commit 3295fef470687e7228f5d3e215edebffa6a0e250
Author: Karsten Loesing <>
Date:   Thu Jul 12 13:38:04 2012 +0200

    Move #2911 report sources to tech-reports.git.
 task-2911/README     |    4 +-
 task-2911/report.bib |   31 ---
 task-2911/report.tex |  534 --------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 568 deletions(-)

diff --git a/task-2911/README b/task-2911/README
index e2ae1d0..18e71b0 100644
--- a/task-2911/README
+++ b/task-2911/README
@@ -137,7 +137,5 @@ Plot the graphs for the tech report:
   $ R --slave -f stability.R
-Compile the tech report:
-  $ pdflatex report.tex
+The report sources are in tech-reports.git/2011/relay-stability/.
diff --git a/task-2911/report.bib b/task-2911/report.bib
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ab260..0000000
--- a/task-2911/report.bib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  author = {Nick Mathewson},
-  title = {Add new flag to reflect long-term stability},
-  note = 
-  author = {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson},
-  title = {Tor directory protocol, version 3},
-  note = 
-  title = {Privacy-enhancing Technologies for Private Services},
-  author = {Karsten Loesing},
-  school = {University of Bamberg},
-  year = {2009},
-  month = {May},
-  note = 
-  title = {Overview of Statistical Data in the {Tor} Network},
-  author = {Karsten Loesing},
-  institution = {The Tor Project},
-  year = {2011},
-  month = {March},
-  type = {Technical Report},
-  note = {\url{}},
diff --git a/task-2911/report.tex b/task-2911/report.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 96fe38f..0000000
--- a/task-2911/report.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-\title{An Analysis of Tor Relay Stability}
-\author{Karsten Loesing\\{\tt}}
-\date{June 30, 2011}
-The Tor network consists of around 2,000 relays and 500 bridges run by
-volunteers, some of which are on dedicated servers and some on laptops or
-mobile devices.
-Obviously, we can expect the relays run on dedicated servers to be more
-``stable'' than those on mobile phones.
-But it is difficult to draw a line between stable and unstable relays.
-In most cases it depends on the context which relays count as stable:
-\item A stable relay that is supposed to be part of a circuit for a
-\emph{long-running stream} should not go offline during the next day.
-If only 1 of typically 3 relays in a circuit goes away, the stream
-collapses and must be rebuilt.
-\item A stable relay that clients pick as \emph{entry guard} doesn't have
-to be running continuously, but should be online most of the time in the
-upcoming weeks.
-In addition to being stable, an entry guard should have reasonable
-bandwidth capacity in order not to slow down clients.
-\item A stable relay that acts as \emph{hidden-service directory} should
-be part of a relay subset that mostly overlaps with the subsets 1, 2, or
-even 3 hours in the future.
-That means that the relays in this set should be stable, but also that not
-too many new relays should join the set at once.
-\item A stable relay that clients use in a \emph{fallback consensus}
-\cite{proposal146} that is already a few days or even weeks old should
-still be available on the same IP address and port, but
-doesn't necessarily have to run without interruption.
-\item A stable \emph{bridge relay} should be running on the same IP
-address a few days after a client learns about the bridge and should be
-available most of the time in the upcoming weeks.
-The Tor directory authorities measure relay stability for the first three
-contexts listed above and assign the Stable, Guard, and HSDir flags that
-clients use to select relays.
-Figure~\ref{fig:relayflags} shows the number of relays with relay flags
-assigned between July and December 2010 which will be our analysis
-\caption{Number of relays with relay flags Running, Stable, and Guard
-assigned by the directory authorities between July and December 2010}
-In this analysis, we use a simulator to resemble how the directory
-authorities assign the Stable and Guard relay flags.
-This simulator uses archived directory data to decide when a relay was
-running and when it failed or was restarted.
-We further use this simulator to calculate future stability metrics that
-help us evaluate the quality of a given relay flag assignment.
-We modify the input parameters to Tor's stability metrics to see whether
-we can improve how the directory authorities should assign relay flags.
-The analysis data and simulator used in this report are available on the
-Tor metrics website at \url{}.
-\section{Requirements for Stable and Guard flags}
-The requirements for assigning the Stable and the Guard flags are defined
-in the Tor directory protocol specification \cite{dirspec}.
-These definitions are revised here to better reflect what is implemented
-in the code:
-``A router is `Stable' if it is active, and either its Weighted MTBF is at
-least the median for known active routers or its Weighted MTBF corresponds
-to at least [5] days.
