I am interested in profiling the UDP transport protocols, I think using a
different underlying protocol could significantly improve Tor's performance
and I would like to be part of that.
At first, I thought that the project consisted of profiling existing udp
transport code. However, I could not find existing implementation of the
protocols described in the pdf[1] or the bug tracker[2]. The newest
reference to the project was Murdoch's blog post, but even that's 3 year
dated, and I couldn't find any followup.
So, is changing Tor to udp still a thing? I see that the ecosystem now is
far more complex than it was 3 years ago, and a change of the underlying
protocol would be much cumbersome to implement across all the applications
that currently interact with the Tor network.
Another issue, is this project suitable for a GSoC project? I believe that
only implementation and testing of the designs proposed in the pdf[1] would
take longer than a summer.
To finish it up, if this project is still kicking, could some pointers to
it be given to me? I'd like to start working on my GSoC proposal asap.
Danilo (knorr)
tor-dev mailing list

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