commit 810df987300f3c0479bba0af279a68eff30f646c
Author: Mike Perry <>
Date:   Thu Jun 5 05:29:54 2014 -0700

    Update translations.
 src/chrome/locale/ca/network-settings.dtd   |   16 ++++++------
 src/chrome/locale/cs/network-settings.dtd   |   34 ++++++++++++-------------
 src/chrome/locale/fi/network-settings.dtd   |   18 +++++++-------
 src/chrome/locale/pa/network-settings.dtd   |   36 +++++++++++++--------------
 src/chrome/locale/pa/progress.dtd           |    8 +++---
 src/chrome/locale/pa/ |    4 +--
 src/chrome/locale/si/network-settings.dtd   |    8 +++---
 7 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ca/network-settings.dtd 
index 5cc6665..f98aba3 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ca/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ca/network-settings.dtd
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 <!ENTITY "No">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firstQuestion "Quina de les següuens descriula teva 
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "This computer's Internet connection is 
censored, filtered, or proxied.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "La connexió a internet d'aquest 
ordinador està censurada, filtrada o usa Proxys">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "Necessito configurar un pont, el 
tallafocs o els paràmetres del proxy.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Configura">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "M'agradaria conectar-me directament a la 
xarxa Tor.">
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.enterFirewall "Escriviu una llista separada per comes 
dels ports que estan permesos pel proxy.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "El vostre proveïdor d'Internet (ISP) 
bloqueja o censura les connexions a la Xarxa Tor?">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "If you are not sure how to answer this 
question, choose No.&#160; If you choose Yes, you will be asked to configure 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more difficult to block 
connections to the Tor Network.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "You may use the provided set of 
bridges or you may obtain and enter a custom set of bridges.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "Hauries d'utilitzar el set de 
repetidors provist o customitzar el teu propi.">
 <!-- Other: -->
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "Aquest ordinador va a través d'un 
proxy que només permet connexions a certs ports">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Ports permesos:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "El meu proveidor d'internet (ISP) 
bloqueja les conexions a la xarxa Tor">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Connect with provided bridges">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Connectar amb els repetidors 
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Transport type:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Enter custom bridges">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Entra als repetidors customitzats.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Entra en un o més repetidors (un per 
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "introdueix adreça:port">
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Ajuda Repetidors">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "If you are unable to connect to the Tor 
network, it could be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or another 
agency is blocking Tor.&#160; Often, you can work around this problem by using 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that are more difficult to block.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "You may use the preconfigured, provided set 
of bridge addresses or you may obtain a custom set of addresses by using one of 
these three methods:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Through the Web">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "A través del web">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Utilitza un navegador web o vés a:";>
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Through the Email Autoresponder">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "A través del mail d'autorresposta.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Send email to with 
the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the message.&#160; However, to 
make it harder for an attacker to learn a lot of bridge addresses, you must 
send this request from a or email address.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Through the Help Desk">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request bridge 
addresses by sending a polite email message to; 
Please note that a person will need to respond to each request.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "A través del Escriptori d'Ajuda">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "Com a última opció, pots demanar adreces 
de repetidors enviant un missatge a; siusplau 
recorda que serà una persona qui et respondrà, siguis pacient i amable.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/cs/network-settings.dtd 
index d974db3..84ca9ee 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/cs/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/cs/network-settings.dtd
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
 <!-- For "first run" wizard: -->
-<!ENTITY torsettings.prompt "Before you connect to the Tor network, you need 
to provide information about this computer's Internet connection.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.prompt "Než se připojíte s síti TORu je potřeba 
poskytnout údaje o internetovém připojení tohoto počítače.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.yes "Ano">
 <!ENTITY "Ne">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firstQuestion "Která možnost nejlépe popisuje Vaši 
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "Toto připojení počítače k 
internetu je cenzurováno, filtrováno, nebo zprostředkováno.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "I need to configure bridge, firewall, 
or proxy settings.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "Potřebuji nastavit síťový most, 
firewall, nebo nastavní proxy.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Konfigurovat">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "Chtěl bych se přímo připojit k Tor 
-<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "This will work in most situations.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "Toto bude fungovat ve většině 
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Připojit">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Potřebuje Váš počítač připojení k 
internetu přes proxy?">
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firewallQuestion "Je počítač připojen k internetu 
přes firewall, který povoluje připojení pouze přes některé porty?">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firewallHelp "Jestli si nejste jisti, jak odpovědět na 
otázku, odpovězte NE. Jestliže narazíte na problémy s připojením k Tor 
síti, změňte toto nastavení.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.enterFirewall "Zadejte čárkami oddělený seznam 