-A router is a possible `Guard' [if it is `familiar',] if its
-Weighted Fractional
-Uptime is at least the median for `familiar' active routers [or its
-Weighted Fractional Uptime is at least 98~\%], and if
-its [advertised] bandwidth is at least median [of all active routers] or
-at least 250KB/s.
-A node is `familiar' if 1/8 of all active nodes have appeared more
-recently than it, or it has been around for [a weighted time of 8 days].''
-These definitions entail four requirements for assigning relay flags, one
-for the Stable flag and three for the Guard flag:
-\item[Weighted Mean Time Between Failure (WMTBF):]
-The WMTBF metric is used to track the length of continuous uptime sessions
-over time.
-The (unweighted) MTBF part measures the average uptime between a relay
-showing up in the network and either leaving or failing.
-In the weighted form of this metric, which is used here, past sessions
-are discounted by factor $0.95$ every $12$~hours.
-Current uptime sessions are not discounted, so that a WMTBF value of
-5~days can be reached after 5~days at the earliest.
-\item[Weighted Fractional Uptime (WFU):] The WFU metric measures the
-fraction of uptime of a relay in the past.
-Similar to WMTBF, WFU values are discounted by factor $0.95$ every
-$12$~hours, but in this case including the current uptime session.
-\item[Weighted Time:] The Weighted Time metric is used to calculate a
-relay's WFU and to decide whether a relay is around long enough to be
-considered `familiar.'
-The Weighted Time is discounted similar to WMTBF and WFU, so that a
-Weighted Time of 8 days can be reached after around 16 days at the
-\item[Advertised Bandwidth:] The Advertised Bandwidth of a relay is the
-minimum of its configured average bandwidth rate and the maximum observed
-bandwidth over any ten second period in the past day.
-It should be noted that the advertised bandwidth is self-reported by
-relays and has been misused in the past to attract more traffic than a
-relay should see.
-In theory, using the advertised bandwidth value has become discouraged
-for anything critical.
-All four requirements have in common that they consist of a dynamic part
-that relies on the current network situation (e.g., median of all WMTBF
-values for the Stable flag) and a static part that is independent
-of other relays (e.g., WMTBF value of 5 days or higher).
-The dynamic part ensures that a certain fraction of relays get the
-Stable and Guard flags assigned even in a rather unstable network.
-The static part ensures that rather stable (or fast) relays are not denied
-the flags even when most of the other relays in the network are highly
-stable (or very fast).
-\section{Obtaining data for relay stability analysis}
-The internal data that the directory authorities use to decide whether a
-relay should get the Stable or Guard flag assigned is not publicly
-Instead, we rely on the network status consensuses and server descriptors
-that are archived and publicly available since October
-The network status consensuses tell us which relays were available with a
-granularity of 1~hour, and the server descriptors help us figure out
-whether a relay was restarted in the 1~hour before being listed in a
-network status.
-We further learn whether a relay got the Stable and/or Guard flag assigned
-and what bandwidth it advertised and actually used for relaying data at a
-given time.
-In detail, we obtain the following data for this analysis:
-\item[Valid-after time:] The time when a network status consensus was
-\item[Fingerprint:] A relay's unique public key fingerprint.
-\item[Restarted:] Was a relay restarted within the last hour before the
-valid-after time based on its self-reported uptime?
-\item[Stable:] Did the directory authorities assign the Stable flag to a
-\item[Guard:] Did the directory authorities assign the Guard flag to a
-\item[Advertised bandwidth:] A relay's self-reported advertised bandwidth.
-\item[Bandwidth history:] How many bytes did the relay write on a given
-The choice for using these archived data instead of, e.g., trying to
-obtain the internal relay stability data that the directory authorities
-use has a few advantages and disadvantes.
-The main disadvantage is that our data has a granularity of one hour and
-can only detect a single failure or restart within this hour.
-It's unclear which effect this lack of detail has on less stable relays.
-But there are a few advantages of using the archived network data:
-We have a few years of data available that we can use for the analysis.
-If we started obtaining original stability data from the directory
-authorities, we'd have to wait a few months before conducting this
-Also, it's still unclear whether the Tor code that assigns relay flags is
-correct, so it makes sense to use a different data basis.
-Finally, we need the directory archives anyway to evaluate how stable or
-fast a relay turned out to be after being selected.
-\section{Simulating current Stable/Guard assignments}
-The first step before varying the requirements for assigning relay flags
-is to run a simulation with the current default requirements.
