commit 7a107aeee8c5b5af10552e5bda52c1528922b9a3 Author: Translation commit bot <> Date: Mon Aug 30 03:45:06 2021 +0000 --- my/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po | 401 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 401 insertions(+) diff --git a/my/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po b/my/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..225937ea88 --- /dev/null +++ b/my/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ +# Translations template for bridgedb. +# Copyright (C) 2020 'The Tor Project, Inc.' +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bridgedb project. +# +# Translators: +# Christine Ivy <>, 2021 +# deirae, 2021 +# Tun Tun Aung <>, 2021 +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Tor Project\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ',msgid&cc=isis,sysrqb&owner=isis'\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-14 14:21-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-30 03:41+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Christine Ivy <>\n" +"Language-Team: Burmese (\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Generated-By: Babel 2.8.0\n" +"Language: my\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +#. -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_https_server -*- +#. This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system. +#. :authors: please see included AUTHORS file +#. :copyright: (c) 2007-2017, The Tor Project, Inc. +#. (c) 2013-2017, Isis Lovecruft +#. :license: see LICENSE for licensing information +#. : The path to the HTTPS distributor's web templates. (Should be the +#. : "templates" directory in the same directory as this file.) +#. Setting `filesystem_checks` to False is recommended for production servers, +#. due to potential speed increases. This means that the atimes of the Mako +#. template files aren't rechecked every time the template is requested +#. (otherwise, if they are checked, and the atime is newer, the template is +#. recompiled). `collection_size` sets the number of compiled templates which +#. are cached before the least recently used ones are removed. See: +#. +#. : A list of supported language tuples. Use getSortedLangList() to read this +#. variable. +#. We use our metrics singleton to keep track of BridgeDB metrics such as +#. "number of failed HTTPS bridge requests." +#. Convert all key/value pairs from bytes to str. +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate the following words and/or phrases in +#. any string (regardless of capitalization and/or punctuation): +#. "BridgeDB" +#. "pluggable transport" +#. "pluggable transports" +#. "obfs4" +#. "Tor" +#. "Tor Browser" +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/ +msgid "Sorry! Something went wrong with your request." +msgstr "áááºá¸áááºá¸áá«áááºá ááá·áºáá±á¬ááºá¸ááá¯áá¾á¯áá¾á¬ áá áºáá¯áá¯áá¾á¬á¸áá½á¬á¸áá«áááºá" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/base.html:42 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "áá¬áá¬á áá¬á¸" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/base.html:94 +msgid "Report a Bug" +msgstr "á¡áá¾á¬á¸á¡áá½ááºá¸áá»á¬á¸ ááá¯ááááºá¸ááá¯á·áá«" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/base.html:97 +msgid "Source Code" +msgstr "á¡áááºá¸á¡áá¼á áºáá¯ááº" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/base.html:100 +msgid "Changelog" +msgstr "á¡áá¼á±á¬ááºá¸á¡áá²á á¬áááºá¸" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:35 +msgid "Select All" +msgstr "á¡á¬á¸áá¯á¶á¸ááᯠáá½á±á¸áááº" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:40 +msgid "Show QRCode" +msgstr "á¡áá¼ááºáá¯á¶á·áá¼ááºáá¾á¯áááºá¹áá±á (QRáá¯ááº) ááá¯áá¼áá«" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:52 +msgid "QRCode for your bridge lines" +msgstr "ááá·áºáá²á· áá¶áá¬á¸ ááá¯ááºá¸áá»á¬á¸ á QR