portů, které jsou povoleny firewallem.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
block or otherwise censor connections to the Tor Network?">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "If you are not sure how to answer this 
question, choose No.&#160; If you choose Yes, you will be asked to configure 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more difficult to block 
connections to the Tor Network.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "You may use the provided set of 
bridges or you may obtain and enter a custom set of bridges.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Blokuje nebo jinak cenzuruje váš 
poskytovatel internetového připojení (ISP) spojení se sítí TORu?">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "Pokud si nejste jistí jak odpovědět na 
tuto otázku, zvolte No.&#160; Pokud vyberete Ano, budete vyzváni k nastavení 
Mostů TORu, což jsou přenašeče neuvedené v seznamu, které dělají 
blokování spojení se sítí TORu složitější.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "Můžete použít poskytnutou sadu 
síťových mostů nebo můžete získat a zadat vlastní sadu.">
 <!-- Other: -->
@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "Tento počítač používá firewall, 
který povoluje připojení pouze přes některé porty.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Povolené porty:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "Můj internetový poskytovatel (ISP) 
blokuje připojení k Tor síti">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Connect with provided bridges">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Transport type:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Enter custom bridges">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Připojit pomocí poskytnuté sady 
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Typ přenosu:">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Zadejete vlastní mosty">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Zadejte jedno nebo více mostních 
relé (jedno na řádek).">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "zadej adresu:port">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Zkopíruj logový soubor Toru do schránky">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Nápověda o  mostních relé">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "If you are unable to connect to the Tor 
network, it could be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or another 
agency is blocking Tor.&#160; Often, you can work around this problem by using 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that are more difficult to block.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "You may use the preconfigured, provided set 
of bridge addresses or you may obtain a custom set of addresses by using one of 
these three methods:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Through the Web">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Use a web browser to visit";>
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Through the Email Autoresponder">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Send email to with 
the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the message.&#160; However, to 
make it harder for an attacker to learn a lot of bridge addresses, you must 
send this request from a or email address.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Through the Help Desk">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request bridge 
addresses by sending a polite email message to; 
Please note that a person will need to respond to each request.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "Pokud nejste schopni se připojit k síti 
TORu, může to být způsobeno tím, že váš posktytovatel internetu (ISP) 
nebo nějaká jiná služba blokuje Tor.&#160; Většinou můžete obejít 
tento problém použitím Mostů TORu, což jsou přenašeče neuvedené v 
seznamu, které je složitější zablokovat.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "Můžete použít přednastavenou, 
poskytnutou sadu síťových mostů, nebo můžete získat vlastní sadu adres 
použitím jedné z těchto tří metod:">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Přes síť">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Použijte internetový prohlížeč k 
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Přes automatický e-mailový 
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Pošlete e-mail na s 
větou 'get bridges' jako takovou v těle zprávy.&#160; Nicméně abychom 
ztížili útočníkovi zjištění spousty adres, musíte tento požadavek 
poslat z e-mailové adresy nebo">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Přes zákaznickou linku">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "Jako poslední řešení si můžete 
vyžádat adresy síťových mostů tak, že zašlete slušný e-mail na; Vezměte v úvahu si prosím, že na každý 
požadavek musí odpovědět člověk.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fi/network-settings.dtd 
index 19cc04f..934ddf0 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fi/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fi/network-settings.dtd
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "I need to configure bridge, firewall, 
or proxy settings.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Configure">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "I would like to connect directly to the 
Tor network.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "This will work in most situations.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "Tämä toimii monissa tilanteissa.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Yhdistä">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Tarvitseeko tämä tietokone proxya 
päästäkseen internettiin?">
@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firewallQuestion "Does this computer's Internet 
connection go through a firewall that only allows connections to certain 
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firewallHelp "Ellet ole varma kuinka vastata tähän 
kysymykseen, valitse Ei. Muuta tätä asetusta jos yhteyden saamisessa 
Tor-verkkoon on ongelmia.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.enterFirewall "Luettele pilkuin erotettuina ne portit, 
jotka palomuuri sallii. ">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
block or otherwise censor connections to the Tor Network?">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Sensuroiko tai estääkö sinun 
operaattorisi (ISP) yhteydet Tor-verkkoon?">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "If you are not sure how to answer this 
question, choose No.&#160; If you choose Yes, you will be asked to configure 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more difficult to block 
connections to the Tor Network.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "You may use the provided set of 
bridges or you may obtain and enter a custom set of bridges.">
 <!-- Other: -->
-<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "Waiting for Tor to start…">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.restart "Käynnistä Vidalia uudelleen">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "Odotetaan Torin käynnistymistä...">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.restart "Käynnistä uudelleen">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Optional">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Vaihtoehtoinen">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "This computer needs to use a proxy to 
