commit 0cef03e2661f46aacc3dc9df42fe5e71abe4f0c6
Author: Translation commit bot <>
Date:   Thu Mar 17 18:45:29 2016 +0000

    Update translations for https_everywhere
 hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd        | 98 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 hr_HR/ | 16 +++----
 hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 89 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 3 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd b/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
index 0ff43f1..2ac51cd 100644
--- a/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "O proširenju HTTPS Everywhere">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Enkriptirajte web! Automatski 
koristite HTTPS sigurnost na mnogim stranicama.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Inačica">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Autori">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", i">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Autori biblioteke skupova pravila">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Zahvala">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Puno, puno kontributora, 
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Također, dijelovi HTTPS Everywhere 
su zasnovani na kodu iz NoScript-a, autora Giorgioa Maonea i ostalih. Zahvalni 
smo im za odličan rad!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "Ako Vam se sviđa HTTPS 
Everywhere, mogli biste razmotriti">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "doniranje Tor-u">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! 
Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, 
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere 
are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful 
for their excellent work!">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you 
might consider">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "ili">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "doniranje EFF-u">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY "Donirajte EFF-u">
-<!ENTITY "O proširenju HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY " Podešavanje SSL Opservatorija">
-<!ENTITY "Omogući HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY "Onemogući HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY "Blokiraj sve HTTP zahtjeve">
-<!ENTITY "Prikaži brojač">
-<!ENTITY "Pogledaj sva pravila">
+<!ENTITY "Donate to EFF">
+<!ENTITY "About HTTPS Everywhere">
+<!ENTITY "SSL Observatory Preferences">
+<!ENTITY "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
+<!ENTITY "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
+<!ENTITY "Block all HTTP requests">
+<!ENTITY "Show Counter">
+<!ENTITY "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "Podešavanje HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Omogući sve">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Onemogući sve">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Vrati na početno">
-<!ENTITY "Pretraživanje">
-<!ENTITY "Stranica">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Napomene">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Koja bi se pravila za HTTPS 
preusmjeravanje trebala primijeniti?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Omogućeno">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "Možete naučiti kako pisati 
vlastite skupove pravila (za dodavanje podrške za druge web stranice)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "ovdje">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Prebaci">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Vrati na početno">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "Prikaži izvorni XML kod">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
+<!ENTITY "Search">
+<!ENTITY "Site">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules 
should apply?">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your 
own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY "Pravila stabilnosti">
-<!ENTITY "Prisili 
enkriptirane veze s ovim stranicama:">
-<!ENTITY "Eksperimentalna pravila">
-<!ENTITY "Može 
prouzročiti upozorenja ili kvarove. Onemogućeno pod zadano.">
-<!ENTITY "Dodaj pravilo za ovu stranicu">
-<!ENTITY "Dodaj novo pravilo za ovu 
-<!ENTITY "Uvjek koristi https za 
ovog domaćina">
-<!ENTITY "Domaćin:">
-<!ENTITY "Pokaži napredno">
-<!ENTITY "Sakrij napredno">
-<!ENTITY "Ime pravila">
-<!ENTITY "Uspoređujem regex">
-<!ENTITY "Preumsjeri na">
-<!ENTITY "Otkaži">
+<!ENTITY "Stable rules">
+<!ENTITY "Force encrypted 
connections to these websites:">
+<!ENTITY "Experimental rules">
+<!ENTITY "May cause 
warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
+<!ENTITY "Add a rule for this site">
+<!ENTITY "Add a new rule for this site">
+<!ENTITY "Always use https for 
this host">
+<!ENTITY "Host:">
+<!ENTITY "Show advanced">
+<!ENTITY "Hide advanced">
+<!ENTITY "Rule name">
+<!ENTITY "Matching regex">
+<!ENTITY "Redirect to">
+<!ENTITY "Cancel">
diff --git a/hr_HR/ 
index 08337bd..be83831 100644
--- a/hr_HR/
+++ b/hr_HR/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ = Omogući HTTPS Everywhere = Onemogući HTTPS Everywhere = Omogući / Onemogući Pravila = (Nema pravila za ovu stranicu) = (Pravila za ovu stranicu su nepoznata)
-https-everywhere.toolbar.hint = HTTPS Everywhere je sad aktivan. Možete ga 
prebacivati od stranice do stranice tako da kliknete na ikonu na adresnoj traci.
-https-everywhere.migration.notification0 = Da bi se proveo bitan popravak, ovo 
ažuriranje vraće Vaše postavke HTTPS Everywhere na zadane. = Pokreni HTTPS Everywhere testove setova 
pravila = Enable HTTPS Everywhere = Disable HTTPS Everywhere = Enable / Disable Rules = (No Rules for This Page) = (Rules for This Page Unknown)
+https-everywhere.toolbar.hint = HTTPS Everywhere is now active. You can toggle 
it on a site-by-site basis by clicking the icon in the address bar.
