,k_bE) are created between
-   the client and the exit in the forward and backward directions,
-   respectively.
-   note: the keys can be created by running KDF-RFC5869 3 times in each
-   direction, or by running it once in each direction to create a
-   master-key and derive the rest as subkeys from this master key
-3.2.2 Routing relay cells
-   When an OR receives a RELAY or RELAY_EARLY cell, it checks the cell's
-   circID and determines whether it has a corresponding circuit along
-   that connection.  If not, the OR drops the cell.
-   Otherwise, if the OR is not at the OP edge of the circuit (that is,
-   either an 'exit node' or a non-edge node), it de/encrypts the payload
-   with the stream cipher, as follows (the message structure is C||S):
-      'Forward' relay cell (same direction as CREATE)
-      (input structure is: C||S):
-       1. T = H_{kf_2}(T'||C); digest ciphertext (T' is a running digest
-          of all previous cells, i.e., last round's T)
-       2. N = T ^ D_{kf_3}(S ^ T); decrypt nonce
-       3. M = CTR_{kf_1}(N) ^ C; decrypt message
-          (output structure is M||N)
-       'Back' relay cell (opposite direction from CREATE)
-       (input structure is: M||N):
-       1. T = H_{kb_2}(T'||M); digest ciphertext (T' is a running digest
-          of all previous cells, i.e., last round's T)
-       2. S = T ^ E_{kb_3}(N ^ T); encrypt nonce
-       3. C = CTR_{kb_1}(S) ^ M; encrypt message
-          (output structure is C||S)
-   Note that in counter mode, decrypt (D) and encrypt (E) are the same
-   operation.
-   The OR then decides whether it recognizes the relay cell, by
-   inspecting the payload as described in Section 4.1 below.  If the OR
-   recognizes the cell, it processes the contents of the relay cell.
-   Otherwise, it passes the decrypted relay cell along the circuit if
-   the circuit continues.  If the OR at the end of the circuit
-   encounters an unrecognized relay cell, an error has occurred: the OR
-   sends a DESTROY cell to tear down the circuit.
-4. Application connections and stream management
-4.1 Relay cells
-   Within a circuit, the OP and the exit node use the contents of RELAY
-   packets to tunnel end-to-end commands and TCP connections ("Streams")
-   across circuits.  End-to-end commands can be initiated by either
-   edge; streams are initiated by the OP.
-        The payload of each unencrypted RELAY cell consists of:
-                Relay command           [1 byte]
-                'Recognized'            [2 bytes]
-                StreamID                [2 bytes]
-                Length                  [2 bytes]
-                Data                    [PAYLOAD_LEN-23 bytes]
-   The 'recognized' field is used for a simple indication if the cell
-   still encrypted or not. When sending cells, the unencrypted
-   'recognized' MUST be set to zero.
-   When receiving and decrypting cells the 'recognized' will always be
-   zero if we're the endpoint that the cell is destined for.  For cells
-   that we should relay, the 'recognized' field will usually be nonzero,
-   but will accidentally be zero with P=2^-32.
-   The old Digest field is removed, since sufficient information for
-   authentication is now included in the all-zero string used to create the
-   nonce for the first encryption layer.
-   The 'Length' field of a relay cell contains the number of bytes in
-   the relay payload which contain real payload data. The remainder of
-   the payload is padded with NUL bytes.
-4.2 Appending the encrypted nonce
-   When a cell is prepared by the client to be sent in the 'forward'
-   direction, as explained in Section 3.2.2, the encrypted nonce S is
-   appended to the encrypted cell (occupying the last 16 bytes of the
-   cell). If the cell is prepared to be sent to a node supporting the
-   new protocol, S is used as the nonce for the next round's
-   encryption. Otherwise, if the next node only supports the old
-   protocol, S is still appended to the encrypted cell, but a
-   synchronized nonce (as per the old protocol) is used for encryption.
-   When a cell is sent along the circuit in the 'backward' direction,
-   nodes supporting the new protocol always assume that the last 16
-   bytes of the input are the nonce used by the previous node, which
-   they process as per Section 3.2.2. If the previous node also supports
-   the new protocol, these cells are indeed the nonce. If the previous
-   node only supports the old protocol, these bytes are either encrypted
-   NUL bytes or encrypted data.
-4.3 Authenticating the message
-   End-to-end authentication is performed in both directions in the same
-   way. Once the final layer of encryption is removed, the
-   message-to-be-authenticated is digested and this digest is used to
-   decrypt the nonce used in this layer. If the decrypted nonce is
-   all-zero, the message is authentic. Otherwise, if a change was made
-   to the ciphertext or the encrypted nonce somewhere along the circuit,
-   the nonce decrypts into a random value and the circuit is destroyed.

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