access the Internet">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Proxy Type:">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "Tämä tietokone tarvitsee käyttää 
proxya päästäkseen internettiin.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Proxy tyyppi:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "Osoite:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "IP osoite tai isännän 
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.port "Portti:">
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.http "HTTP / HTTPS">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "Tämän tietokoneen palomuuri sallii 
yhteydet vain tiettyjen porttien kautta.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Sallitut portit:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "My Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
blocks connections to the Tor network">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "Minun internet-yhteyden tarjoaja 
(ISP) estää yhteydet Tor verkkoon.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Connect with provided bridges">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Siirtotyyppi:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Enter custom bridges">
@@ -59,6 +59,6 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Through the Web">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Use a web browser to visit";>
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Through the Email Autoresponder">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Send email to with 
the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the message.&#160; However, to 
make it harder for an attacker to learn a lot of bridge addresses, you must 
send this request from a or email address.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Lähetä sähköpostia: tekstin kanssa 'get bridges'  160">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Through the Help Desk">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request bridge 
addresses by sending a polite email message to; 
Please note that a person will need to respond to each request.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pa/network-settings.dtd 
index 0ac00e2..483c12a 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pa/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pa/network-settings.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!ENTITY torsettings.dialog.title "Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.dialog.title "ਟੋਰ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ 
 <!-- For "first run" wizard: -->
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firstQuestion "Which of the following best describes your 
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "This computer's Internet connection is 
censored, filtered, or proxied.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "I need to configure bridge, firewall, 
or proxy settings.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Configure">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "I would like to connect directly to the 
Tor network.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "This will work in most situations.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Connect">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "ਮੈਨੂੰ ਬਰਿਜ਼, 
ਫਾਇਰਵਾਲ ਜਾਂ ਪਰਾਕਸੀ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਦੀ 
ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ।">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configure "ਸੰਰਚਨਾ">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "ਮੈਂ ਟੋਰ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ 
ਨਾਲ ਸਿੱਧਾ ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੋਣਾ 
ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ/ਚਾਹੁੰਦੀ ਹਾਂ।">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "ਇਹ ਬਹੁਤੇ ਹਾਲਤਾਂ 
ਵਿੱਚ ਕੰਮ ਕਰੇਗਾ।">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.connect "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕਰੋ">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Does this computer need to use a proxy to 
access the Internet?">
 <!-- see -->
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
 <!-- Other: -->
-<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "Waiting for Tor to start…">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.restart "Restart">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "...ਟੋਰ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੋਣ 
ਤੱਕ ਉਡੀਕੋ">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.restart "ਮੁੜ-ਚਾਲੂ">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Optional">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.optional "ਚੋਣਵਾਂ">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "This computer needs to use a proxy to 
access the Internet">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Proxy Type:">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "ਇਹ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਨੂੰ 
ਇੰਟਰਨੈੱਟ ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਪਰਾਕਸੀ ਦੀ 
ਲੋੜ ਹੈ">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "ਪਰਾਕਸੀ ਕਿਸਮ:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "ਪਤਾ:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "IP address or hostname">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "IP ਸਿਰਨਾਵਾਂ 
ਜਾਂ ਹੋਸਟ-ਨਾਂ">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.port "Port:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.username "Username:">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.username "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ-ਨਾਂ:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.password "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks4 "SOCKS 4">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks5 "SOCKS 5">
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "This computer goes through a firewall 
that only allows connections to certain ports">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Allowed Ports:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "My Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
blocks connections to the Tor network">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Connect with provided bridges">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Transport type:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Enter custom bridges">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "ਦਿੱਤੇ ਬਰਿਜ਼ 
ਰਾਹੀਂ ਕੁਨੈਕਟ">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "ਟਰਾਂਸਪੋਰਟ 
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ ਬਰਿੱਜ਼ 
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Enter one or more bridge relays (one 
per line).">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "type address:port">
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Bridge Relay Help">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "If you are unable to connect to the Tor 
network, it could be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or another 