áááºá¹áá±á" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:63 +msgid "It seems there was an error getting your QRCode." +msgstr "ááá·áºáá²á· QR áááºá¹áá±á ááá° áá±á áẠá¡áá¾á¬á¸ áá áºáᯠáá¾ááá²á·áááºá" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:68 +msgid "" +"This QRCode contains your bridge lines. Scan it with a QRCode reader to copy" +" your bridge lines onto mobile and other devices." +msgstr "ᤠQR áá¯ááºáá½áẠááá·áºáá¶áá¬á¸ááá¯ááºá¸áá»á¬á¸ áá«áááºáááºá áááºá¸ááᯠQR áá¯ááºáááºá ááºáá¼áá·áº á áááºáááºá ááá¯ááá¯ááºá¸áá¯ááºá¸áá¾áá·áº á¡áá¼á¬á¸á ááºáá á¹á ááºá¸áá»á¬á¸áá±á«áºááá¯á· ááá·áºáá¶áá¬á¸ááá¯ááºá¸áá»á¬á¸ááᯠáá°á¸áá«á" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:110 +msgid "BridgeDB encountered an error." +msgstr "áá¶áá¬á¸ áá±áá¬áá±á·á Ạ(BridgeDB) á¡áá¾á¬á¸ áá áºáᯠáá¼á¯á¶áá½á±á· áá²á·ááááºá" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:116 +msgid "There currently aren't any bridges available..." +msgstr "áááºáá¾ááá½áẠáá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ áááá¾áááá¯ááºáá«..." + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:118 +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:122 +#, python-format +msgid "" +" Perhaps you should try %s going back %s and choosing a different bridge " +"type!" +msgstr "%sáá±á¬ááºááá¯á· áá¼ááºáá½á¬á¸áá¼á®á¸%s ááá°áá®áá±á¬ áá¶áá¬á¸á¡áá»áá¯á¸á¡á á¬á¸áá áºáá¯ááᯠáá½á±á¸áá»ááºáá¼áá·áºáá«áâ" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:11 +#, python-format +msgid "Step %s1%s" +msgstr "á¡áááºá· %s1%s" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:13 +#, python-format +msgid "Download %s Tor Browser %s" +msgstr "áá°á¸áá½á² %s Tor ááá±á¬ááºáᬠ%s" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:25 +#, python-format +msgid "Step %s2%s" +msgstr "á¡áááºá· %s2%s" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:28 +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:30 +#, python-format +msgid "Get %s bridges %s" +msgstr "ááá° %s áá±á«ááºá¸áá°á¸ %s" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:40 +#, python-format +msgid "Step %s3%s" +msgstr "á¡áááºá· %s3%s" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:43 +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/index.html:47 +#, python-format +msgid "Now %s add the bridges to Tor Browser %s" +msgstr "ááᯠ%s áá±á«ááºá¸áá°á¸áá»á¬á¸ááᯠTor ááá±á¬ááºáá¬áá²ááá¯á· ááá·áºáá« %s" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the +#. beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks! +#. (These are used to insert HTML5 underlining tags, to mark accesskeys +#. for disabled users.) +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/options.html:42 +#, python-format +msgid "%sJ%sust give me bridges!" +msgstr "áá»á½ááºá¯ááºááᯠáá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸%sáá¬%sáá±á¸áá«á â â" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/options.html:55 +msgid "Advanced Options" +msgstr "á¡ááá·áº áá¼áá·áº áá½á±á¸áá»ááºá áá¬áá»á¬á¸" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/options.html:93 +msgid "No" +msgstr "áááºááá¶á·á«" + +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/options.html:94 +msgid "none" +msgstr "ááá¾á" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the +#. beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks! +#. TRANSLATORS: Translate "Yes!" as in "Yes! I do need IPv6 addresses." +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/options.html:131 +#, python-format +msgid "%sY%ses!" +msgstr "%sááá¯á¡ááº%sáá«áááºá" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the +#. beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks! +#. TRANSLATORS: Please do NOT translate the word "bridge"! +#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/options.html:154 +#, python-format +msgid "%sG%set Bridges" +msgstr "Bridges %sááá°%sáááº" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "[This