On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Robert Ransom <rransom.8...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/8/12, Nick Mathewson <ni...@freehaven.net> wrote:
>> Michael Backes, Aniket Kate, and Esfandiar Mohammadi have a paper in
>> submission called, "An Efficient Key-Exchange for Onion Routing".
>> It's meant to be more CPU-efficient than the proposed "ntor"
>> handshake.  With permission from Esfandiar, I'm sending a link to the
>> paper here for discussion.
>> http://www.infsec.cs.uni-saarland.de/~mohammadi/owake.html
>> What do people think?
> * This paper has Yet Another ‘proof of security’ which says nothing
> about the protocol's security over any single group or over any
> infinite family of groups in which (as in Curve25519) the Decision
> Diffie-Hellman problem is (believed to be) hard.

Do you think a DDH oracle cracks CDH in Curve25519? If no the theorem
says something.
> Robert Ransom
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