agency is blocking Tor.&#160; Often, you can work around this problem by using 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that are more difficult to block.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "You may use the preconfigured, provided set 
of bridge addresses or you may obtain a custom set of addresses by using one of 
these three methods:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Through the Web">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "ਵੈੱਬ ਰਾਹੀਂ">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Use a web browser to visit";>
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Through the Email Autoresponder">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Send email to with 
the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the message.&#160; However, to 
make it harder for an attacker to learn a lot of bridge addresses, you must 
send this request from a or email address.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Through the Help Desk">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "ਮੱਦਦ ਡੈਸਕ 
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request bridge 
addresses by sending a polite email message to; 
Please note that a person will need to respond to each request.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pa/progress.dtd 
index ebd9cef..0a1de0c 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pa/progress.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pa/progress.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!ENTITY torprogress.dialog.title "Tor Status">
-<!ENTITY torprogress.openSettings "Open Settings">
-<!ENTITY torprogress.heading "Connecting to the Tor network">
-<!ENTITY torprogress.pleaseWait "Please wait while we establish a connection 
to the Tor network.">
+<!ENTITY torprogress.dialog.title "ਟੋਰ ਸਥਿਤੀ">
+<!ENTITY torprogress.openSettings "ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ">
+<!ENTITY torprogress.heading "ਟੋਰ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਨਾਲ 
ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ">
+<!ENTITY torprogress.pleaseWait "ਸਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਟੋਰ 
ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਨਾਲ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਤਿਆਰ ਕਰਨ 
ਤੱਕ ਉਡੀਕ ਕੋਰ ਜੀ।">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pa/ 
index 7019a69..f0056e4 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pa/
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pa/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ torlauncher.error_bridge_bad_default_type=No provided bridges 
that have the tran
+torlauncher.connect=ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕਰੋ
 torlauncher.quit_win=ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_status=ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਸਥਇਤੀ
 torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Loading authority certificates
 torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Requesting relay information
 torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Loading relay information
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_or=Connecting to the Tor network
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_or=ਟੋਰ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਨਾਲ 
ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ
 torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_or=Establishing a Tor circuit
 torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done=Connected to the Tor network!
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/si/network-settings.dtd 
index a346274..4cedae6 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/si/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/si/network-settings.dtd
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firewallHelp "If you are not sure how to answer this 
question, choose No. If you encounter problems connecting to the Tor network, 
change this setting.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.enterFirewall "Enter a comma-separated list of ports that 
are allowed by the firewall.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
block or otherwise censor connections to the Tor Network?">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "If you are not sure how to answer this 
question, choose No.&#160; If you choose Yes, you will be asked to configure 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more difficult to block 
connections to the Tor Network.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "If you are not sure how to answer this 
question, choose No.&amp;#160; If you choose Yes, you will be asked to 
configure Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more difficult to 
block connections to the Tor Network.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "You may use the provided set of 
bridges or you may obtain and enter a custom set of bridges.">
 <!-- Other: -->
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Copy Tor Log To Clipboard">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Bridge Relay Help">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "If you are unable to connect to the Tor 
network, it could be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or another 
agency is blocking Tor.&#160; Often, you can work around this problem by using 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that are more difficult to block.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "If you are unable to connect to the Tor 
network, it could be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or another 
agency is blocking Tor.&amp;#160; Often, you can work around this problem by 
using Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that are more difficult to block.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "You may use the preconfigured, provided set 
of bridge addresses or you may obtain a custom set of addresses by using one of 
these three methods:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Through the Web">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Use a web browser to visit";>
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Through the Email Autoresponder">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Send email to with 
the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the message.&#160; However, to 
make it harder for an attacker to learn a lot of bridge addresses, you must 
send this request from a or email address.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Send email to with 
the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the message.&amp;#160; However, 
to make it harder for an attacker to learn a lot of bridge addresses, you must 
send this request from a or email address.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Through the Help Desk">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request bridge 
addresses by sending a polite email message to; 
Please note that a person will need to respond to each request.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request bridge 
addresses by sending a polite email message to;#160; Please note that a person will need to 
respond to each request.">

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