is an automated email.]" +msgstr "[á¡ááá¯á¡áá»á±á¬ááºáá±á¸ááá¯á·áá±á¬ á¡á®á¸áá±á¸áẠáá¼á áºáá«áááºá]" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Here are your bridges:" +msgstr "ááá·áºáá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸á áá®áá¾á¬áá«-" + +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"You have exceeded the rate limit. Please slow down! The minimum time between\n" +"emails is %s hours. All further emails during this time period will be ignored." +msgstr "áááºááẠáá¾á¯ááºá¸ááá·áºáááºáá»ááºááᯠáá»á±á¬áºáá½á¬á¸áá«áá¼á®á áá»á±á¸áá°á¸áá¼á¯áá¼á®á¸ á¡áá»ááºáááá¯áá«áá¾áá·áºá á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºáá áºá á±á¬ááºáá¾áá·áºáá áºá á±á¬ááºá¡áá¼á¬á¸ á¡áááºá¸áá¯á¶á¸ %s áá¬áá® áá¼á¬á¸ááá«áááºá á¤áááºáá¾ááºáá»áááºá¡áá½ááºá¸ áááºáá¶áá±á¸ááá¯á·áá±á¬ á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºá¡á¬á¸áá¯á¶á¸ááᯠáá»á áºáá»á°áá¾á¯áá«áááºá" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "" +"If these bridges are not what you need, reply to this email with one of\n" +"the following commands in the message body:" +msgstr "á¤áá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ááᯠáááºáááá¯á¡ááºáá«á áá»á±á¸áá°á¸áá¼á¯á áááºáá±á·áá»áºá á á¬ááá¯ááºáá½áẠá¡á±á¬ááºáá«ááá¯á·áá¾ áá½á¾ááºáá¼á¬á¸áá»ááºáá áºáᯠááá·áºáá¼á®á¸ á¤á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºááᯠá á¬áá¼ááºáá«á" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB". +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Pluggable Transports". +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor". +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor Network". +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"BridgeDB can provide bridges with several %stypes of Pluggable Transports%s,\n" +"which can help obfuscate your connections to the Tor Network, making it more\n" +"difficult for anyone watching your internet traffic to determine that you are\n" +"using Tor.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "BridgeDB ááẠáá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ááᯠ%sPluggable Transports á¡áá»áá¯á¸á¡á á¬á¸%s á¡áááºá¸áááºáá¼áá·áº áá¶á·ááá¯á¸áá±á¬áá¼á±á¬áá·áº Tor Network ááá¯á· áááºá áá»áááºáááºáá¾á¯áá»á¬á¸ááᯠáá¯á¶á¸ááá¬á¸ááááºááá¯ááºáá«á ááá¯á·áá¼á±á¬áá·áº ááá·áºá¡ááºáá¬áááºá¡áá½á¬á¸á¡áá¬ááᯠá á±á¬áá·áºáá¼áá·áºáá±áá°á ááẠTor ááᯠá¡áá¯á¶á¸áá¼á¯áá±áá¼á±á¬ááºá¸ ááááẠááá¯áááºáá«áááºá\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Pluggable Transports". +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "" +"Some bridges with IPv6 addresses are also available, though some Pluggable\n" +"Transports aren't IPv6 compatible.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "Pluggable Transports á¡áá»áá¯á·ááẠIPv6 áá¾áá·áº áááá¯ááºáá®áá±á¬áºáááºá¸ IPv6 ááááºá á¬áá»á¬á¸áá«áá±á¬ áá¶áá¬á¸á¡áá»áá¯á·ááá¯áááºá¸ ááá¾áááá¯ááºáááºá\n" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB". +#. TRANSLATORS: The phrase "plain-ol'-vanilla" means "plain, boring, +#. regular, or unexciting". Like vanilla ice cream. It refers to bridges +#. which do not have Pluggable Transports, and only speak the regular, +#. boring Tor protocol. Translate it as you see fit. Have fun with it. +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Additionally, BridgeDB has plenty of plain-ol'-vanilla bridges %s without any\n" +"Pluggable Transports %s which maybe doesn't sound as cool, but they can still\n" +"help to circumvent internet censorship in many cases.