-Only if we manage to come up with similar results as the directory
-authorities, we can hope that our suggested parameter changes will have
-similar effects in the real Tor network.
-Figure~\ref{fig:default-reqs} shows the fractions of relays that got the
-Stable and Guard flags assigned by the directory
-authorities (``observed'' lines) and in our simulation with default
-requirements (``simulated'' lines).
-Ideally, the observed lines should match the simulated lines.
-The two Guard lines overlap for about half of the observed time interval
-and the difference is always below 5~\% of running relays, which seems to
-be acceptable.
-The fraction of Guard relays in the simulation is rather stable at 28~\%
-whereas the observed fraction goes up to 33~\% for three months.
-The observed Stable line seems to be systematically 5 to 10~\% higher than
-the simulated line.
-\caption{Fraction of relays that got the Stable and Guard flag assigned by
-the directory authorities and in our simulation with default requirements}
-We first investigate the differences by looking in how far the sets of
-observed and simulated sets overlap.
-After all, it could be that our simulated 30~\% of Guard relays are a
-completely different subset of relays than the observed 30~\%.
-Figure~\ref{fig:diff-sim-obs} shows the absolute number of relays in the
-intersection and the sets of only observed or only simulated relays.
-This graph shows that the majority of relay assignments overlap for both
-The sets of Stable relays that are only found in the simulation is rather
-small with around 50 relays.
-Compared to that, there are between 100 and 200 relays on average that got
-the Stable flag assigned by the directory authorities but which did not
-qualify for that flag in the simulation.
-The situation of assigned Guard flags is somewhat different.
-In July and August 2010, there are about 50 relays in the only-observed
-and only-simulated sets.
-From September 2010 on, there are hardly any relays in the only-simulated
-set, but the number of relays in the only-observed set goes up to nearly
-\caption{Number of relays that got the Stable and Guard flag assigned by
-both the directory authorities and by our simulator or by just one of
-Before accepting these deviations as a given, we take a quick look at the
-actual requirements to learn whether the dynamic or the static part of
-requirements was more relevant.
-Figure~\ref{fig:requirements} shows the dynamic parts as daily means (dark
-gray lines) and daily min-max ranges (light gray ribbons) as well as the
-static parts (dashed lines).
-The dashed lines act as a limit here: if a dynamic requirement based on
-the other relays exceeds the dashed line, the requirement is cut to the
-fixed value and the fraction of relays meeting the requirement increases.
-Whenever the dynamic requirement remains below the dashed line, the
-fraction of relays that get flags assigned should remain more or less the
-For example, the top left graph indicates that it's quite possible that
-more than 50~\% of relays got the Stable flag assigned from July
-to November, but that this fraction should have dropped to 50~\% in
-December 2010.
-However, this was not the case.
-The graph also indicates that the 250 KiB/s limit was never reached, so
-that relays were always selected based on the comparison to the advertised
-bandwidth of the other relays.
-\caption{Simulated requirements for assigning the Stable and Guard flags}
-Possible reasons for deviation of simulation and actual assignments by the
-directory authorities are:
-\item The simulator code may contain bugs.
-\item Our data with a granularity of 1~hour lack the details for detecting
-restarts and failures and thereby make it hard to observe uptime sessions
-\item The directory authorities have slightly different views on the
-network which then get mixed in the voting process.
-\item The implementation of relay history on the directory authorities may
-contain bugs.
-For the remainder of this analysis we will assume that the simulated
-number of Stable relays is 5 to 10~\% lower than in reality and that the
-simulation of Guard is more or less accurate.
-\section{Choosing relays for long-lived streams}
-After learning that our simulation of relay stability is at least not
-totally off, we want to take a closer look at the Stable flag.
-Whenever clients request Tor to open a long-lived stream, Tor should try
-to pick only those relays for the circuit that are not likely to disappear
-shortly after.
-If only a single relay in the circuit fails, the stream collapses and a
-new circuit needs to be built.
-Depending on how well the application handles connection failures this may
-impact usability significantly.
-The WMTBF metric as the requirement for assigning the Stable flag has
-already been discussed above.
-Now we want to find out how useful WMTBF is to predict which relays are
-not likely to leave or crash in the near future.
-In order to evaluate future relay stability we measure the \emph{time
-until next failure}.
-There is no need to measure more than the current uptime session length,
-and hence there is no need to weight measurements.
-For a given set of relays with the Stable flag we determine the 10th
-percentile of time until next failure.
