commit 6bbdb2b9f49bb9afb0daef622bdd89244fe7eb11
Author: Translation commit bot <>
Date:   Fri Sep 23 13:17:50 2016 +0000

    Update translations for tor-messenger-ircproperties
 ar/ | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ar/ b/ar/
index e4461d7..cd26c58 100644
--- a/ar/
+++ b/ar/
@@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ command.deop=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Remove 
channel operator status f
 command.devoice=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Remove channel voice status 
from someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). 
You must be a channel operator to do this.
 command.invite2=%S &lt;nick&gt;[ &lt;nick&gt;]* [&lt;channel&gt;]: Invite one 
or more nicks to join you in the current channel, or to join the specified 
 command.join=%S &lt;room1&gt;[ &lt;key1&gt;][,&lt;room2&gt;[ &lt;key2&gt;]]*: 
Enter one or more channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if 
-command.kick=%S &lt;nick&gt; [&lt;message&gt;]: Remove someone from a channel. 
You must be a channel operator to do this.
-command.list=%S: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. Warning, some 
servers may disconnect you upon doing this.
-command.memoserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to MemoServ.
+command.kick=%S &lt;nick&gt; [&lt;message&gt;]: إزالة شخص من 
قناة. يجب أن تكون مشغل قناة للقيام بذلك.
+command.list=%S: عرض قائمة غرف الدردشة على الشبكة. 
تحذير، بعض الخوادم قد تقطع لك عند القيام 
+command.memoserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: إرسال أمر إلى MemoServ.
 command.modeUser=%S (+|-)&lt;new mode&gt; [&lt;nick&gt;]: Set or unset a 
user's mode.
-command.modeChannel=%S &lt;channel&gt;[ (+|-)&lt;new mode&gt; 
[&lt;parameter&gt;][,&lt;parameter&gt;]*]: Get, set or unset a channel mode.
-command.msg=%S &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;: Send a private message to a user 
(as opposed to a channel).
+command.modeChannel=%S &lt;channel&gt;[ (+|-)&lt;new mode&gt; 
[&lt;parameter&gt;][,&lt;parameter&gt;]*]: احصل على تعيين أو 
إلغاء تعيين وضع قناة.
+command.msg=%S &lt;nick&gt; &lt;message&gt;: إرسال رسالة خاصة 
إلى مستخدم (على العكس من قناة).
 command.nick=%S &lt;new nickname&gt;: غير لقبك.
-command.nickserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to NickServ.
-command.notice=%S &lt;target&gt; &lt;message&gt;: Send a notice to a user or 
+command.nickserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: إرسال أمر إلى NickServ.
+command.notice=%S &lt;target&gt; &lt;message&gt;: إرسال إشعار إلى 
مستخدم أو قناة.
 command.op=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Grant channel operator status to 
someone. You must be a channel operator to do this.
-command.operserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a command to OperServ.
-command.part=%S [message]: Leave the current channel with an optional message.
+command.operserv=%S &lt;command&gt;: إرسال أمر إلى OperServ.
+command.part=%S [message]: مغادرة القناة الحالية مع 
رسالة اختيارية. [&lt;nick&gt;]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no 
user specified) has.
-command.quit=%S &lt;message&gt;: Disconnect from the server, with an optional 
-command.quote=%S &lt;command&gt;: Send a raw command to the server.
+command.quit=%S &lt;message&gt;: قطع الاتصال من الخادم، م
ع رسالة اختيارية.
+command.quote=%S &lt;command&gt;: إرسال أمر خام إلى الخادم.
 command.time=%S:إعرض الوقت المحلي في خادم آي آر سي 
-command.topic=%S [&lt;new topic&gt;]: Set this channel's topic.
+command.topic=%S [&lt;new topic&gt;]: تعيين موضوع لهذه 
 command.umode=%S (+|-)&lt;new mode&gt;: Set or unset a user mode.
 command.version=%S &lt;nick&gt;: Request the version of a user's client.
 command.voice=%S &lt;nick1&gt;[,&lt;nick2&gt;]*: Grant channel voice status to 
someone. You must be a channel operator to do this.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ reply from %1$S in #2 millisecond.;Ping 
reply from %1$S in #2
 #    These are shown as error messages in the conversation or server tab.
 #    %S is the channel name.
 error.noChannel=لا توجد قناة: %S.
-error.tooManyChannels=Cannot join %S; you've joined too many channels.
+error.tooManyChannels=لا يمكن الانضمام للقناة %S؛ قد 
انضممت لعدد كبير جدا من القنوات.
 #    %1$S is your new nick, %2$S is the kill message from the server.
 error.nickCollision=Nick already in use, changing nick to %1$S [%2$S].
 error.erroneousNickname=%S is not an allowed nickname.

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