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "ááá¯á·áá¼áẠBridgeDB áá½áẠ%sPluggable Transports ááá«áá±á¬%s ááá¯á¸áá¾ááºá¸ááá·áº áá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸á á½á¬ áá¾áááá¼áá·áº áá±ááºáá®áááºáᯠááááºááá«á ááá¯á·áá±á¬áº áááºá¸ááá¯á·á ááá á¹á áááºáá»á¬á¸á á½á¬áá½áẠá¡ááºáá¬ááẠá áá á áºáá¼ááºáá±á¬ááºáá¾á¯ááᯠáá¾á±á¬ááºáá¾á¬á¸ááẠáá°áá®ááá¯ááºáá«áááºá\n" + +#: bridgedb/ bridgedb/test/ +msgid "What are bridges?" +msgstr "áá¶áá¬á¸ááá¯áᬠáá¬áá²á" + +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "%s Bridges %s are Tor relays that help you circumvent censorship." +msgstr "%sáá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸%sááẠá áá á áºáá¼ááºáá±á¬ááºáá¾á¯ááᯠáááºáá¾á±á¬ááºáá¾á¬á¸ááá¯ááºááẠáá°áá®ááá·áº Tor áááºáá¶á ááºáá»á¬á¸ áá¼á áºáááºá" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "I need an alternative way of getting bridges!" +msgstr "áá»á½ááºá¯ááºáá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸áááá¯á· á¡áá¼á¬á¸áá½á±á¸áá»ááºá áá¬áááºá¸ ááá¯á¡ááºáá«áááº" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "get transport obfs4". +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Another way to get bridges is to send an email to %s. Leave the email subject\n" +"empty and write \"get transport obfs4\" in the email's message body. Please note\n" +"that you must send the email using an address from one of the following email\n" +"providers: %s or %s." +msgstr "áá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ ááá°ááẠá¡áá¼á¬á¸áááºá¸áááºá¸áá¾á¬ %s ááá¯á· á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºááá¯á·ááẠáá¼á áºáááºá á¡á®á¸áá±á¸áẠá¡áá¼á±á¬ááºá¸á¡áá¬ááᯠá¡áá½ááºáá»ááºáá¬á¸áá¼á®á¸ á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºá áááºáá±á·áá»áº á á¬ááá¯ááºáá½áẠ\"get transport obfs4\" áᯠáá±á¸áá«á áááºááẠá¡á±á¬ááºáá«á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºáááºáá±á¬ááºáá¾á¯áá¶á·ááá¯á¸áá°áá»á¬á¸áá¶áá¾ ááááºá á¬áá áºáá¯ááᯠáá¯á¶á¸áá¼á®á¸ á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºááá¯á·ááááºááᯠáá»á±á¸áá°á¸áá¼á¯á ááááá¼á¯áá«- %s ááá¯á·ááá¯áẠ%sá" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "My bridges don't work! I need help!" +msgstr "áá»á½ááºá¯ááºáá²á·áá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸á¡áá¯ááºááá¯ááºáá°á¸á á¡áá°á¡áá®ááá¯á¡ááºáááº" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor Browser". +#. TRANSLATORS: The two '%s' are substituted with "Tor Browser Manual" and +#. "Support Portal", respectively. +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"If your Tor Browser cannot connect, please take a look at the %s and our %s." +msgstr "áááºá Tor Browser á¡áá¯ááºááá¯ááºáá«á áá»á±á¸áá°á¸áá¼á¯á %s áá¾áá·áº áá»á½ááºá¯ááºááá¯á·á %s ááᯠáá¼áá·áºáá«á" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Here are your bridge lines:" +msgstr "ááá·áºáá¶áá¬á¸ááá¯ááºá¸áá»á¬á¸á áá®áá¾á¬áá«-" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Get Bridges!" +msgstr "áá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ááᯠááá°áá«" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Bridge distribution mechanisms" +msgstr "áá¶áá¬á¸ áá¼áá·áºáá±áá¼ááºá¸ ááá¹ááá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB", "HTTPS", and "Moat". +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"BridgeDB implements four mechanisms to distribute bridges: \"HTTPS\", \"Moat\",\n" +"\"Email\", and \"Reserved\". Bridges that are not distributed over BridgeDB use\n" +"the pseudo-mechanism \"None\". The following list briefly explains how these\n" +"mechanisms work and our %sBridgeDB metrics%s visualize how popular each of the\n" +"mechanisms is." +msgstr "BridgeDB ááẠáá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ááᯠáá¼áá·áºáá±ááẠááá¹ááá¬á¸áá±á¸áá¯ááᯠá¡áá¯á¶á¸áá¼á¯áááº- \"HTTPS\"á \"Moat\"á \"á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááº\" áá¾áá·áº \"áá¾á¬áá°áá¬á¸áá¼á®á¸\" ááá¯á·áá¼á áºáááºá BridgeDB ááá¯á¶á¸áá² áá¼áá·áºáá±ááá·áº áá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸á¡áá½áẠáá¯á¶á á¶áá°ááá¹ááá¬á¸ \"áá¬áá»á¾ááá¾á\" ááᯠáá¯á¶á¸áááºá á¤ááá¹ááá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ á¡áá¯ááºáá¯ááºáá¯á¶áá¾áá·áº ááá¹ááá¬á¸áá áºáá¯á á®ááᯠáááºáá»á¾áá°áá¼áá¯ááºáá»á¬á¸áá¼á±á¬ááºá¸ áá»á½ááºá¯ááºááá¯á·á %sBridgeDB áááºááá áº%s á