Today at **1430h Pacific** (an hour from now), we'll be in #tor-dev
talking about how to turn Instantbird into TorMessenger, or
MessengeTor, or OnionTalk, or something.

Some of you noticed my cunning test of putting different times in the
subject and the body. The body was right, it's 1430 Pacific!

See y'all soon!

On 15 October 2013 21:57, Tom Lowenthal <> wrote:
> Sorry about this late notice too. I thought I'd sent these times out
> already, but apparently I was rather mistaken.
> We'll be in #tor-dev tomorrow Wednesday 2013-10-16 at 1430 Pacific to
> talk about the Tor IM project. We may take up to 90 minutes, and plan
> to meet again next week, probably at the same time unless there are
> conflicts.
> Arlo came up with [a cunning plan][1] m'lord. You should totes read it
> and come tomorrow with questions and suggestions about how best to
> implement Instantbird as the Tor IM app.
> See y'all tomorrow. Play nice, now.
> -Tom
> [1]:
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