commit 842b208b017cc560682b4c4d264132f3d65007ca
Author: Translation commit bot <>
Date:   Sun Jan 10 20:17:21 2021 +0000
 gl/ | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gl/ b/gl/
index 2dfbcb2c66..3fdcbee7c9 100644
--- a/gl/
+++ b/gl/
@@ -58,54 +58,54 @@ profileMigrationFailed=Fallou a migración do seu perfil %S 
 updateDownloadingPanelUILabel=Descargando a actualización de %S
 # .Onion Page Info prompt.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
-pageInfo_OnionEncryptionWithBitsAndProtocol=Connection Encrypted (Onion 
Service, %1$S, %2$S bit keys, %3$S)
-pageInfo_OnionEncryption=Connection Encrypted (Onion Service)
-pageInfo_OnionName=Onion Name:
+pageInfo_OnionEncryptionWithBitsAndProtocol=Conexión cifrada (Servizo Onion, 
%1$S, %2$S claves de bit, %3$S)
+pageInfo_OnionEncryption=Conexión cifrada (Servizo Onion)
+pageInfo_OnionName=Nome onion:
 # Onion services strings.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 onionServices.learnMore=Aprender máis
+onionServices.errorPage.onionSite=Sitio onion
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: In the longDescription strings, %S will be replaced with
 #                    an error code, e.g., 0xF3.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF0:
-onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onionsite Not Found
-onionServices.descNotFound=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is 
offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion 
service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is 
not reachable by the client.
+onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Problemas ao cargar o sitio onion
+onionServices.descNotFound.header=Non se atopou o sitio onion
+onionServices.descNotFound=O máis probábel e que o sitio onion estea caído. 
Contacte co administrador do sitio onion.
+onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Detalles: %S — Non se atopa o 
descritor do servizo onion solicitado no hashring e daquela o cliente non pode 
chegar ao servizo.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF1:
-onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onionsite Cannot Be Reached
-onionServices.descInvalid=The onionsite is unreachable due an internal error.
-onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion 
service descriptor can't be parsed or signature validation failed.
+onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Problemas ao cargar o sitio onion
+onionServices.descInvalid.header=Non se pode chegar ao sitio onion
+onionServices.descInvalid=O sitio onion non pode acadar debido a un erro 
+onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Detalles: %S — O descritor do 
servizo onion solicitado non pode ser procesado ou fallou a validación da 
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF2:
-onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.introFailed.header=Onionsite Has Disconnected
-onionServices.introFailed=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is 
offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — Introduction failed, 
which means that the descriptor was found but the service is no longer 
connected to the introduction point. It is likely that the service has changed 
its descriptor or that it is not running.
+onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Problemas ao cargar o sitio onion
+onionServices.introFailed.header=O sitio onion desconectou
+onionServices.introFailed=O máis probábel e que o sitio onion estea caído. 
Contacte co administrador do sitio onion.
+onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Detalles: %S — Fallou a 
introdución, o que significa que se atopou o descritor pero que o servizo xa 
non está conectado ao punto de introdución. Probabelmente se deba a que o 
servizo cambiou o seu descritor ou que non está en funcionamento. 
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF3:
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Unable to Connect to Onionsite
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed=The onionsite is busy or the Tor network is 
overloaded. Try again later.
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — The client 
failed to rendezvous with the service, which means that the client was unable 
to finalize the connection.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Problemas ao cargar o sitio onion
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Non se puido conectar co sitio onion
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed=O sitio onion está ocupado ou a rede Tor está 
sobrecargada. Ténteo de novo máis adiante.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Detalles: %S — O cliente 
fallou en ligar co servizo, o que significa que o cliente non foi quen de 
finalizar a conexión.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF4:
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Authorization Required
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onionsite Requires Authentication
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Access to the onionsite requires a key but 
none was provided.
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Details: %S — The client 
downloaded the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its 
content because client authorization information is missing.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Requírese autorización
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=O sitio onion require autenticación
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing=O acceso ao sitio onion require unha chave 
pero non se forneceu ningunha.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Detalles: %S — O cliente 
descargou o descritor do servizo onion solicitado mais non foi quen de 
descifrar o seu contido porque falta a información de autorización do cliente.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF5:
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Authorization Failed
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Onionsite Authentication Failed
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=The provided key is incorrect or has been 
revoked. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Details: %S — The client 
was able to download the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to 
decrypt its content using the provided client authorization information. This 
may mean that access has been revoked.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Fallou a autorización
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Fallou a autenticación do sitio onion
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=A chave fornecida é incorrecta ou foi 
revogada. Contacte co administrador do sitio onion.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Detalles: %S — O cliente 
puido descargar o descritor do servizo onion solicitado mais non puido 
descifrar o seu contido utilizando a información de autorización do cliente. 
Pode significar que o acceso foi revogado.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF6:
-onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.badAddress.header=Invalid Onionsite Address
-onionServices.badAddress=The provided onionsite address is invalid. Please 
check that you entered it correctly.
-onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Details: %S — The provided .onion 
address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: 
the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the 
encoding is invalid.
+onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Problemas ao cargar o sitio onion
+onionServices.badAddress.header=Enderezo do sitio onion incorrecto
+onionServices.badAddress=O enderezo do sitio onion fornecido non é correcto. 
Comprobe que o escribiu correctamente.
+onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Detalles: %S — O enderezo .onion 
fornecido non é correcto. Este erro é debido a unha das seguintes razóns: a 
suma de verificación do enderezo non coincide, a clave pública ed25519 non é 
correcta ou a codificación non é a correcta.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF7:
-onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
+onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Problemas ao cargar o sitio onion
 onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out
 onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due 
to a poor network connection.
 onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to 
the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous 
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Some onion services 
require that you iden
 onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Saved Keys…
 onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Onion Service Keys
 onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=Keys for the following onionsites 
are stored on your computer
+onionServices.authPreferences.onionSite=Sitio onion
 onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Remove All

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