áá½ááºáá»ááºáá¯á¶ááᯠá¡á±á¬ááºáá«á á¬áááºá¸áá½áẠá¡áá»ááºá¸áá»á¯ááºá áá¾ááºá¸áá¼áᬠá¸áááºá" + +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The \"HTTPS\" distribution mechanism hands out bridges over this website. To get\n" +"bridges, go to, select your preferred options, and\n" +"solve the subsequent CAPTCHA." +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The \"Moat\" distribution mechanism is part of Tor Browser, allowing users to\n" +"request bridges from inside their Tor Browser settings. To get bridges, go to\n" +"your Tor Browser's %sTor settings%s, click on \"request a new bridge\", solve the\n" +"subsequent CAPTCHA, and Tor Browser will automatically add your new\n" +"bridges." +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Users can request bridges from the \"Email\" distribution mechanism by sending an\n" +"email to and writing \"get transport obfs4\" in the\n" +"email body." +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Reserved" +msgstr "áá¼áá¯áááºáá¬áá½ááºáá¬á¸áááº" + +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"BridgeDB maintains a small number of bridges that are not distributed\n" +"automatically. Instead, we reserve these bridges for manual distribution and\n" +"hand them out to NGOs and other organizations and individuals that need\n" +"bridges. Bridges that are distributed over the \"Reserved\" mechanism may not\n" +"see users for a long time. Note that the \"Reserved\" distribution mechanism is\n" +"called \"Unallocated\" in %sbridge pool assignment%s files." +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "None" +msgstr "áá¬áá¾ááá¾á" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "" +"Bridges whose distribution mechanism is \"None\" are not distributed by BridgeDB.\n" +"It is the bridge operator's responsibility to distribute their bridges to\n" +"users. Note that on Relay Search, a freshly set up bridge's distribution\n" +"mechanism says \"None\" for up to approximately one day. Be a bit patient, and\n" +"it will then change to the bridge's actual distribution mechanism.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Please select options for bridge type:" +msgstr "áá»á±á¸áá°á¸áá¼á¯á áá¶áá¬á¸á¡áá»áá¯á¸á¡á á¬á¸á¡áá½ááºáá½á±á¸áá»ááºááẠ- " + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Do you need IPv6 addresses?" +msgstr "IPv6 ááááºá á¬áá»á¬á¸ááá¯á¡ááºáá«ááá¬á¸" + +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "Do you need a %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Your browser is not displaying images properly." +msgstr "áááºáá²á·ááá±á¬ááºáá¬ááẠáá¯á¶áá»á¬á¸ááá¯á áá áºááá»áá¼áá±áá¼ááºá¸ ááá¾ááá«á" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "Enter the characters from the image above..." +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "How to start using your bridges" +msgstr "áááºáá²á·áá¶áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸ááᯠáááºááá¯á áááºáá¯á¶á¸á á½á²ááá²" + +#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor Browser". +#: bridgedb/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +" First, you need to %sdownload Tor Browser%s. Our Tor Browser User\n" +" Manual explains how you can add your bridges to Tor Browser. If you are\n" +" using Windows, Linux, or OS X, %sclick here%s to learn more. If you\n" +" are using Android, %sclick here%s." +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "" +"Add these bridges to your Tor Browser by opening your browser\n" +"preferences, clicking on \"Tor\", and then adding them to the \"Provide a\n" +"bridge\" field." +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "(Request unobfuscated Tor bridges.)" +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "(Request IPv6 bridges.)" +msgstr "" + +#: bridgedb/ +msgid "(Request obfs4 obfuscated bridges.)" +msgstr ""
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