> Is this available yet?

Yep - https://github.com/gsathya/pyonionoo It's pretty hacky(it was
meant to be a prototype to see if Cyclone was a good idea - and well,
i like it) and will probably have to be refactored.

> So we need to decide on both some milestones and also what various people
> ought to work on so we avoid stepping on each other's toes.
> It seems like a natural way to keep some of our work disjoint is to have us
> primarily work on the back end and Sathyanarayanan on the front end, or
> vice-versa.  Sathyanarayanan, does this sound reasonable to you?  Do you
> have a preference?  It sounds like you're already working on the front end,
> though I was hoping we'd have a chance to play with and learn twisted
> ourselves a bit.

Either way works fine with me.
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