-This is the time when 10~\% of relays have failed and 90~\% are still
-Under the (grossly simplified) assumption that relays are chosen
-uniformly, $1 - 0.9^3 = 27.1~\%$ of streams using relays from this set
-would have been interrupted up to this point.
-The default requirement is that a relay's WMTBF is at least the median for
-known relays or at least 5 days.
-We simulate times until next failure for the 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and
-70th percentiles of WMTBF values in the network while leaving the fixed
-5-day constant unchanged.
-We also look up times until next failure for the set of Stable relays that
-got their flags from the directory authorities.
-Figure~\ref{fig:wmtbf-tunf-sim} shows the results.
-The artificial steps come from our limitation to measure time until next
-failure in more detail than in full hours.
-The further right a line is the higher is the time until next failure for
-the considered consensuses from July to December 2010.
-\caption{Impact of changing the WMTBF percentile requirement for assigning
-the Stable flag on the expected time until next failure}
-The first finding that comes to mind is that the observed line is much
-farther left than the simulated 50th percentile line.
-In theory, both lines use the 50th percentile as requirement and should
-therefore have similar results.
-However, since the directory authorities assign the Stable flag to almost
-60~\% of all relays, it's likely that their overall stability is lower
-than the stability of the most stable 50~\% of all relays.
-It's unclear why observed results are even worse than those from the
-simulated 40th percentile.
-It might be that the directory authorities don't just assign the
-Stable flag to too many relays, but also to the wrong relays.
-Apart from that, the graph shows the large influence of different WMTBF
-percentiles on relay stability.
-If we lowered the requirement to the 30th WMTBF percentile, thus assigning
-the Stable flag to at least 70~\% of all relays, the 10th percentile of
-time until next failure would be reached after 6 to 24 hours in most
-The 40th and 50th percentile requirements move this point to 12 to 36 and
-18 to 54 hours, respectively.
-If we changed the requirement to the 60th WMTBF percentile, this point
-would only be reached after 24 to 60 hours.
-The 70th percentile requirement is not even shown in the graph, because
-this requirement is so high that the fixed 5-day constant applies in most
-cases here, making the dynamic percentile requirement meaningless.
-As an intermediate conclusion, we could improve relay stability a lot by
-raising the WMTBF percentile requirement a bit.
-A good next step might be to find out why the directory authorities assign
-the Stable flag to 55 to 60~\% of all relays and not 50~\%.
-Of course, a higher requirement would result in fewer relays with the
-Stable flag.
-But having 40~\% of relays with that flag should still provide for enough
-\section{Picking stable entry guards}
-The second flag that we're going to analyze in more detail is the
-Guard flag.
-Clients pick a set of entry guards as fixed entry points into the Tor
-Optimally, clients should be able to stick with their choice for a few
-While it is not required for all their entry guards to be running all the
-time, at least a subset of them should be running, or the client needs to
-pick a new set.
-As discussed above, Tor's primary metric for deciding which relays are
-stable enough to be entry guards is \emph{weighted fractional uptime
-WFU measures the fraction of uptime of a relay in the past with older
-observations weighted to count less.
-The assumption is that a relay that was available most of the time in the
-past will also be available most of the time in the future.
-In a first analysis we simulate the effect of varying the percentile
-requirements for becoming an entry guard on the relay stability in the
-We measure future stability by using the same WFU metric, but for uptime
-in the future.
-We similarly weight observations farther in the future less than
-observations in the near future.
-The rationale is that a high fractional uptime in the next few days is
-slightly more important than in a month.
-For a given set of relays we measure the 10th percentile of WFU in the
-future as an indication of relay stability.
-The result is that 10~\% of relays will have a lower uptime than this
-value and 90~\% of relays will have a higher uptime.
-Figure~\ref{fig:wfu-wfu-sim} shows the 10th percentile of WFU for simulations
-using the 30th, 40th, 50th, and 60th WFU percentile as requirement for
-assigning the Guard flag.
-This graph also shows the future WFU of relays that got their Guard flag
-assigned by the directory authorities.
-Here, the simulation using the default 50th percentile is much closer to
-the flags assigned by the directory authorities than in the case of the
-Stable flag.
-Unsurprisingly, the 30th percentile requirement has the worst stability,
-because it includes up to 70\% of all relays, minus the non-familiar ones
-and those that don't meet the bandwidth requirement.
-Relay stability increases for raising the WFU requirement to the 40th,
-50th, and 60th percentile, but in most cases the outcome is an uptime of
-more than 85~\% or even more than 90~\%.
