> This is rather exciting. Do you think that this method can be adapted to
> build the pluggable transports bundles? 


I originally started working on this so I could submit a patch to include
the tor-fw-helper in the TBB.

But since the helper is only needed in the PT bundles,
reworking their build process seems the more productive route.

I'll see what I can do.

> This is currently done
> semi-manually, with a makefile that builds the pluggable transports,
> unzips the bundle, copies in some files, and re-zips the bundle.
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/bundle.git/blob/HEAD:/Makefile
> We also have instructions for setting up a build VM from scratch--which
> it sounds like is what Vagrant does--but I guess we would instead use
> whatever is the build machine for the vanilla bundle.
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/bundle.git/blob/HEAD:/Makefile
> It would solve a lot of problems for us to have the PT bundles built at
> the same place and time as the vanilla bundles.

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