28.02.2014 09:53, Yawning Angel:
> 2.2. Tor Extended SOCKS5 Reply Codes
> We introduce the following additional SOCKS5 reply codes to be sent
> in the REP field of a SOCKS5 message.  Implementations MUST NOT
> send any of the extended codes unless the initiator has indicated
> that it understands the "Tor Extended SOCKS5 Authentication" as
> part of the version identifier/method selection SOCKS5 message.
> Where:
> * X'E0' Hidden Service Not Found
> The requested Tor Hidden Service was not reachable.
> * X'E1' Hidden Service Not Reachable
> The requested Tor Hidden Service was not found.

To me it is clear that the two are messed up, but I'm not sure what's
the correct order.

X'E0' means either it couldn't be found or it is not reachable, but is
the description wrong or the error message?

Sebastian (bastik)
tor-dev mailing list

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