-Under the assumption that a client needs only one or two working guards at
-a time and can pick a new set of guards easily, these stabilities seem to
-be sufficiently high.
-\caption{Impact of changing the WFU percentile requirement for assigning
-the Guard flag on WFU in the future}
-\section{Selecting high-bandwidth entry guards}
-A second question regarding Guard flag assignments is whether we can raise
-the advertised bandwidth requirement to end up with faster entry guards.
-The fixed set of entry guards determines to a certain extent what overall
-performance the client can expect.
-If a client is unlucky and picks only slow guards, the overall Tor
-performance can be bad, in particular because clients don't drop slow
-guards, but only failing ones.
-We introduce a new metric to evaluate how much bandwidth capacity a relay
-will provide in the future: the \emph{weighted bandwidth}.
-This metric is not based on a relay's advertised bandwidth, but on the
-actual written bytes as reported by the relay.
-Again, we're more interested in the bandwidth in the near future, so we
-discount observations 12 hours further in the future by factor 0.95.
-Figure~\ref{fig:advbw-wb-sim} shows the effect of changing the advertised
-bandwidth requirement from the 50th percentile to the 40th, 60th, or even
-70th percentile on the 10th percentile of weighted bandwidth.
-Similar to the graphs above, 10~\% of relays have a lower weighted
-bandwidth and 90~\% have a higher weighted bandwidth.
-Here, the observed 50th percentile is almost identical to the simulated
-50th percentile.
-The graph shows that raising the requirement to the 60th percentile of
-advertised bandwidth would shift this percentile line by roughly 10 KiB/s
-to the right.
-The 70th percentile would ensure that 90~\% of the selected
-Guard relays have a weighted bandwidth of at least between 60 and
-170~KiB/s depending on the current network situation.
-\caption{Impact of changing the advertised bandwidth percentile for
-assigning the Guard flag on bandwidth capacity in the future}
-Of course, raising the advertised bandwidth requirement for becoming a
-guard node results in having fewer possible guard nodes.
-Figure~\ref{fig:advbw-frac-relays-sim} shows the effect of raising the
-advertised bandwidth requirement from the 50th to the 60th or 70th
-The 60th percentile requirement would reduce the fraction of relays with
-the Guard flag from 28~\% to around 25~\%, and the 70th percentile even to
-a value below 20~\%.
-There's a clear trade-off here between raising the bandwidth capacity of
-entry guards and having fewer guards to distribute one third of the
-network load to.
-Having fewer than 20~\% of all relays being possible Guard nodes is
-probably not enough and will generate new performance problems.
-\caption{Influence of changing the advertised bandwidth percentile on the
-fraction of relays getting the Guard flag assigned}
-\section{Discussion and future work}
-In this report we used a simulator to evaluate Tor's relay stability
-metrics for assigning Stable and Guard flags to relays.
-We introduced three metrics to evaluate how stable or fast a set of relays
-is that got the Stable or Guard flag assigned.
-Our simulator uses the same algorithms to decide whether a relay is stable
-as the directory authorities and can be parameterized to analyze different
-We could further add new algorithms to the simulator and see what subsets
-of Stable and Guard relays that would produce.
-Using our simulator we found that the fraction of relays with the Stable
-flag in the current network is higher than it probably should be.
-We also learned that the WFU requirements for assigning the Guard flag are
-quite reasonable and lead to stable guards.
-But we might consider raising the advertised bandwidth requirement a bit
-to have higher-bandwidth guard nodes.
-Medium-term, we should get rid of a requirement that is based on the
-self-reported advertised bandwidth.
-Possible next steps are to review the Tor source code for assigning flags
-and compare the internal relay stability data from the directory
-authorities to simulated values.
-It would be interesting to know why the directory authorities assign the
-Stable flag so generously.
-Also, it would be interesting to compare the internal stability data from
-multiple directory authorities to see in how far they agree.
-Another possible next step might be to turn the four requirement
-percentiles (WMTBF, WFU, Weighted Time, and Advertises Bandwidth) into
-consensus parameters to be able to test parameter changes in the real
-We also left the analysis of relay stability for hidden-service
-directories, fallback consensuses, and bridge relays as future work.
-Possible starting points are an earlier analysis of hidden-service
-directory stability \cite{loesing2009thesis}, the Tor proposal
-describing fallback consensuses \cite{proposal146}, and a tech report
-explaining how bridge descriptors are sanitized to make them publicly
-available \cite{loesing2011overview}.

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