+https-everywhere.migration.notification0 = In order to implement a crucial 
fix, this update resets your HTTPS Everywhere rule preferences to their default 
values. = Run HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests
diff --git a/hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd b/hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd
index 6011e3b..69f1cfd 100644
--- a/hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ b/hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 <!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Pojedinosti i informacije o 
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Pitaj me kasnije">
-<!ENTITY "Ne">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
+<!ENTITY "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere može otkriti napade
-na vaš preglednik šaljući certifikate koje primite
-Opservatoriju.  Želite li uključiti ovo?">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
+against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
+Observatory.  Turn this on?">
 <!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
 "EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
@@ -13,51 +13,50 @@ and auditing the certificates being presented to your 
browser. Would you like
 to turn it on?">-->
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Treba li HTTPS Everywhere koristiti SSL Opservatorij?">
+"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Da">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
 <!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Sigurno je omogućiti ovo, osim ako koristite jako
-ometajuću korporativnu mrežu:">
+"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
+intrusive corporate network:">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Sigurno, osim ako koristite korporativnu mrežu sa tajnim intranet nazivima 
+"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Podnesi i provjeri certifikate potpisane od ne-standardnih root CA-ova">
+"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"Sigurno je (i dobra je ideja) omogućiti ovu opciju, osim ako koristite 
ometajuću korporativnu mrežu ili Kaspersky antivirusni software koji nadgleda 
vaše surfanje s TLS proxy-em i privatnim root CA-ovima.  Ako je omogućeno na 
takvoj mreži, ova mogućnost bi mogla objaviti dokaz koja https:// domena je 
bila posjećena kroz taj proxy, zbog jedinstvenog certifikata kojeg bi 
proizvela.  Stoga je zadano ostavljena isključena.">
+"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an 
intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your 
browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled 
on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains 
were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it 
would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Provjeri certifikate koristeći Tor 
za anonimnost">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for 
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Provjeri certifikate koristeći Tor za anonimnost (zahtijeva Tor)">
+"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Ova mogućnost zahtijeva instalirani i pokrenut Tor">
+"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Kad vidite novi certifikat, recite Opservatoriju na koji ste ISP spojeni">
+"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are 
connected to">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"Ovo će dohvatiti i poslati &quot;Autonomni broj sustava&quot; vaše mreže.  
To će nam pomoći u lociranju napada na HTTPS i u otkrivanju kad nas 
promatraju iz mreža sa mjesta poput Irana i Sirije otkud stižu učestali 
+"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your 
network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine 
whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where 
attacks are comparatively common.">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Prikaži upozorenje kad Opservatorij otkrije opozvani certifikat koji vaš 
preglednik nije uhvatio">
+"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught 
by your browser">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"Ovo će provjeriti predane certifikate s poznatim listama opozvanih 
-Nažalost, ne možemo garantirati da ćemo uočiti svaki opozvani certifikat, 
ali ako vidite upozorenje, velika je šansa da nešto nije u redu.">
+"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation 
Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked 
certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is 
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Gotovo">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere može koristiti EFF-ov SSL Opservatorij.  Ovo radi dvije 
stvari: (1)
-Å¡alje kopije HTTPS certifikata Opservatoriju, da nam pomogne
-u otkrivanju 'čovjek u sredini' napada i poboljša sigurnost Web-a; i (2)
-dopušta nam da Vas obavijestimo o nesigurnim vezama ili napadima na Vaš 
+"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
+sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
+detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
+lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
 <!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
 "When you visit, the Observatory will learn that
@@ -66,37 +65,37 @@ Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Npr., kad posjetite, certifikat
-primljen od Opservatorija će naznačiti da je netko posjetio, ali ne tko je posjetio stranicu, ili koju su određenu
-stranicu tražili.  Prelazak mišem preko &quot;opcija&quot; za daljnje 
+"For example, when you visit, the certificate
+received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
+looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Sakrij napredne opcije">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Provjeri certifikate iako Tor nije dostupan">
+"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"Pokušati ćemo održati podatke anonimnima, ali ova mogućnost je manje 
+"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Prijavite i provjerite certifikate za ne-javne DNS nazive">
+"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Ako ova mogućnost nije odabrana, Opservatorij neće snimati certifikate za 
nazive koji se ne mogu razriješiti kroz DNS sustav.">
+"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates 
for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY "Prikaži napredne mogućnosti ">
+<!ENTITY "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Postavke SSL Opservatorija">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Koristi Opservatorij?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "UPOZORENJE iz EFF-ovog SSL 
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Prikaži lanac certifikata">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Razumijem">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF-ov SSL Opservatorij je izdao 
upozorenje o HTTPS certifikatu(ima) za ovu stranicu:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Ako ste ulogirani na ovu stranicu, 
preporuča se da promijenite lozinku kad budete imali sigurnu vezu. (Ova 
upozorenja se mogu isključiti u &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; kartici u 
postavkama HTTPS Everywhere.)">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a 
warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, 
it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. 
(These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the 
HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Prijavite i provijerite samopotpisane certifikate">
+"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"Ovo je preporučeno; kriptografski problemi su naročito česti u 
samopotpisanim ugrađenim uređajima">
+"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in 
self-signed embedded devices">

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